Question: What is your ideal clothes size?
Have a think for a minute please and answer this question….
What is your ideal clothes size?
Now be really honest with yourself and answer this question below….

Why are you not wearing that size now?
And this is probably the most important question…
Are you closer to your ideal clothes size this month than you were last month?
If you answered YES – YAY for you!! You are on the road to slimdom, and to living life at a size that you are happy with!!
If you answered NO – then hopefully you can get on track this month and change that, so that you are say next month that you are closer to your ideal dress size.
REMEMBER “The time will pass anyway you might as well put it to the best use you can, and focus on improving your health and happiness.”
Over the next month you can lose weight, drop a dress size or two, have a laugh and meet some amazing people along the way, all with new you diet plan. Let’s get you on the road to being a size you are happy with! Life is for living, stop hiding, and let’s get this show on the road!!
I know you can do it!! If I can do it, you can do it, there are loads of people in Secret Slimmers doing it right now, if they can do it, YOU CAN DO IT.
Much love,
Julz xx