Tick Tock Tick Tock – that’s the sound of the Christmas Clock! Yes Christmas time is fast approaching, and to help us all stay motivated with our weight loss goals the NEW YOU PLAN COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE is officially ON!!
The Challenge starts on Monday 5th November and runs until Monday 10th December! YOU CAN STILL JOIN THE CHALLENGE AT ANYTIME!! IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO GET STARTED!!
No matter how much weight you have to lose, there is no better time to get started than now!! Giving yourself the gift of a slimmer healthier new you for Christmas, is the BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF, and your loved ones.
If you have been on the new you plan for a while, now is a great time to recommit yourself to your goals, and get that buzz to give it one last push so that you can end 2012 feeling super proud of yourself and your achievements.
We all want to look and feel good this Christmas, with parties, family get togethers, family photos, and lots more to look forward, we want to approach the festive season feeling really good about ourselves, and wearing clothes that make us feel confident.
This challenge lasts for 5 weeks. This time is going to pass anyway. It is up to you how you spend it. You might as well put it to good use, and invest this time in YOU. You deserve it, and you will have so much fun along the way. Our secret slimmers group is REALLY BUZZING. If you are a new you plan customer you can join this amazing community of over 700 dieters and get support like you have never experienced before.
Here is what you need to do:-
1.) Make sure you have enough products – we recommend the 100 Bundle.
2.) Add your NAME and weight loss goal IN POUNDS in the comments below – for example ~ Julie-Ann 14 pounds.
3.) Make sure you send a friend request to join our Secret Slimmers group if you are not in the group already.
Here are just some comments from our Secret Slimmers group:-
[quote]I don’t know whats more amazing. the immediate and encouraging responses. or the fact that there is a diet that will get me the weight i have only dared to dream about! thank you so much for the responses. you guys are right. its all about taking it a step at a time. and the truth is i should just be joyful in the fact that i am doing this diet. 6 stone literally seemed like nothing after reading your messages. thanks soo much again peeps!
Thank you thank you thank you! i’m totally overwhelmed by the support. I’ve never experience anything like this before.
Down two stone in five weeks soooo happy. find this diet so easy to stick to. good luck to everyone starting off headaches ect will disappear after first few days. roll on next two stone !!!!!!!!
Real pleased been doing this diet from early oct and im having the odd blip but ive lost 18lbs got into a pair of jeans last nite i havent had on for nearly two years fitted perfect and i felt fantastic only about 7lbs left to go.
I started on 18th Sept at 19st 4.6lbs and at wk 6 I weighed 17st 1.8lbs. 30lbs in 6wks.That is 1/3 of the way to my goal. My BMI has dropped over 4points. I am now a different class of Obese which is nice 🙂 But the most amazing changes are internal. I feel so much better in myself, proud that I’m taking control, relieved that I don’t have to feel ashamed of myself for getting into this state, and my confidence is growing everyday because I have finally found a diet I can stick to. Yes, I have bad days, but the point is the good days far outweigh the bad. And when the bad days hit, the ladies on this site pick you up, dust you off and push you back onto the right track. So anyone starting out, I advise you to come here often and use this fabulous resource. Good luck to everybody. [/quote]
If you want more information on The New You Plan then check out our GETTING STARTED PAGE.
PS. For anyone that took part in the October Weight Loss Challenge, we had some issues and we apologise that it was not kept up to date, this challenge will be updated EVERY TUESDAY AND EVERY FRIDAY! 🙂 We look forward to having you with us. Good Luck xx
30lbs goal to lose
Woohoo!! Go for it Aideen! You are in! 🙂 Julz
Hi Julz,
Put me down for a 14lb weight loss for the christmas challenge
20lbs by Xmas
Right then, time to get this backside in order. 1 stone for me please and thankyou xxxxx
Woohoo!! Go for it Dani!! Lets do this!! ONE STONE BANISHED! You are in! 🙂 Julz
Amanda farrell 28lbs
Good Luck Amanda!! 🙂 xx
Could you put me down for 14lb please thankyou
Yes indeed Pauline GOOD LUCK!! xx
Hi my goal for the next 5 weeks is to lose 20lbs, then I will be taking 3 weeks brake from the diet.:)xx
20 pounds!! Good luck Grace!! xxx
I’m aiming for 21lbs that will bring me to the thinnest I have been in 8 years
Yay! Great to have you with us!!! Good luck getting to your goal! xx
Good luck!! 🙂
My goal for the next 5 weeks is 2 stone, thank you so much for your help x
Good Luck, I have added you to the leaderboad and look forward to your updates every week!! 🙂
Julz x
Hi Julie-Ann,
Brilliant idea!! Please put me down for 18lb, I will try to kill it this month! xxx 🙂
Good Luck Monika, I have added you to the leaderboad and look forward to your updates every week!! 🙂
Julz x
Right i’m gonna put a full determined effort in. Chalk me down for 24lbs I know its a large order but im determined im gonna do it xx
Good Luck Helen go for it 100% you can do it, I have chalked you in to the leaderboad and look forward to your updates every week!! 🙂
Julz x
Brilliant idea and want to lose three stone or more
Good Luck, I have added you to the leaderboad for 2 stone and look forward to your updates every week!! 🙂
Julz x
I put down three stone
17lbs for me 🙂
Good Luck Kelly 17 it is!!! Go for it!, I have added you to the leaderboad and look forward to your updates every week!! 🙂
Julz x
Please put me down for 2 stone , hopefully that is achievable
Thank you Jxx
Done! 🙂 Good Luck xx
17 lbs to loose for me x
Two stone for me Fingers crossed j
I would love to lose 20 lbs or more! Sign me up 🙂
You are in!! Woohoo!! 🙂
2 stone 12 pounds!!! Come on!!!
40 pounds! Wow!!! Good luck Suzy! x
Girls, you may not remember me, I was doing the New You at the start of the year and lost loads of weight, not everything. Unfortunately I put it all back on and more 🙁 Planning to get going again for Christmas. Have a load of New You products that I haven’t even opened from the box since my last delivery. So I will do the 5 weeks with you all and I hope to lose 20 lbs at the very least. Best of luck. Jude xx
Hi Julie -Ann,
Could you please put me down for 10lb loss for the Christmas challenge !!!! Will try my best.
Thanks Sheila
Right. Five wks. I want to have lost 22.5lbs. Dream big is my motto.
Hi Emma!! I have put you down for 22 pounds!! 🙂 Good luck sweetie xx
Hi Guys
Put me down for 21lbs please thanks xx
Hi Julie – Ann. Can you put me down for 9lbs. Did great on the Sept challenge but didn’t keep up with the Oct one..so stalled a bit…still ok but will defo be checking in on this one..brilliant idea and it works!! Thanks. xx
14 lbs for me pls
Ola everyone,
Im starting for the first time tomorrow and no better way than with a challenge. Stick me down for 20lbs. Good luck everyone.
My goal for the next 5 weeks is 20lbs, i am hoping by doing a challenge it will help me stay focused, Thanks 🙂
21 lbs is my tagert – fingers crossed and here goes!!
Lena Walliman – 18lbs for me please! 🙂
Great idea! I’m in. Put me down for 16 lbs
n x
21lbs for me please
I would love to lose 14lbs please 🙂
Good Luck Glynis!!! You are in! xxx
Hi Julie-Ann,
I’ll try for 18lbs this time around
Michelle 🙂
I want to be down 1 stone ! That would be fab for me..
Starting tomorrow. Have the products for 5 weeks. I hope to lose 20 pounds.
20 pounds down for me please!
Caroline foley 20lbs
Hi, hoping most of my divorce complications are out the way now. So a clear 5 weeks focus before X-Mas. I really want to loose 21lb xx
Hi Julie-Ann
I will aim for 18 pounds 🙂
15 lbs
Ohhh this is a very good idea!
Leigh McCurdy – 24lbs 🙂
Hiya will u put me down for 20 lbs. !
Can’t officially start TFR until Sunday 11th as going to a wedding on the Saturday and don’t want to undo all my hard work if I start properly on 5th. So it’s only 4 weeks for me really but would still like to aim for 20lb!
I have only three weeks left for my refeed then I have 1 wekk till I am away for 6 weeks so can I join this challenge for 3 weeks?
I would love 11lb gone in three weeks
Thanks Sharon R
Hi Julie Ann put me down for 10lbs have been off the radar for a few weeks but want to get back on track and loose another dress size here we go…….xxx
can you put me down for 21 pounds im going to get there can you put me under julie kellaghan
20lbs for me please 🙂 just starting tomorrow 🙂
14pounds please
Can you put me down for 30 pounds please x x
I have lost 2st 6lbs over the last 3 months, i would like to loose at
least 1st
I need to focus have been lazy this last 2 weeks,xx
well i don’t know what is realistic, so I’ll put 18lbs like everyone else and hope for the best!
good luck to all!
Am sooo in! Put me down for 20lbs.
I’ll try for 20lb!
I would like 18 pounds x
U can put me down for 21 lbs please
Day 1 for me tomorrow so Id love to join in on this challenge!!
I plan to do 3.5 weeks then refeed for 2.5 weeks on the 100 bundle so not sure how much Ill lose but Im hoping a stone plus??!!
I put you down for 16 Claire x x x
Hi, Can you put me down for a stone pls x
I’m going for 18 lbs
Hi put me down for 14 pound 🙂
Looking to lose 28lbs or even 42lbs if possible.
I put you down for 30 lb x
Only starting New You Plan tomorrow so am hoping to have at least one stone off in 5 weeks x
Hi, only starting tomorrow, would love to aim for 28lb, thanks.
I would like to try for 12lbs please
18 pounds. In there like swimwear…….
i would like 18lbs
heya hun,
can you please put me down for 30lbs for xmas challenge
manda m x
21pounds starting for first time on Tuesday
Best of luck Eileen x x x
Well restarting in the morning and i know I CAN DO IT so stick me down for 20 Lbs please and thank you 🙂
x x x
Hoping for 20 pounds….. fingers and toes crossed…. x
Would love to shed14lbs by Christmas, n that’s just da start!!
21lb weight loss would be fab
Yvonne S – hoping for 20 lbs
I’m in…21lbs 😉
Eeeeeeekkkkk gunna go for 20lbs off in five weeks if I lose that before Christmas the beautiful Karen Millen dress I have had my eye on will fit like a glove! Good luck to everyone you can do it let’s do this together!
You can do it Natalie x
Morning all November 5th,
28ibs by December 10th
Good luck to everyone x
Morning All.. 18lbs by December 10th.
Good Luck to all xx
can u put me down for 21lbs please
21 lbs plz …x
I would love 20lbs off!!!!!
10lbs please!
Put you down for 10 x x x
I’ll give it a go as well, 22lbs for now!
28lbs would be great, 5 weeks not a long time out of your life
Hi I hope to loose 25lbs in the next 5 weeks. I have ALOT to loose in total.
Thanks a mil Annette
Hi Julie-Ann.
I would love to lose 20 lbs on the challenge!!
You can do it Yvonne x x x
Put you down for 20 x x x
16 pounds for me please to bring me to 9 stone, my ideal weight 🙂
Hi Julie Ann
Can u put me down for 28 pounds please
Christina x
30lbs for me please!
You`re in! x x
21lbs for me please
Started (again!) today…25lbs please…
I need to lose 30lbs to bring me to my ideal weight of 9 stone but I’ll settle for 2 stone by the end of the year.
im gonna go for 20lbs
You can do it Lynsay x x x
Hi, hoping to lose 21lbs by Christmas, fingers crossed, good luck everyone
Please put me down for 24 pounds. I have to do it now! Thanks
You`re in x
November 5th 2012 on day three all good cant believe how determined i am looking forward to Christmas challenge put me down for 30 lbs i know i can good luck everybody m
Put me down for 14 lbs please. Another stone gone would be very nice.
Hi I’m going to join this xmas challenge …even thou I’m for berlin for 5 days… 20 lbs off is my. Goal…. eoohoo butterflies in my tummy, excitement in my heart woohoo…..oh my,my ,my I feel a slimline xmas is on the way….. goodluck everyone.. bless..:-)
Best of luck Liz x x x
Hi lisa how do I go about updating the xmas challenge, I lost 7 lb the first week.. thanku liz 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
ok so, I am in, I have around 8lbs still to loose… I guess thats doable!
Bring it on! Good luck all!
Please put me down for 21 pounds……
I am on holiday after the 28th November but want (or need) at least 12lb off by that date
26lbs of ugly fat, goodbye and good riddance!!!
Put me down for 20lbs! Sparkly Christmas party dress here I come!!
woohoo x x x
20lbs for me please!
16 pounds for me please
Hey gonna try get too 11stone for start of dec so put me down for 15 lbs please xx
youre in x x x
I will be down 21lbs!!
14 pounds for me
am in please..hoping to lose 2 stone…
Hey Julz,
Been gone a while but im back had a shake this morning and have another one planned for lunch. Monday fresh start! I would love to loose 12.7 kgs before christmas. a total of 26.45 lbs, i know its a lot but i think the first week i will loose a few more then others. Best of luck all…
Hey LOLLI 🙂 I`ll put you down for 26lb x x x
Hi, I’ve been gone a while as I was away on hols…I’m currently 11 stone 12lbs 6 ozs and ideally I would like to be 10 stone by Christmas. I know it’s a big challenge but I really really would love to do it. My target for this week is 10lbs….I started back on track today so fingers crossed. Best of luck to everybody else on the challenge….
Hi Kim, this challenge is for 5wks so i`ll put you down fot 20lb x x x
14lbs off would be great
I’d like to lose a stone by Christmas
Hi.. im going for 10lbs !! here goes,thanks 🙂
I would love to lose 16-20lbs – fingers crossed
Diane. I’m in. 28lbs. Hopefully plenty of time to shift that last 2 stone!!!
Best of luck x x x
Hi, I am going for 20lbs
14 lbs.
put me down for 14 lbs
You`re in x x x
just starting the new you plan today,its good to have a challenge to get me going! im going for 14lb, iv 2 stone to loose in total so if i lost half that by Christmas id be really happy!!
You will do great x x x
Hi, first time doing the challenge !! Put me down for 16lbs 🙂
Hi all. Put me down for 14 lbs please. I hope to be a sexy size 16 for Christmas Day!!
Put me down for 1 stone please . good luck to us all xxxx
I’m in. Totally lost focus recently. Back on it today. Excited to slim with others! 🙂
Hi Rebecca 🙂 i`ll put you down for 20lb x x x
Hi can you put me down for 28 pounds please 🙂
3 stone……started walking today…so have to try and stick with it
Need to loose 4 stone but for Christmas I am hoping and aiming for 21 pounds….. Started today and I am excited and nervous… Tick tock 😉
You can do it x x x
my first challenge, 17lbs please
First week weigh in tmoro so hoping with that included ill have 2 stone lost for Christmas…eeekk!!!
Best of luck for 2m!Exciting x
20lbs:) Here’s hoping!!!
You can do it!x
Hoping to lose 20lb. Whoohoo bring it on 🙂
Gonna do it!!! 2 stones !! x
Great to have you with us!!!!x
want to lose 4 stone but will be happy with 2 before christmas.
21llbs …. thats’s my goal for christmas !!
Hoping for 18lbs.. have a few days I have to breakout for so fingers crossed 🙂
20 lbs for me
21 lbs goal for me for Christmas please. Haven’t been focused for the passed month. Just the challenge I need. Thanks you.
Please put me down for 14 pounds please
I have 1.5 stone to loose and I’m determined
Will set a 21lb challenge for Christmas…a big pressie for me, for the New me!!
21 lbs
Can you put me down for 14 pounds please?
Renee 28lbs pleaseeeeeeeeeeee 🙂
hi all want to lose 21 pounds………
totally motivated
Hi girls
put me in for 14lbs, i will have to work hard but its time i did a bit of that nyway 🙂
love Tricia
21-30 lbs
Hi Sarah I put you down for 25lb x x x
Hi could you put me down for 28lbs please 🙂 thanks xx
Can I still join?? If so can you put me down for 21 pounds!! Thanks
Yes 🙂 You`re in x x x
Hi Julie Ann, I’m really struggling with this at the moment, but the support and encouragement remains as incredible as the first day. I really do hope by re committing I will continue my journey. Fingers crossed. Put me down for 21 lbs. “she says hopefully…;) ”
Thanks, good luck everyone. Xxx
Hi Julie Ann – just got my delivery and started today so if I’m not too late can you put me down for 20lb…..here’s to a slimmer Xmas!!!!
im hoping for 21 Lbs, ive messed about for the last month so now im determined to kick my ass into gear xx
Would love to lose 14lbs in time for Christmas. Sooo excited!!! 🙂
I’m hoping to loose 2stone for Christmas 2012 to be back on track to a healthier me.
I would love to join in and love the support. Please put me down for 15 pounds… thankyou so much
Hope to start on Monday 12th November and would love to lose about 14lb of baby weight
You`re in!!!! x x x
started Monday 12th and lost 5.5lbs. Im a happy bunny. xx
Orlarose. 24lbs
Can you put me down for 41/2 lbs off this weeks please Thankyou
Woohoo!!!! well done Pauline x x x
mairead casey 30 lbs!!!
Please put me down for 28lbs by Christmas 🙂
I’m a bit late in starting but I’m determined to lose 20lbs by Christmas.
Can u put me down for 20lbs …. by Xmas :))
Sunimol Joseph, 18 lb s.
14 lb please
Hoping to lose 21 pounds for Christmas xxx
14 pounds please!!
starting tomorrow sat 10th
Yaay x
Please add me in for 14lbs. Thank you.
Well, first week completed and I lost 7lb, could you please update me on the board, good start to the challenge. Many thanks.
xxx 🙂
Well Done Monika x x x
Hi Amy,
Can u please put me down for 5lb for this week.
No prob Grace! delighted for you x x x
HI Lisa, Can you add me to the board too please? I am aiming for 14 pounds, and I have lost 4 for week one weigh in. 🙂 Woohoo!!
Done x x x
was 14st 13lbs just 2days ago.. Need to be 13st 4lbs for santa dress..
Put me down to loose 1STONE & 9lbs by xmas eve x
Hi Lisa! Can you add me to the challenge? Starting this week and have a Christmas goal with a target of 21 lbs. Thanks 😀
Put me down for 21lbs loss by christmas.
Hi, I lost 6.5lb is week 1, but only 2 days of that were in the weight loss challenge, so do I split it out and say 2 lbs ? I know its a silly question, but have to ask xx
I`ll put you down for 6lb as that is your weigh-in amount! x
Hi I’m delighted to say I lost5.5 lbs this week. 16.5lbs left to do!
28lbs to lose..i seemed to have been knocked off the leader board
No You are there Gillian x
Lost 4lbs girls 17 more to go to reach target 🙂
well done hun x x x
lost 11lbs woohoo!
Wow!!! great start. well done x x x
Aideen, I have lost 7.5lb and am changing my weigh day to Sunday from here to keep it counting right
well done x x x
I would like to loose 20lb for Christmas. Finger crossed 🙂
Down 2lbs this week. Fine with that. Slow and steady works for me!
Well done!!!!It all counts x x x
Hi julz and Amy. 2lb off for week 1
Well Done Majella x x x
Hi Julie-ann,
Can you put me down for 14ibs please – going to start in the morning xxx
No Prob x x x
5lb down after falling off the wagon…
ahhh 21lbs would be fantabulous but as I’m a week late lets say 14lbs
Morning. I have lost 3 lbs. Please could you enter on table. Ta xxxxxxDani
..Hey guys down 11lbs….
Well done Dani x x x
Hey guys down 11lbs….
Brill Gillian! Target is well within reach x x x
Week 1 of challenge – 3.6 lbs down
Well done you x x x
Week one weigh in and 9lbs down so happy with that……x
Great!!!!well done x x x
6.5 lbs down week 1…happy days!!
Yaay! well done x x x
Good Morning!
I’ve lost 7lbs this week 🙂
Happy bunny!
Great result!well done x
week 1 of xmas challenge i lost 4lbs. nxt weigh in is friday
Woohoo! go lynsay x x x
Hi can you put me down for 3lbs gone this week… yipee im back on track !!
Eileen. 🙂
Great to have you back!!!!!!! well done x x x
whoop whoop …wk1 weight-in……13lbs down :O :O :O i know :O :O holy s**t!!!
Holy Moly Renee!!!! delira for ya x x x
Wow Renee that is amazing go you………almost a stone so big well done and heres to a fab second week……x
Lost 5 lbs this week delighted but i wasnt 100% gonna nail it this week xx Im on my way xx
Way to go Helen x x x
7lbs loss for me this week, only 11 more to go for target :)xxx
woohoo! well done hun x x x
3.5 lost this week
well done chick x x x
First week: 3lbs down.
Go Mary!!!! x
First week over…9lbs down!!
Hi Sinead I have 2 sineads with the same target so from now on will you post as sinead1 please 🙂 Thats what i`ll put you on the board as! well done hun x x x
Hey guys week 1 and 11 lbs down ..
Hi i know im a week late but id like to lose 21lbs in next 4 wks , can uu count me in plz. x
You`re in!!!!!! x
Good morning, can you put be down for 4 please. 17 lbs to go. Thanks.
well done Susan x x x
Week 1 weigh in and 10 pounds down, can you update that please.
ok I have 3 karens 1 with goal of 21lb and 2 with goals of 14…can you let me know which one you are lol and we`ll change your name to Karen1 or something lol!!!Reply to this comment and i`ll update the board accordingly x
Hi Lisa,
My goal was 14 lbs but I think it may be on the board twice in error also both times for 14lbs. Karen1 is fine with me..
Can u put me down for 4lbs this week. Thanks.
great stuff helen x
Hi Lisa
6lb off this week for me :))) Can you please take if off my target?
20lbs to go … and it’s going … for good!
Way to go Tracey!!!!!! well done x x x
forgot to update my first week of this i lost 2 pounds x
great! well done kari x
Hi, first weigh in, down 5.5lbs. Can you update for me please? Also, I think my name may be spelled wrong on the board (unless there is an Emma Hanron). Doesn’t matter, just want to know which Emma I am 🙂
Emma Hanton
LOL!!! I`ll change the spelling! Was wondering if it was you with a typo as I didnt recognise the name Hanron!!!! Well done on your week1 loss chick x x x
Never mind, I see I spelled my OWN name wrong in my original post, ha ha. I now know which Emma I am.
Waaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😀 😀 😀 Week one of the christmas challenge and i just HAD to weigh myself 😀 8 whole Lbs gotten rid of!! VERY happy with myself 🙂 🙂
x x x
Woohoo! Go Samantha x x x
7lbs of upto Monday 12/11 – 10 to go xx
Hi Amanda 🙂 Changed your name on the board to Amanda 2….Just to save confusion as there are 3 Amandas. So please update your next weigh-in as Amanda 2! Thanks and well done x x x
Lost 4lbs., week 1.
Well done Juliet x
Hi I’ve lost 4lbs this week
Well Done Olivia x x x
Anne Sharkey- week 1 weightloss 4.2lb
Yep its a big one!!!! Welcome back Tricia x
Please put me done for 20 lbs!!!!! Would be amazin to do that !
1st Week weigh in 12/11/12. Lost 10lbs…Happy Dayz 🙂
well done Frances x
36lbs goal – 15 off so far. 21 to go!
That should have said 40lbs goal! 15 off 25 to go 😉
Wow well done suzy!!!x
week one weight loss 12 3/4 lbs
Wow Melissa!!!! nearly at target already!! well done x
Natalie B I have lost 4 lbs this week so 16 pounds to go!
Brill! well done x
Please add me to lose 10 lbs
Just added you x
A day late but can you put me down for 4.5lb for week one
great!!well done x
Can you put me down for 20???
done x
Hi there, Week 1 and 7lbs down. I have ALOT of weight to loose so need to focus more next week as i had a few mishaps but am really happy I did not completely go off the rails. Thanks a mil. Annette
Well done Annette <3
Hi all 3lbs down 25 more to go my goal is 28lbs 🙂
well done Steph x
Monday weigh in 8lbs lost
well done helen!!!!! x
I lost one pound
They all count Deirdre! Keep it going x x x
Have 13 pounds off my xmas target!!! 🙂
woohoo! well done elaine x
Started last Wednesday down 12 lbs already delighted !
brill! well done Kim x
4 lbs for me please. Xx
well done Helen!!! youre doing gr8 x
Siobhan Whelan – week 1 weight loss 4lbs:) On target x
well done siobhan x x x
Lost 11 lbs
great result!!!!! well done you x
hiya week one over for me and im down 5lb my goal is 20lb x
brill grainne!! well done x
as we have 2 grainne`s im gonna put you down as grainne1 so if you could use that name to update that would be brill! thanx x x x
Hi, wasn’t able to get on line! But down 5lbs in 1st week 🙂
Go Mary!!!!! x
Please put me down for -20lb.
welcome aboard Jojo x
hi i would like my goal to be 21lb 🙂
thats done for you x
Down 2 pounds in week 1!! 🙂
well done Sam x x x
Hello all,
Week one done, down 6lb, goal for Christmas Challenage is 20LB.
great stuff Molly x
week one, 8lb down
yaay well done Edel x
Starting next Monday want to lose 28lbs by xmas
welcome Lucy 🙂
Put me down for 1.5lbs lost. Oh what a slow start,xx
Slow and Steady wins the race!!!!! all counts Tricia 🙂 well done x
Started on Wednesday after week 1 I’m down 13 lbs !!!
wow, welldone yvonne x
Week1 11lbs down
Great job Melanie x
i lost 3.5lbs on monday.
well done Marie x
Hi is it too late to join if not my goal is 32lb for Xmas week one down 12lb
Never too late Anita!!! Great start too x x x
Im aiming to say goodbye to 24lbs 😉
great to have you with us Martina x
8lb please, dont know if my message went through the first time.
it did edel! thats done for you x
cant remember how much I put down for but lost 4lb week 5 12th nov
well done Sharon x
HI, my first week at loss 4 lbs. Thanks
Well done sunimol x
Week one of xmas challenge and I’ve 7 lbs off….. liz mclaughlin
well done Liz x
Week 1 lost 9lbs, thanks
Hey Joanne what was your target?I have 2 joannes on the board x
hi can you put me down for 28lbs pls starting sunday
5 off 🙂
well done Gill x
Hi second week 4lb off getting there
Brill Pauline x
Hello Hello,
2nd week and 1lb off, which I am very happy with seeing as I have been on medication for the last week.
Roll on week three – Woo Hoo Baby 🙂
well done caroline x
First week and that’s 9 lbs off for me ! It’s amazing that nearly half my target and I thought I would be lucky to get the stone off!!!!
well done Anne x
Ye!! After slow start – week one all over the place but no gain – after big focus week 2 …got the results:-) :-). 5 down…actually 5.5 but I’ll call it 5! Happy happy happy!!!!
Thats great Heni x x x
5 pounds lost so far
Well done Julie x x x
Hiya, put me down for 5lbs in week 2 wooohooo!
excellent!!!!!!!! well done Gillian x
pauline 14 lbs
You are on the board for 14lb target and 4.5wk1 and 4wk2 is this the same pauline??x
Managed to get down by 3 lbs in week 2. Very happy with that. Reached my mini goal of getting to 70kg after being stuck for ages on 80kg. Happy out!
woohoo!!!! congrats on reaching mini goal x x x
Hi I lost 6 pounds in first week
Thanks Christina
well done Christina x
Hi guys,
Hope you are having a good weekend. Could you please put me down for 5lb loss for the second week of the Christmas challenge, woohoo!! 🙂
Brill Monika!!!!!! well done x
17lbs so far – 23 to go!
Well done Suzy!!! you are doing gr8 x
Hi guys I was wondering am I allowed to have any alcohol as a one off?
No fiona its best to avoid alcohol as it will knock you out of ketosis x
week 2 of the xmas challenge and week 3 weigh inb for me…. 4 lbs down. x
Great stuff Lynsay x x x
hi i lost 2 pounds in week 1 of the challenge .
hoping for more in week 2
well done Karen! x x x
Can’t see my name on the list!!
Target was 21 lbs
First week 9 lbs off!!!!!!!
well done Anne!!!! x
Week 2
Another 7Lb down
Total 14lb
first stone gone!!!!!! well done Aideen x
I’ve started – yesterday and I aim to lose 20 by Christmas! Please add me to the challenge! xx
You`re in Rachy 🙂 x x x
Just finished week one and WOW I’m over the moon with my results 14lbs roll on week 2 let’s be having you ……..
Hi Fiona is your target 20lb or 28lb I have 2 fiona`s on the list…im gonna add this to the 28lb one and if thats not your target i`ll swap it around x
3lb down this week 🙂
well done Kelly!!!!! x
2 and 1/2 lbs down this week delighted as it was my totm !
well done Caroline!!!!x
18lbs off – 20 to go!!! xxx
18lbs off – 22 to go!!! xxx jesus my maths are crap lol!!’
Week 2 weigh in this morning 5 lbs off that is a stone in two weeks happy happy happy…x
brill Sandra! Delighted for you x x x
Hi ya, week one weigh in (started late).
Can you put me down for a loss of 9lbs.
Thank you:-)
Brill Karen!!! well done you x
guys down another 4lbs this ….
wow!well done Gillian!you are doing gr8 x
I only started last Monday so this is only my 1st weigh in – 8lbs gone, am delighted!
Great result Jeanette! well done x
Can you update me with 10 lbs off in week 1 and 2 lbs in week 2. My target was 14lbs so 2lbs to go..
Well done karen!!! I`m gonna call you Karen 1 from now on to avoid confusion so will you update nxt week as karen 1? Thanks x x x
Scales haven’t moved this week so I stay on my 7lbs from week 1 🙂
Thats ok Michelle! Im sure nxt week will be a gr8 week x
Week 2 – another 4.8 lbs down – total of 8.4 lbs since start of challenge
Well done Yvonne! x
5lbs off in week 2:) Over target Yippee!
BRILL Siobhan! well done x
Hi,hope you r all well ? Can you please put me down for 2lbs loss this wk.
luv Eileen 🙂
Well done Chick!! x
Can you please put me down for 6lbs last weeks weight loss, forgot to update on friday.
Thats done grace! well done x
weight loss this week 2lb 🙂
well done hun x
Hi can u put me down for 12lb :))
Okkkkkkkk well by some miracle this week i’ve lost 1LB 😀 it’s ok though coz i’ve had a really bad week and most definitely was not 100% or even close to it! 🙁 But right back on it 100% this week… woohoooooooooo… best of luck everybody x x
well done! Amazing result x
Week 2 weigh in 10lb off .. Delighted that’s 22lb of my Xmas target 🙂
brill!!!!!Gr8 result Anita x x x
Another 6 pounds gone for me please…and with that I hit my target…so refeed here I go! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much.
Ah well done for reaching target already!!!!! x x x
1lb for me this week please….
well done x
1 3/4 lbs off this week x
well done melissa x
Ola, down 5 lbs this week, so thats 2.5 more to my first stone!!!
Well done Claire! x x x
Down 4 pounds this week 🙂
Great start Collette x
This week i lost 9 pounds !!!!! only 1 pound last week but this has made up for it . karen logan
well done Karen x
Can I join the Christmas challenge for 21lb so far in 1st week I’ve lost 7lb
thanks Roslyn
You`re in!!!! great start well done Roslyn x
Week 2 of the xmas challenge and 2 lbs gone…. total of 9 lbs woohoo
Well done Liz x x x
julie ann, ive disappeared off the challenge – i want to lose 20 lbs and week one i lost 5 lbs and week 2 im down 3
You`re on the board!!! well done, you are doing gr8 Grainne x x x
Hi ho Amy, slow and steady wins the race. I have lost 2 lbs. can u update me on the board. Thanks
Thats done! You are doing gr8 Majella x
Week 2 & I had to go out for dinner & drinks on sat night, still down 4lbs, delighted!!
BRILL Sinead!! Well done you x x x
Great Job marie x
3.5 off since last weigh in thurs to tues:)am going to start weighing in weekly on a tues. More than half way to Target
Thats great Gill!!!!!!!!! well done you x
20th Nov weight loss 2.6lbs
Great stuff Anne! You are doing brill x
Wk2 4.84lbs gone. Doing a happy dance 🙂
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done Emma x
Down another 1lb so total 6lbs, delighted with it x
Well done Mary x
3lb off this week Lisa. 17lbs to go … lets be havin ya!!! xxx
GREAT result Tracey!!!!!keep it up x x x
Heelllloooooo sorry I’m late posting this was 100 percent except for last night when I had a few drinks in Dublin. Weighed in this morning 6 lbs down delighted. Giving 100 percent for the next 3 weeks no other nights planed. So happy to be closer to my target for Xmas.
Well Done Helen x x x
hi want to loose 20 pounds for christmas 10 pounds firest week
Just added you!!!! welcome aboard, amazing start! well done x x x
Hi girls… can you put me down for 2lbs weight loss this week !!
Eileen 🙂
This wk weight loss 10.5 pound.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! well done Leeona x x x
Hello. Put me down for 2 lbs week one and then 5lbs for week two.
Thanks 🙂
That should say njmacs
Done!!! well done njmacs x x x
Put me down for 1 more pound please!! Have to improve on this!!
love Tricia x
Stick at it Tricia <3 You can do it x x x
Hey I am starting tomorrow, when pack arrives. Goal is 56lbs overall, would love to lose a stone in my first week though (I tend to lose lots fast at start of diets as I am so overweight) x
Although for the next 5 weeks I would like to lose 28lbs x
You`re in!!!!! best of luck x x x
Thanks Lisa, I am excited!! I am asking for clothes from everyone for Christmas, can finally buy lovely things!
Hi there, Daire here and I want to loose 28 pounds by christmas! Put me down for 8lbs lost in week one!
This will keep me motivated!!
Welcome Daire! well done on wk1 loss x x x
Hi there Just re starting can you put me down for 20 punds by christmas?
No Prob!!! Best of luck x x x
Sandra 19 pounds (yikes!)
Hi sandra, what is your overall target??? x
Hi girls..just joining up so can you put me in for 21 lbs for xmas challange please…:)
You`re in Mary x
I have lost one pound in week 2
Well done Deirdre! It all adds up x
Hi started 12.11.12 Lost 4.5 lb in week one. Happy bunny. xx
well done Jo x
Another 4lbs off this week! Pls update leader board.
Well done Juliet x x x
hi guys i havent seen myself on the leader board, i am hoping to loose twenty lbs for xmas – is there a particular day to weigh in or as i started on saturday do i post my weight loss on sat – thank you x
Hey Christine, just weigh a week from when you start and update here each time you weigh x
Weighed in at 16st, by Xmas I aim to be 14st 🙂
You can do it melissa x
Hi, 1st week done and lost 4 lb.
Considering I had an infection, it was TOTM and I found it difficult to give it 100% it’s great.
That is great sonia! well done x
Very happy , excellent diet , im down an amazing 9lbd 😉
Thats brill Martina!!!!! well done x
Well done Caroline!!!!! x
4lbs this week
Well done Mariem x x x
4 pound off this week!! 🙂 11 to go!!!
woohoo elaine well done x
-3 Lbs week 2!!! xx
well done Aisha!!!! x
Hi Can you put me down for 4 1/2 lb this week please xx
well done pauline!!!!!!!!! x
Hi my week 2 weight loss is 2 lbs and it’s due to me cheating and coming out of ketosis! So ashamed and it just sets you back so I now need to lose 16 lbs in 3 weeks hope I can do it :-/
well done Natalie x
hi there, week 2 is 5lbs down. thanks a mil Annettexx
Brill!!!! well done annette x
My Week two wasn’t updated – I lost 1lb
Week 3 I lost 2.75 lbs
Can you please update as I find the chart very motivational.
Thats done caroline! well done x
Hi everyone I want to lose 16 lbs by christmas can I please join the challenge…on day 3 lovin it xxx
You`re in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
Hi I wud like to lose 30 pounds for xmas please sign me up and will let u know wat my 1st weeks loss is next week! thank you 🙂 claire!
Welcome aboard Claire x
Hi,my second week wt loss 3 lb,,thanks suni
Well done Suni x x x
5.5 down this week 🙂
Woohoo! well done Sam x
hi guys hoping to loose 21 lbs by Christmas and alot more after :0) started this week on day 5 having good days n bad moments at times but staying strong and sticking 100% to it hope weigh in gud result on mon ….:0)
You`re in Carol x
week 2
thats another 2 lbs gone
total 11 lbs
maybe I’ll hit the first stone by next week !!!
You can do it Anne x x x
week2 and another 3 lbs gone.
That’s 16 lbs altogether.
Roll on Christmas !!
well done Yvonne great result x
Week 4 loss 4lbs! That’s 21 lbs so far 🙂
Brill Suzy well done x
Hey Hilary, I put you down for 20lb x
another 4lb down yey!! target for weight loss challenge now a little more in sight lol
well done Kelly x x x
14 pounds to lose for Christmas x
welcome aboard Tracy W x x x
42 lbs by Christmas Day
Hey keh, i`ll put you down for 20lb as the challenge is running till mid Dec. Welcome aboard x x x
4lbs gone for me this week 🙂 another 7 to go in the next 2 weeks…..eazy peazy 🙂
well done Michelle! gr8 result x
Hi can u please put me down for 3lbs for last week loss.
no prob.well done chick x
Week 2 another 7lb down woohoo thats 14lb down altogether
WOW well done Roslyn! xx x
2lbs loss week 3. Slowest week ever:(
2lb is great!!! better off than on! well done hun x
Week one weigh in and 15lb down
Yeah 13lb to go to hit challenge target x
Amazballs!!!!!! well done lucy x
week 1 – 7 1/2 lb loss :0)
well done Carol x
Week 2: 4lbs off.
Well done Jeanette x
Week 2 weigh in and another 2lbs gone forever:-)
well done Karen!!!!x
4Lbs this week now so starting refeed today, do I need to be on another page group now??
Thanks for making this possible, 15Lbs in 3 weeks, so happy
Hey claire, well done hun!!!PM the newyou plan and i`ll add you to the group when I get the request x x x
Hey cant find the link to update this myself but after week 1 im down 1 stone woohoo 🙂 x
Leaving a comment is how you update chick 🙂 AMAZING weightloss!!!so happy 4 u x x x
20lbs by Christmas
added that for you hun.best of luck x x x
Lost 11.5lbs on my first week! Thanks New You!!
well done Melissa x x x
Week 3
Lost 4.8lb
well done Aideen x x x x
Hey slow start but i am down 9 lbs so far…
well done on the above results… good work all..
well done LOLLI x x x
Hey, I miss calculated my first week I lost 10lbs not 9lbs, week 3 a loss on 7lbs, on my way to a great christmas, but i will have to be careful as I have a wedding 3rd Jan!!
WOW sinead…target reached already!!!!!well done you x x x
week 3 – 2lb off
GO MELISSA 🙂 well done chick x
Juls I lost 2 pounds this week
Well done karen Logan x x x
2lbs down ladies….
well done Gillian x x x
Hi all
I’m down 7 pounds this week
great weightloss caroline x x x
Thanks Lisa- it’s not showing on the board yet 🙁
Week 2 and 2lbs lighter whoo ….
Just the 1 LB gone again this week but better off than on 😀 x x x
Well done Fiona x x x
WK 3 and 3.3lbs gone.
Great stuff Emma!! keep it up x x x
Losing a lot slower than everyone else but i dont mind. 2.4lbs off this week so that smashes the 2 stone barrier for me, 10lbs to goal
You are doing great Anne x x x
my week 3 weigh in was -2lbs. hoping for a slightly bigger one this week. weigh in day is friday
You are doing great Lynsay x x x
4.5 off 🙂
1lb off your target!!!!! go Gill x x x
Week 3 of challenge: another 3.4 lbs down – total of 11.8 lbs
Brill Yvonne! well done x x x
I lost four pounds and could u put my amount to 16 lbs please
Ya no problem Deirdre!well done x
Hi week 3 xmas. Challenge……. 5 lb off woohoo liz mclaughlin 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
well done Liz. Great result x x x
Week 1 down 8.5lbs 🙂
over halfway to target already!! well done Sarah x x x
Week 3 weigh in down 8 lb .. Just 2 lb from my target .. Ho ho ho merry Xmas (“;)
WOW WOW WOW amazing results! Delighted for you x x x
Well done Maryb67 great result hun x x x
another 6 pound off my target!!! woop woop!! 🙂
Nearly there elaine!!!!!amazing results x x x
No change for week 3 – hope to get the remaining 2 pounds off in the next few weeks
You will do it no prob Karen x x x
Only 1 lb in wk 3. Boo hoo. Must try harder! !
YOU CAN DO IT mary-ann x x x
hi all this2 stone mark is avoiding me 1lb lost (half pound left to 2 stone mark)
Teasing you Marie!!!lol well done chick,you are doing gr8 x x x
Can you put me down for 3 pounds week 2. Thank you.
Well done colette x x x
Hey week 1 loss is 10pounds (“,)
Fab result emma!!! well done x
Hi Guys only 2lbs this week, TOTM and no excerise so this week im goning to kill it!!
well done Aisha x
Another 4 lbs down yay!!!! Delighted x Christmas night out sat and I’m in a size 18 soooo happy.xxx
Hey helen, which helen are you on the board?? x
Week 2 of Xmas challenge and another 2lb down 🙂
well done mairead x
Hi girls…
My weight is going sooooo slow again,finding it hard at the moment! anyway i have 1.5lb gone this wk..
Thanks eileen 🙂
well done eileen x
-7 lbs this week & only on day 5
wow well done Kim x
sneaky weight in today and whoop bye bye another 3lbs… Also got a surprise trip to new york next week so will have to come off but will walk the hell out of new york and eat well… wish me luck!
well done LOLLI. have a great holiday x
Down only .5 this week had refeed and then out at weekend so happy with that. Back 100% last 2 days
Thats great Sam x
I want to lose 30lbs please :~)
As this challenge ends the 10th i`ll put you down for 14lb x x x
sorry down nothing this week.
Thats ok Edel.Hope you have a gr8 weightloss this week x
Hi there week 3 and 4 lbs down. Thank you. X
well done annette x x x
Hi,start day today,please put me down for 21lbs. Wow that was hard to say I was tempted to put 1st but then where is the challenge in that,I’ve got to have courage for this lol,good luck everyone.Lets help each other.x x
As this challenge is running to the 10th i put you down for 1 stone Sylvia x
Thank you Lisa, just weighed myself,1 week and 8lbs down,so really pleased.x
hi my 3rd week, 2lbs down. thankyou
gr8 result sunimol x
Can you put me down for 1/2lb this week quite pleased with that considering I was at a hotel and spa for 3 days as a birthday treat thankyou x
no prob. Hope you had a gr8 time x x x
Only 1 lb this week!
Better on than off Suzy x
Can u please put me down for 3lbs. I’m starting my refeed abit earlier than I intended to (tomorrow) otherwise I will sabortage myself, but I’m going to restart phase two second week january.
Thank you for all the supportnd good luck to you guys. Tomorrow is a big day for me woohoo:)xx from a size24 to a size 16 I just want to say thank u you NEW YOU…i feel like a new me:)xxx
AWWWWW thats brill Grace. Delighted for you x x x x
1.5 pound down this week, not my greatest week but its still a loss lol
Well done Kelly x
5 lbs of this week so that a total of 16lbs !!!!!
Thats brill Anne x
2lbs for me this week,, smaller than I hoped but it got me to the 2stone mark. 🙂
brill Michelle! well done on the 2 stone x x x
Hi guys,
Could you please put me down for 1lb last week and 3lb this week, many thanks. xxx 🙂
No prob Monika 🙂 well done hun x x x
Hi there all xx I’m starting tomorrow, is it too late to join this challenge? If not can you put me down for 5lb? If it is, I’ll keep my eye out for the next one xx
This challenge is running to the 10th so ive put you on the board for 5lb x
The challenge is running until the 10th so I`ll add you to the board! welcome x
Week 2 and down 2 pounds
well done Sonia x
Hey all – haven’t updated as yet but delighted to say that week one was a 7lb loss, week two was a 3lb loss and week three was a 4lb loss. Cheers New You, Sheelagh xxx
Brill Sheelagh!!!!!! well done hun x
3 more lbs down this morning. Delighted!!!
Hey Helen which helen are you on the board hun? x
1 1/2 lbs off this morning!!!!
Well done Melissa! keep it up hun x
Week 3 loss: 2lb
Go Jeanette!!!! x
This week 3lb but off the diet now due to health reasons 🙁
Hope you feeling better soon Aideen <3 Well done on your results x x x
This week’s loss is 3.8 lbs – total of 15.6lbs. Need to up the ante to reach my 20lb target for next monday!!
You`re doing really well Yvonne x x x
Hi Lisa 🙂
Can you please put me down for 1.5lbs last wk & 1 whole pound this wk ??
Its coming off so slow at the moment,still 2.5 to xmas target !!
No prob Eileen!!! slow and steady wins the race x
Week 3 2lb down thats 16lb in total , I love seeing the scales going down
Well done Roslyn!!!!! x
week 4, started refeed on sat & only down 2lbs, a little disapointed but better off than on!!
Dont be disappointed!!! Thats great sinead! well done x
i lost 4lbs this week.thank u.
Brill! well done Marie!!! x
4.1 lbs this week x
Thats great Melissa Gordon!!! well done x
Hi. I have just finished day two on Drop a Jean Size. My aim is to lose 14lbs by Christmas.
Great to have you with us Lynn x x x
2lbs this week… Who hooo thats me past my 18lbs for challenge gotta keep going now….
Well done for SMASHING your target!!!!! Keep it up Gillian x
4lb loss this week, just might make the goal i set
Well done Anne Sharkey!!! gr8 result x
Can you put me down for 6lbs off in week 4..
Brill result Karen1 well done x
anita mc…week4 weigh in down 3 lbs…delighted
Fantastic result Anita!!!!!! well done hun x
2 lb gone this week….6 days to lose 3 lb….come on 2 stone…be gone!!! 🙂
WOOHOO!!!! well done Elaine. So close to smashing your target x x x
Week 3 girls and I’m -7 lbs down 21lbs in total so far 🙂
FANTASTIC Mairead <3 x x x
-2lbs this week. Thanks
Well done Aisha!!!! <3 x
bit of a slow starter…10lbs down so far as i only started last week despite my early pledge…
well done Kathy <3 Brill reault x x x
Wk 4 3lbs down.
Well done Emma!!!! You`re doing soooooo well x
wk 2 5 lbs down :0)
Well done Carol xx
Well done.x
Another 51/2 lbs down happy days
Hi Martina,what week are you on? Well done for that.x
Well done Martina x
Hi Week 5 and I have lost another 7lbs go me Thankyou
WOW great result Pauline x
Hi Lisa, I sent a message on Dec 3 at 10.29am to say my week 3 loss was 2lb but it hasn’t been updated on the leader board yet!
Hi Jeanette its done hun we just havent put up the new board yet. Well done x
Lisa I’m 3 down this week 🙂 yipeeee getting there!!
woohoo!!! well done Sam x
3lb last wk.. And 2 this wk…x
well done Leeona x
Just in case I’ve put it in the wrong place,8lb off week 1 weigh in.x
Well done Sylvia, I have added that foor you x
Thank you Lisa.x
Hi Lisa,I can’t find my name in the list for this challenge, Is it there and I am just not seeing it or is it missing.x
Your on the board Sylvia x
Wow…I was so scared to weigh myself after last weekend, but still lost 4 roll on another week:)
Brilliant result Gill x
Two wee pound of but that takes me into a whole new stone !!!! Whoop whoop
well done Anne x x x
Just noticed my loss for last week hasn’t been updated so that another 5 ! With 2 this week that total of 18 so just 3 more for target !!!!
Only 1 lb gone last week. Trying hard and going to the gymn but fed up with slow progress. Bloody hell, what do I have to do to get a decent weight loss? ??
We all lose at diff rates…maybe change things up this week, up your water, have mostly shakes/soups, dont eat after 7…these are all things that might get things moving again. Half a stone gone, be very proud x x x
2 lbs to add to my weight loss…that’s 12 lbs in total…
well done Kathy <3 x
week one 10pounds down
well done Emma Mc x
I lost 8 lbs
WOOHOO!!!!!!!! well done Deirdre <3 x
5lbs this week – 27lbs so far 🙂
WOW Suzy!!!! great result x
Down a total of 14lbs this morning!!!
Well done Kathy x x x
Hi everyone,
Well another week of the Christmas challenge and I lost 6lb, so happy with that!!! 🙂
Well done, you smashed your xmas target!!!! go monika x
Wk 3 and 2lb off
Well done Sonia!!! x
Danii CM – 20lbs in 5 weeks
hi there just noticed my wk 2 weight loss wrong on the chart i lost 5 lb and it only has 2.5. . . this week week 3 i hav lost 5.5 lb 🙂 so total of 17.5 lbs :0) so far
Thats been sorted Carol. Presuming your week 1 weigh-in is ok then thats 18lb total! well done x x x
Hi there, last update for me is 1lb off in week 5.
19lb is FANTASTIC Karen1!!! well done x
2lb weight loss in week 4 so that’s 16lb altogether. Only 80% of my target but I intend to finish it off straight after Christmas!
Well done Jeanette!!!! great result x
Hi lisa,thanks to all you guys im doing great 🙂 down 2lbs !! Thanks for the lovely xmas card i recieved last wk from the new you group.xx
hey Eileen!!! great to hear you are doing so well!!!! have a fantastic christmas hun! x x x
Hi Lisa. Week 1 and 7lbs down. Thanks to the support of the New You Plan community. 🙂
well done Lynn!!!! great result hun x
I lost another pound this week
Well done Karen!!!you reached your target!!!! x
yayyy!!! have 3 pounds off so i have officially reached my christmas target of 2 stone!!! deeelighted!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thats FANFRIGGINTASTIC Elaine!!!!!!! well done you x x x
Week 4 weigh in 5lb down thats 22lb down in total I’ve passed my target for xmas woohoo
WELL DONE!!!! amazing result! you shud be very proud! x
Hi Lisa
Thanks so much I’m so proud.
Just place another 100 bundle
week 5, back eating 3 meals a day since wed, & lost nothing, gutted as i thought i was been careful with less cabs & sizes of meals…maybe next week!!
Sinead you have done so well ant transitioned back to eating without gaining so big well done to you!!! Maintain the control and keep going! well proud of you x
last weigh in as start refeed today.i lost 4lb.will be back in january as i love NEW YOU.xxxhappy christmas all.
Happy Xmas Marie! big well done to you x
week 5 weight loss = 1 lb
Fantastic Melissa!!! well done hun x
Week 3 weigh in – 4.1lbs!!
Amazing results for three weeks, dropped two dress sizes in 21 days – thank you New You!!
Final week of challenge: 3.4 lbs down giving a total of 19 lbs over the 5 weeks. Fell short of my target by 1lb !!
WOOHOO Yvonne!!!! you did so well, 19lb is amazing!!! x
Hi could. U put me down for 0 lbs week 4. And 6 lbs week 5. Thanku, liz. Mclaughlin xxuld u
TARGET REACHED!!!! well done Liz xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2.6lbs gone this week, didnt make my challenge goal but i dont mind, it was a bit ambitious
You did great Anne!!!! Over a stone gone is brilliant!!! well done x
Whoop 5lbs gone this week , I know I didn’t make my 21lb target for challenge but I’m still v happy and will hopefully get the other few lbs gone by Xmas week!!!
Brill Aisha!!! you should be very proud x
Hey Lisa, wk5 weigh on and 4lbs gone. I’m done and dusted until Jan.
FANTASTIC reault Emma!!!! big well done to you! have an amazing Christmas x x x
Super happy was on holidays last week, but kept my mind in gear and it worked!!!
Down 1.5lb
PS Julz i may have passed you in new york last week! Hope you enjoyed the christmas lights and shopping!
Well done LOLLI x x
Down 2 lbs even though i had a bad few days 🙂
well done Martina 🙂 x x x
Week 4 and 3lb down
well done Chick!!! great result x
Have another 8 lbs down yay!!
well done Helen!!!! Hope im putting you into the right slot…Helen D ya? x
Two down…
Fab result Gillian!!! Target smashed. well done x
I lost another two pounds
You reached your target!!!!! well done deirdre x
Only 1lb for me this week, missed my target but still happy 🙂
well done michelle!!!! You did great x
Week 5 weigh in down 4lb … Down 37lb in 5 weeks woohoo 🙂
Hi, may be to late, im down 22lbs, thrilled, warmest christmas wishes all
Hi again Lisa,
on my final week on the new you diet b4 refeed.. had a weigh in this morning & down another 2lbs… so 4lbs to add to the chart for me for final week..
Thanks again for all your help & encouragement 🙂
Plus 1lb 🙁 but entirely my own fault. This will be my week!!!