The Pros and Cons of the Sneaky Mid Week Weigh In
OK, hands up who does a sneaky mid week weigh in?
*Puts hand up*
Some weeks I never think about stepping on the scales, and then other times I am in the bathroom and the scales just start to call my name so I have to jump on and see what they say.
I did a sneaky weigh in this morning and they told me that so far this week I have lost nada.
My heart sank.
I really am hoping for a big weight loss this week, as I would love to get into the 12 stone bracket and need to lose 4 pounds for the scales to say 12 stone SOMETHING.
So after my initial heart sinking episode, I gave myself a good talking to.
“Well its good I know I need to put more effort in, I have been really bad with my routine and drinking water this week, so I must make sure I am drinking more water, and hopefully I can get in a bit more walking and get moving in general a bit more.”
If you do a mid week weigh in you must use the result to inspire you – whatever the number on the scale is.
But my initial reaction was disappointment, I felt low and a little down. Having a sneaky mid week weigh in definitely has it’s pros and cons.
If it is disappointing then this can make you say “feck it” – and you can throw in the towel. I have seen this happen to countless people on the new you diet. It can also be helpful, as it can make you evaluate your week and see if you do need to drink more water, or even get more rest or make sure you are taking your products regularly.
If it is lower than you want – use it to inspire you to do better.
If it is on target or better than you expected – use it to inspire you to keep going!
Sometimes when we are doing well, this can have the effect of making us “take our foot off the accelerator”. You when you are losing weight and people start telling you that you are looking really well, it can sometimes have the effect that we start eating MORE?! Crazy, but true, its like some sort of self sabotage I think!
If you are feeling a bit low and you stand on the scales and get a good result, it can give you the lift and boost you need to keep going and know that you are doing everything right and moving towards your goal!
The mid week weigh in is a big topic of debate, some people are so against it, other people love to weigh everyday.
Look, I am not saying that mid week weigh ins are bad or good.
What I am saying is that no matter what the scales say, that you have to use the result to inspire you and to motivate you to keep going, and to stay focused on your goal.
Good Luck, and keep going!! Never ever ever give up xx
awww thanks for sharing, im glad to know all the pros and cons of a mid week weigh in. I am a big victim to weighing mid week, seeing a good loss already and then treating myself with food because it cant do much damage cause ive lost so much already, boy was i wrong, i hope ive learnt my lesson, 🙂 ill still probably weigh myself everyday but i must be strong and not eat because im happy/sad with the result… ive gagged the foodaholic part of my brain that keeps giving me excuses to cave, long may it last and im super skinny soon! xxx