It is the LAST WEEK of June now and whether its your first week or you are well into your journey lets make this week count!Today we want you to share some of your tips to stay 100% during social occasions!
We are on a mission to help 1000 people drop 2 sizes for end of July! Everyday we give you a daily task and mini prize, this keeps you focused on making the changes that will help you when you get to your slim healthy target weight.
Today we are giving away a TWO WEEK BUNDLE PLUS A VIP ACCESSORY PACK to one lucky winner! Watch the video to find out if it is you! All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning a prize every Tuesday is to keep commenting on our blog. Every time you take part you have a chance of winning, so the more you get involved, the more you increase your chances of winning! WOOHOO!
NEXT TUESDAY WE WILL BE PUTTING THE NAMES OF THE TOP COMMENTS INTO A SPECIAL DRAW FOR AN IPAD MINI!! So the more you comment throughout this week, the more chances you have of getting your name in that draw!! The IPAD MINI could be yours next Tuesday.
TODAY’S TASK : What tips would you give to not break diet for social occasions?!
We want to hear from you! Have you recently went to the cinema, been to a wedding or went for a weekend away? Could you stay 100% on plan? SHARE YOUR TOP TIPS!!!!!!!
The person who gives the best tips today will win A BMI TAPE MEASURE and everyone who comments will have a chance of winning a the IPAD MINI NEXT TUESDAY!
Make sure you leave your tips and help other new people today! DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR OUR SUMMER MAKEOVER MISSION FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £1000 AT THE END OF THE SUMMER!! So many people are posting their I AM IN photos in our secret slimmers Facebook group, the buzz and excitement is so motivating!! If you want this summer to be the summer you finally lose the weight, then you have to join us!
Great video guys!!! 🙂 🙂 Well done to the lovely winner!!!!!! Well deserved!!!!! 🙂 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Great winner 🙂 🙂 WOOHOO!!!
Go prepared!!! Preparation is everything and so if you know you are going to a social function then take a shake in your bag with you and a bar for back up! I would even take some of the flavouring and mix it with sparkling water to jazz up your drink a bit 🙂 At the end of the day, you will feel much better and so motivated if you stick with it and don’t blip!
Love it!!! preparation is defo a key factor… Loving your tips :)xxx
my tips for surviving a social occasion :
if its say a bbq . take your shake, bar or made up meal -using Dawns recipes so they look like snacks _ chilli turnover maybe .
if its a restaurant meal – have lean protein with green veg or green salad .
say NO to alcohol by a little white lie and say your on antibiotics if needs must and stick to fizzy water .
If your friends/family KNOW your on plan they wont bat an eye . if they don’t know then you wont draw attention to it .
IF you do blip , keep it minimal and once occasion is over -flush it out with sip , sip, sip.
Don’t let one small incident spoil your drive and motivation to succeed in your goals and dreams xxx
WOOHOO!! Great advice… Thank you for sharing 🙂 xox
Preparation is key, but so is motivation. You have to be in the right state of mind and also have lots of products packed. One or 2 of each, especially bars shakes wafers water flavourings and coke zero. If it helps then explain that you are on this plan, but if you dont want to then say you’re off carbs. If you do blip keep to lean protein and salad. If you fall off the wagon altogether then give yourself a kick in the bum, then put it behind you and get right back on the wagonagain. You’re doing this for you no one else x
Yes you do!!! MOTIVATION is what makes you achieve!LOVE IT! xx
well done to the winner delighted she won whoohoo lovely girl.,.
my top tips are always be prepared,i have had a few events the last few months and i brought my own food one was a 21st and i made dawns rosties and some cookakes and ate them while everyone tucked into the buffet,same with a bbq last week brought my own food if its a restaurant meal if you dont feel confident enough to brong you own make wise choices its our bad choices that brought us to the new you plan and i feel that i can enjoy all these treats when i complete my journey i have come to far now to let an event or meal stop me being 100% i will continue to bring my new you everywhere with me until i reach goal so the motto is always carry new you with you bars and shakes in the car and always be prepared for what life has to throw at you xx
Yes you have…… 100% after something like this makes you feel so proud aswell. You have done AMAZINGLY well 🙂 xoxox
Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you can “break” the diet for one night. We have all been there and it is SOOOOO not worth it.. If you are worried about what people will think then DON’T be.. This is your life and your right to live it whatever way you want. Have a shake right before you go out and bring a bar with you.. you will feel SO PROUD OF YOURSELF the next day if you stick to the plan and your tummy will feel that bit more flatter!!! Food will still be here in a few weeks time. YOUR HEALTH is more important. xxx
LOVE IT!!! The decisions are YOURS and no one else should sway them! Great advice 🙂 xxx
Love it!!! Plain and simpe 🙂
My tip is to eat before you go out and take a bar or some chicken soup crisps with you as a back up 🙂
Love it! Plain and simple 🙂 🙂 🙂
My top tip is have a product before you go so that you’re not hungry, take a product with you and keep a glass of fizzy water on the go all the time. Smile constantly everyone, and enjoy!
Love it Hedge 🙂 Woohoo! Thank you for sharing 🙂
My top tip is sip sip sip and when that temptation comes your way, just think of the martyr complex NOT GIVING IN will give you!
My top tip is to tell friends you are on antibiotics and are not allowed any alcohol so that is why you are sipping your water. Also, say that you cant meet for a meal but are happy to meet for coffee instead, or say that you have something on earlier (after the meal) and can join the gang later. It wont be forever but I know from last week that this is going to be my strategy going forward to avoid blipping. The pressure is unreal if people think you are on a “mad diet”! Great prize and video today. Can you beleive June is nearly over – wow. jen x
Yes WOOHOOO! Great advice… I know!!! time flies when you are having FUN 🙂
If there is a social event that you need to go along too, enjoy a shake/meal bar before you go, take a snack with you and maybe an additional product. I have rang the venue before hand to make sure they had sparkling water, which I pour into a wine glass with ice. I become the driver so no added pressure to drink alcohol.
On some occasions I have not wanted people to know I am on a TFR plan so I have just told them I am on a healthy eating plan and have eaten before I came out.
The feeling you get afterwards when you realize you have stuck to the plan is great and feels rather better than how blipping would.
Top tips : have a meal pack before you go , or take one with you and have it there , Maybe have a plate and plate and place some food items on there …no one will even notice if you eat any of it
Socialise at the party and say you have already eaten
Drink sparkling water , you could even add water flavourings too 🙂
Stay strong and remember , what others say doesn’t matter really …you can do this !
Do what’s right for you , every occasion is different .
Top tip to stay 100% on a social event is the mindset and will power , yes one can stay 100% on the plan and still enjoy socialising , for some this journey cud be weeks and for some it can take month and we still wud love to hang around family friends , cinemas, theatre and more , trying to take a pack of shake in the bag and still buy a bottle of water helps to make a shake , carying a bar and ordering a black tea or coffee at in the restaurant or oub mean we still can keep company , cookakes made with shake or porridge from dawn recipe are ideal for on the go ,dressing up for a nite out and looking our best is a motivation on it’s own nt to blip and keep 100 % and still be proud next day of the party, while being at a barbecue party keep on moving around and chat to different people and like that no one will notice if we are nt eating and if sometime some family members insist of having you fed then be brave to tell them you ate before coming but u wud love to have a tea or coffee or a glass of water being on the diet plan is our decision so no one can force us to break the plan if we don’t want to do yes these are my tips to stay 100% on the plan and still enjoying quality time with families and friends, hope these tips helps xx
Some amazing tips here Nanda 🙂 LOVE IT! Thank you for sharing 🙂 xx
Being prepared is the key to Social Events, and having the right mind set. If you take plenty of New You products with you the you wont feel like you are depriving yourself as you see other people eating. The bars are great as you can just pop them in your bag and off you go, and also the snacks. You can make you some of Dawn’s cookcakes to take with you, or chill/cottage pie snacks. So when people are tucking in you can as well. Having sparkling water with ice , in a nice wine glass makes you feel you are drinking a special drink. If you are going for a meal no reason why you cant have low fat protein with green salad.
You can tell people you are taking anti-biotics as a reason for not drinking alcohol and they wont blink an eyelid about it.
At the last occasion I went to I had lean protein & green salad, and had sparking water and I felt great, I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself at all. I saw a lady there who was rather large about the size I was when I first started. She was eating for England. I thought to myself you used to be like that, but not any more, and I felt really proud of myself for how far I have come !
Than you Val 🙂 Some great tips 🙂 xx
I didnt have problem yet tellin people about this special diet that changed my life. Im VERY proud of whati achieve ao far with help of new you products and staff. So most of the events im just blabbin about my new special life changing lifestyle. So i dont need to make excuses..i always take bars with me anywhere i go…even if i plan short trip..u never know..:)
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
If I’m going out, I always take meals with me, importantly i don’t go out hungry il have meal before i leave the house. I have drank water and had my bar whilst every one else tucked into a a christening buffet, i still enjoyed myself, and felt brilliant for getting through it, that was the most toughest test occasion I have had. Be prepared like others have said, have your meals in your bag, I get hot water if I’m going shopping, and add my main meal to it, or il buy a bottle water and then i can make my shake up, its all possible!!
YES you can always have fun 🙂 xooxx
yay thank you 🙂 delighted!
i just keep picturing myself at my goal weight and how id feel when i can go out and enjoy myself at a size id be happy at. that has really helped me when ive been out! nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!! 🙂 xx
I drink sparking water with ice and if people ask I say I’m cutting alcohol to see if I can – with food I take a bbq soya snack and a bar with me so can nibble while dri king and when food comes I just have a bar and if asked I just be honnest and say I’m doing this and tell them how good I’m feeling
Honest is good 🙂 If they respect you they will respect your decision 🙂
I try to have a meal or shake before I go anywhere so you can tell everyone that you have already eaten.. a bar or snack in the handbag is great if you feel tempted and plenty of water.. I bring the pink lemonade water flavour if I want something sweet..
It is just that simple 🙂 woohooooooo xx
To avoid prepping at a social occasion prepping is key, live your day as you normally would and drink plenty of water. If its a day event this can be tough but keep in mind your why, if need be carry a water bottle with you. If its an evening event then you can eat before you go this really helps too.
I’ve had both day events and evening.
My reiki shares are day events and I simply take my soup and bar with me, everyone is very much supportive.
Other times I’ve taken the bars or chilli puffs with me for ease.
My biggest test was only a few weeks into my journey, I went to a psychic supper, I stuck to my plan all day and took a bottle of water and pack of breath strips with me. I had to sit there in a room of 60 people all around me and because I’d had my 4 products and was sipping water I did not falter once, even when asked by the hosts if I were eating, the table of ladies were very understanding and supportive too. The universe must have felt for me or something because even though I never ate, I came away with a raffle prize!
So dont quit, don’t give in, remember your why, stay prepared, carry water, breath strips and a snack if necessary. Your own will power is what will get you through these social events, its up to you if you want to tell people what you’re doing but you may be suprised how supportive and non-judgemental many can be strangers or not.
That should say to avoid blipping at a social occasion
You have it all worked out! Great tips 🙂 xxx
There’s loads of fab practical tips here for how to be prepared by having meals beforehand, taking products with you and of course there’s Dawn’s FAB recipes for things you can make the packs into. But for me the biggest thing I have to do is not behave like a victim, i.e. the ‘poor me I’m on a diet so I can’t enjoy myself’ attitude. Just because you’re not eating food and drinking alcohol doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, you have to embrace whatever social situation you’re in and just ENJOY! You won’t be on the plan forever, you will be able to have these foods/drinks again but if you’re serious about losing the weight and becoming your ‘New You’ then you have to make some small sacrifices on the way … albeit temporary ones 😀
Yes you do 🙂 LOVE IT!!!! xxxx
Recently I attended a meal in a restaurant for fathers day with my husband children and inlaws, we had a lovely time, I took a bar with me drank sparkling water and had a couple of black coffee’s. But before I went I set my mind to the fact I was going to be 100% tfr, I knew the restaurant and the menu but I also know that I will be going again when I’m slimmer, healthier and happier.My father in law usually enjoy a glass or two and he said can’t you just diet tomorrow but I just smiled politely and said no because I know how easy it is to put off tomorrow and as they say tomorrow never comes!
So my advice is be prepared with products but also with your mind be strong and believe me you will feel so proud !
Yayyyy positive thoughts… this is brilliant 🙂 xox
Top tips for me , are to have included my family and friends in my journey, but I fully understand that is not for everyone ! On the couple of occasions I have been put on the spot, I have managed to have a pack before I went out, and then just put a few bits on my plate and didn’t really touch them !!
I am a community midwife,and I’m on the road all day , so I always take a lunchbox and my shaker with a couple of bottles of cold water and a couple of packs with me, so I can make them up as I need. I always keep spare packs/ bars in the car just in case ! Always better to be prepared.most people are very understanding, and have nothing but admiration and encouragement for me doing this plan. The doubters are, in my mind , only trying to sabotage my efforts, and in the past this has always made me stop before achieving my ultimate goal. It is important to stay strong , and from experience, I think strength increases as the body decreases!!!!!!!!!
You have it all sussed 🙂 I love it 🙂
Well done to the winner! Lover her!
Defo a great winner 🙂 xxx
Went to cinema had choc balls and coke zero and did not feel left out at all. Always make sure I have a bar in my bag in case unexpected coffee dates.
Love it!!! 🙂 x
Hey guys, I know Im late but it has been a hectic day!
For social occasions, I believe that preparation is key. It may not be possible to have a meal with you but you can certainly bring a bar, shake or snacks. It is also a great idea to get a flask and bring your own soup.
Not only that but I think the best way not to get tempted is to always have a glass of water in your hand, I find when I et tempted, i get fidgety and am very aware of my hands, so that is why I fill them with a glass (or two if you really can’t stop the fidgeting). You also don’t feel as deprived or left out if you can bring your treat of a can of coke zero with you and also, it can put people off the scent or asking that dreadful question… Youre not drinking….. are you expecting.
My grandmother is a terrible feeder and buys enough food in her weekly shop to feed the whole county and gets terribly disappointed when it goes ‘to waste’! So, I personally deal with this by walking to her house, at a brisk pace because this motivates me not to blip, it also surpresses my appetite and reminds me of all the hard work I have been putting in and not to ruin it!
So, to summarise, my top tips are, prepare, drink water (LOTS) and walk to the ‘outing/gathering’ if at all possible.
Good luck everyone,
Loving your tips Helen 🙂 Thank you for sharing 🙂 xx
Ha! Done this many a time now as we go out socially (and for business) for all sorts of functions in our busy lives.
1. I ensure that I have a new you meal before I go so that I’m not hungry.
2. Then I immediately pile the potatoes onto my husband’s plate (more difficult if you are a bloke looking to lose the weight – not acceptable to pile onto your girlfriend’s/wife’s plate!
3. I spend time talking to either side of me, or anyone else across the table whilst cutting up the food into smaller pieces gradually.
4. Carry on talking and each time I get to find an interesting topic to discuss I put the cutlery down and really concentrate on the discussion.
5. Push the food around your plate, re-organise it, cut it up smaller and then push to one side and put the cutlery down for the plate to be collected.
The first time I did this at a social event my husband didn’t even realise (he was sitting next to me) that I hadn’t eaten anything. He apologised to me afterwards for putting me in a situation where I had had to break the diet. He was gob-smacked when I told him I hadn’t and said that he had seen me eating – he hadn’t – he had seen me playing with food. No one even knew. Galling that you have to pay for the food but actually better than paying to get rid of the weight again.
You have it all worked out…. love love love your tips 🙂 Thank you for sharing 🙂
preparing for a social event is very important as you if you don’t prepare you could blip!
Depending on where you are going example a restaurant bring some dinner or soup most places have no problem heating up your food or if your meeting friends for a drink bring your flavoured water and a bar!
You have it all sorted 🙂 woohoo x
My top tip for social occasion is avoid them like the plague!! But seriously stay committed, you will have to miss out on a few things but it will be worth it. Always bring supplies, Ice in a flask, a bar in your handbag, be prepared, don’t be put under pressure, be assertive and don’t explain yourself!
Always keep a bar in your handbag. I love popping in for coffee and this way I am not tempted by all the fancies in the coffee shop!!