Stop Worrying About What Other People Think
Do you worry about what other people think of you?
I used to worry about it a lot, but now I hardly give other people a thought and I will show you how you can get to this point too.
If there was one thing that I would wish I could gift all New You customers is the ability not to care about what other people might think. I think this one thing, holds so many people back.
When you step into your own light, and live life the way you want to, that is a very empowering thing. If you have a dream to be slim, healthy, fit, and other lifestyle dreams then don’t let your fear of what other people might think stop you from achieving your dreams.
[quote]Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.[/quote]
Most people are afraid to do a lot of things. The main reason people are afraid to do things is because they are afraid of what other people will think / say / do.
Simplify your life by focusing on what matters and who matters. Forget the people that do not matter.
I LOVE this quote….
[quote]Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.[/quote]
Think about it…
- Who are the people who are going to say something bad about you?
- Do you even like these people? Do you even really know who they are? Are you even sure they really will think bad about you?
- If anyone is going to say anything bad about you, why should you even care about what they think? Why does their opinion matter to you?
Not many people will ever say anything bad and anyone who does say anything bad about you, will only be doing it because of jealously and insecurity. An overwhelming number of people will respect you and admire you.
I am always trying new things and stepping outside my comfort zone, I like to call it, stepping into my expansion zone.
Obviously every time I face a new project or challenge my initial thoughts are of fear of what people will say or think but then I quickly remember that Life is a journey and we are all here to make the most of this wonderful gift of life, to be the best YOU, you can be, to grow and develop and to help other people do the same.
What a shame would it be that you should get to the end of your life and look back and realise that your fear of what other people might think about you stopped you from living the life you really wanted to live. I remind myself of this everytime I feel that fear, instead I focus on who will benefit from what I do and how I can help people.
[highlight]I am so proud of everyone of our customers who have done a Success Interview for our blog. It is a brave thing to do, but the great thing is that after RECLAIMING YOUR BODY, you also RECLAIM YOUR POWER. Your confidence and self belief just sky rocket, and doing new scary things becomes easier! (If you would like to do an interview please let me know by emailing here.)[/highlight]
Here are just some of the scary things that I have had to come to the mental place that I do not care about what other people think.
Writing these blog posts and sending them to thousands of people everyday. ~ I was afraid of people laughing at me, but I knew that I could help some people, so when I write my blog posts I just focus on that one person who will read my blog post and their life will be better for it.
- Showing my before and after photographs. ~ I am very camera shy, and when I got pregnant I basically doubled my body weight due to spending months in bed due to severe pelvic condition I couldn’t walk, I was so ashamed of this and didn’t want anyone to see my photos, but now I just focus on other people who have been ill and spent a long time in bed and put on a lot of weight and hope that my photos give them the inspiration that they can reclaim their body and get back to the weight they used to be.
What are you holding yourself back from doing?
- Are you afraid to start your diet and what people will say about that?
- Are you afraid you will fail on your diet again and you don’t want people to say “I told you so!”
- Are you afraid to go to the swimming pool/gym/jogging, because you are afraid someone you know will see you?
Whatever you are afraid of doing, take a moment to think it through and really figure out WHY you are afraid, and is that fear worth it??
The benefits of losing weight and getting fit and healthy are amazing for your health, energy, general well being, confidence, self esteem and much more! Nothing can be bigger than this, so don’t let your fears be bigger than your dreams. Don’t let your fears stop you from making a difference to your life and to other people’s lives.
[quote]Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.[/quote]
Imagine yourself at your goal. Who will you inspire? Who will start their weight loss journey and improve the quality of their life because they seen YOU do it and you helped them to believe that THEY could do it.
In Secret Slimmers it is a regular event that someone introduces their friend or family member to the group. People around you will see the difference in you, and you will inspire other people to take action.
If you have a family member or friend who is really overweight and you wish that they would do the diet with you, and you keep putting off starting your diet because you want to wait until they start with you. STOP THINKING LIKE THIS! They need you to START, they need to see YOU make changes, LOOK better, FEEL better…. BE THE SHINING EXAMPLE, BE THE INSPIRATION THAT OTHER PEOPLE NEED TO SEE!
Don’t let the fear of what SOME people might think / say / do stop you anymore!
Now go and make it happen!
Julz x
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