Staying Focused Every Day No Matter What

Today is the last day of January. I had quite a challenging day today. I was out all day, and got a few curve balls with information that did not go in my favour! Gosh, I could have blipped so bad to be honest. But I didn’t.
I just kept focused on tomorrow’s weigh in and where I want to be at different stages in 2020.
2020 Milestones To Focus On
First of all I really want to do well for my 4th weigh in tomorrow, I am hoping for 3-4 pounds off – which will bring me to over 1 stone lost so far.
The first day of Spring is 20th March, which is 7 weeks away! I really want to be buying a new spring wardrobe and feeling good at 2 sizes smaller.
Easter time is 12th April – that is 10 weeks away and I want to make sure I have achieved my goal of 3 stone lost by then.
Anytime I feel a wobble coming on, I reconnect with why this journey is so important to me, and imagine how I want to feel, and where I want to be on my journey at different milestones this year.
Failure is not an option, and I know that I will get to my goal 100% on one condition – I DON’T GIVE UP.
Time goes by so fast. January is over! Spring and Summer will be here in no time. Every day counts, and no matter what happens, if you want to be successful you need to be able to stay focused on your dreams.
Ride The Wave of A New You
I know that the feeling of temptation is like a WAVE, it will come and it will go. It doesn’t stay for long, and it will either go because I give in, or it will go because I stayed strong.
I can either let the wave crash over me and knock me off course.
Or I can ride the wave, see it as part of my journey, and feel proud for staying on course and riding it out.
I want 2020 to set the tone for this new decade. I know if I want to have a good decade I need to be focused every day no matter what.
I can’t let little things, get in the way of my big dreams!
Accept the Discomfort
To be successful at anything, and especially weight loss, you need to get comfortable at being uncomfortable.
You are not going to create a jaw dropping transformation and always stay comfortable.
There are going to be moments when it feels uncomfortable. These are the real moments that transformation takes place.

I am excited for February! Another month of moving closer to our new you in 2020! We all know what a new month will bring; there will be moments of discomfort, days that are challenging, and then there will be us, staying focused no matter what.
Much Love,
Julz xox