Summary Saturday: Week 2 of April has been suitably Ass Kicked! | VLCD
Summary Saturday:
Week 2 of April has been suitably Ass Kicked! | VLCD

This Sunday we had a written interview with Patsy who has done an unreal job losing 2 stone so far putting her half way through her weight loss journey. She has already made big changes and I am sure you will agree from her before and after photos that she has done an amazing job. Please click [Here] to view here photos and leave a comment.

Maxamise Monday was a special blog designed to help give you Tools and Tips to get you through this week. There was access to the weekly planner and the dream chart as well as a link to an awesome positive affirmations app that you can download free on your smart phone. Click [Here] to view the blog and please feel free to leave me a comment.

This Tuesday was Ellie’s first weigh in since she has gone onto refeed and the results here are going to leave you stunned, check out her awesome before and after photos, looks like she had a ball in London. Click [Here] to see the shock result, photos and leave Ellie a comment.

Ellie rocked her weekly webinar which was entitled Pimp My Plan and was all about how to change up our products to make things a little more interesting and also about overall ways to make your journey with The New You Plan more exciting. Click [Here] to watch a replay of the webinar. Also don’t miss out on next weeks webinar which is all about cool electronic tools that you can use to keep you on track in this webinar which has been named ‘Let’s Get ‘Appy’, click [Here] to register for this.

I wrote possibly one of my favourite blogs to date, it was called Stress the great unsung allied force and was not what you might think. Given that for many of us emotional eating is a very real problem I have written this blog based on a video that I watched recently that changed my whole perspective on stress. I now accept that stress if dealt with in the right manner can actually be a very powerful tool that can be used to push you across barriers and keep you motivated. Click [Here] to view the blog and watch the video that inspired the blog and literally changed my life!

With a few new products being added to The New You Plan range of items and the prospect of there being many more on the way there is one question that is going to be asked more and more frequently and that is How do I make The New You Plan products for this reason I have made a very short tutorial video that will show you how to quickly and easily find any mixing instructions you may need! Click [Here] to watch the video.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Please comment below which was your favorite day and why[/box]
Thank for reading and I hope you have a great weekend
Kind regards
i liked thought for thursday as it made me rethink about how i let stress affect my life.it was a very interesting video and grants blog was excellent x