Schedule Your Self Care
I had the most wonderful Spa Day today with my friend today.
Self care doesn’t just happen it takes planning, but there is something very empowering when you fill your calendar with your self care appointments.
In early November I went for a random Spa Day with my best friend, we had such a lovely day that we decided we would do it every 6 weeks. So we have booked our dates right up to the end of June 2020.
We had our third Spa Day today, and I was saying to my friend how much I love and look forward to these days together. Knowing that we have these days in the calendar from now to June makes me sooo happy 🙂 Im already looking forward to our next day in March! 🙂
Today we decided we would start to make the experience even better by sharing our goals that we want to achieve for the next 6 weeks.
We wrote out our goals today and shared with each other what we wanted to achieve in 5 areas of our life in the next 6 weeks. As soon as I got home I started to schedule into my calendar all the things I needed to do in the next 6 weeks to achieve my goals for our next Spa & Goal Day!
How many times have you had an amazing experience with a good friend or close family member and you have said, “we must do this more often!” and they agree; but you never do it again, the weeks and months go by and life is so busy it just doesn’t happen?…. That has happened to me sooo many times!
The Key Is To Schedule Your Self Care
Life is so busy. If we do not intentionally create a life that we love, life has a way of filling up our life with a lot of busyness to distract us and keep us anxious.
Next time you have an amazing experience with someone, be proactive, and suggest how regularly you should do it. Agree a time scale and then enter it into the calendar in your phone right there and then! Then send them an invite to accept the calendar invitation. Now you both have your important dates in your calendar. It is officially a date!
Make these special appointments for yourself IMPORTANT.
The special moments with friends, your self care, and the time that you need to focus on your goals, are the most important things that should be in your calendar.
Live your life intentionally with the things that nourish your soul. Create a life you love. Fill your calendar with events that energise and inspire you!
What could you schedule into your calendar now?

Set some goals, get your calendar out and schedule in the tasks and time you need to complete those goals. Schedule in your walk in nature, your gym time, your yoga class, your massages and your therapy sessions. Schedule in adventures with your family, time to learn and time to create.
Schedule in your self care and intentionally create a life you love, that supports you and nourishes your soul.
Much Love,
Julz xoxo

PS. If you want to make 2020 a year of self love and transformation come and join me and thousands of others, and create your new you with our specialist diet meal replacement diet plan and the most amazing inspiring online community in the universe! x