I am going to stop writing a blog every night

On 27th December 2019 I decided on a whim I was going to write a blog post every day in 2020. I started immediately. This is my 35th day in a row writing a blog post. Only another 336 days to go! 🙂
I am very pleased that I have not missed a day so far!! 35 days of writing and I am really enjoy writing my daily blog post.
I didn’t have a big masterplan behind this idea to write everyday. I just had the idea, and went for it.
Every evening, I sit down with my laptop and whatever comes to my mind I just write about it. I am happy that I have been able to write a blog post everyday. Some are better than others. I am still keeping to my commitment of publishing a blog post every single day.
Thank you to everyone who is following along!! I appreciate you!
Here are some things I do not like about my current process;
1.) As I don’t have a plan I am always looking for fresh inspiration every night, and sometimes it is hard to think about what to write about.
2.) Sometimes my kids need my attention, and I have to tell them to wait until I write my blog post.
3.) Sometimes I feel like I could have done a better job, and got a PDF made to help people go through an exercise, or I should have got an info graphic designed, or even made a video.
4.) As I am writing the blog post under pressure some nights, with a child sitting on my shoulders or begging for supper, it means that I hit publish, and reread it later on and I feel that some sentences haven’t been written well.
5.) It is taking me 1-2 hours a day to write the blog post, and I could be using this time to finish my work on launching NEW YOU SWITCH.
Now that I have been writing for 35 days, I feel that I am settled into the commitment of writing every single day, but I need to start changing things up to address the above 5 things that I do not like.
Get Started, Then Optimise!

January was a big month for me as I started the plan, started blogging, and started a lot of work projects.
I am pleased with the progress I have made in all areas, but I want to keep optimising my efforts; to make my results better and easier to achieve.
Have you been on plan for a few weeks now? Maybe you are feeling you want to start optimising your weight loss journey. You could think about starting to walk more, or start swimming or going to yoga. After a few weeks on plan, you start to feel ready to add more healthy lifestyle options in.
I always think it is great to just get going with something, make some progress, and then aim to optimise and improve as you go.
Done Is Better Than Perfect

I could have waited to everything was perfect before I started this blogging challenge, but I just started it and went with it.
Now it is time to change things up. I want to make these blogs better for you, and easier for me and my home life.
I love having the ethos of DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT and feel we would all make so much more progress if we had this mindset to everything.
Change is Coming 1st February
I am very excited that in February we are launching a SELF LOVE CHALLENGE. In our community we are going to be having a photo and blog challenge based on the theme of self love.
Every day will have a theme for the day, and I will be following the theme on the blog every day for the month of February. This will mean that I do not have to think of a daily topic, as I will be following the daily prompts of the challenge.
Here is a sneak peak into our LoveYourBody Challenge for February. Gareth will be sharing more with you about this in our secret slimmers community.

I will schedule some blocks of time to get ahead of myself in writing the blogs for February. This will help me to improve my blogs. I can get someone to proof read them. I would also like to get some graphics, or pdfs created when appropriate to help you get the most out of my blogs.
When the February blogging challenge is over, I hope to have my March content schedule planned out in advance – to ensure I am giving you the best info to help you on your journey.
I am going to continue doing my weekly round up blog every Saturday! This Saturday is my week 4 weigh in! 🙂
So tomorrow night will be my last random blog post for a while, then we will settle into the FEBRUARY LOVE THEME. When March comes I hope to have fine tuned my process to ensure that you are getting the best of me every day for 2020.

Thank you so much for all the supportive comments that everyone is giving me in our secret slimmers community.
I am really glad I set myself this challenge. It has been good for me in so many ways, I am much more confident than I was, and I have gotten over a lot of fears and procrastination. I only intend to keep making it better as I go along. I can’t thank you enough for all your support and encouragement.
Much Love,
Julz XOX