Spring Transformation Challenge Week 5 Task Winner

This week’s Summer Transformation Challenge Task winner has been revealed!
We kicked off the week with task 5 of our Summer Transformation Challenge & what an amazing one it was!
A new task is announced every Monday and the winner is shared on Friday. This means that you have 4 days to share your answer. Not only will you have the chance to win an amazing prize, but by getting involved you are making yourself accountable and inspiring others with your answer.

This week’s task was a very important one – all about mindset! Customers were asked to share what gives them a Sunshine State of Mind, and what they do to motivate or lift themselves into a positive mind set while on plan.
We LOVED reading our customers’ amazing responses, and as always, they really got into it!
It was a very tough decision this week as all of the responses were to heart-felt and our members really dug deep into describing what keeps them in a positive mindset whilst on plan and in with life in general.

But there an only be one winner though and this week’s winner is Victoria!!
Victoria leans on partner to keep her in the right mindset and give her that sunshine state of mind. Check out Victoria’s response below:
“Well first off as you know I had a very sad childhood but I’m Not bothered about this as I keep myself going yes me. I got my life back in order I came to Blackpool when I was 18 with a few things and 50 pounds. I stayed in a hotel room until I got my flat bought my own shopping, I worked in a cafe full time and at night I worked in a pub I was earning a ton of money. I can’t tell you how proud of myself I was I did not need anyone I became strong capable and fun again. a lot of years have passed and me and Mick got together after 25 years of knowing him. we dated for 6 months as friends little kisses but no knucky then my weight loss started I was addicted I became strong and fit yet again proud of the woman I became. I love Mick to bits he has supported me throughout my weight journey cuddled me when I cried. Gave me words of wisdom when I needed them. strong hugs on my down days.
He is my rock but the best thing is he said Vicky I have never ever been as proud of one person as I am of you… You are my girl you never give up you work so hard… You are always happy. and its you girl who gave me this wonderful life we have. We support each other in everything but he knows how badly I want to be slim he keeps me strong and lights up my life in every way.
My soul mate and my best buddy
And I get to spend every night going to sleep and every morning waking up with the most incredible supportive man ever. This is what keeps me focused and on track.”
How nice is that?! Well done Victoria, you have won yourself a One4All £50 gift card!

We have a brand new task launching on Monday so keep your eyes peeled in Secret Slimmers and for Monday’s evening email for your chance to WIN an amazing prize.
To learn more about our Summer Transformation Challenge, click here.