Motivation Monday: Put Perspective into your TFR Journey

When I started this plan all I could think about was the road ahead and to be honest the way I looked it at nearly had me beaten before I started. This blog is going to put a little perspective into your TFR – total food replacement journey. The way it is going to do this quite simply is make you realise that in the grand scheme of things, – if you are willing to take a step back and take a real look at the change you are trying to make – there is actually nothing to it in terms of the time it is going to take you to reach your goals.
Can you imagine what you will look like a stone lighter, two stone lighter imagine being 4 STONE LIGHTER!!! Well it is time to fire up your imagination, see yourself for the person you know you can be, that person is more than just in hands reach they are there starting today! All you have to do is take one step forward, say hello to that person and watch them merge into you every minute, hour and day until one day you cant see yourself looking back in the mirror. No it is the person in your minds eye today that will look back at you!
I watched a video by Brendon Burchard which was about happiness and this applies ten fold to your journey. I feel that if you can appreciate who you were and accept them, while taking the time to appreciate who you are now and be excited about it. I mean really excited, you are an intelligent being with the ability to sculpt who you are today, you control what you are thinking right now. So be that person you think you want to be, take action – get on the plan, make a lasting promise now that you know to be true. One that you are going to stick to this diet no matter what because only you control you. And finally be excited about the change you are going to make on this TFR plan.
Know that we (the people in this company and the people in Secret Slimmers) have done this and proven what can be done and get EXCITED!!! That is right get EXCITED, so many of us are afraid to get excited because of the expectations involved – but I am telling you that these expectations are in you, – even if you think I don’t know you, I am making a promise that you have what it takes to pick this diet up and kick your goals around until they are tired and scared of fighting back. Until you hold these expectations below you because they were never worthy of you!!! Give yourself the value that only you can because you are the architect of your own future so you may as well build something you like.
So what is the Task???
In the comments section below tell us how you
have put your journey into perspective and
what your expectations are?
Make sure you register for the Smashing September Weight Loss Challenge!
Who’s ready to get their butt in gear to smash those lbs in September?? Register now for our September weight- loss challenge and make it your mission to end the month slimmer & healthier!! <<<Click Here>>> to register.
- Research shows that those who publicly commit to a goal are more likely to succeed.
- Research shows that those who get motivating weight loss results are more likely to get to their goal. VLCD (very low calorie diets) help you to get very motivating results that keep you excited and motivated about your transformation. We have over 30 delicious meal packs for you to choose from. When you use our products as a total food replacement plan you will not feel hungry and you should drop about 1 jean size a month.
- Research shows being part of a supportive community with a common goal, massively increases chances of success!
Good luck
great blog post and video grant!
great stuff. It’s scary to think about the bigger picture but exciting at the same time! 🙂 x
When i first started the New you plan i thoght only to do it for a few weeks maybe less to be honest…
What made me finally start was after a very upsetting summer holiday when i could’nt fit in to most of my summer clothes!!
I was so angry,annoyed and upset!!
I decided i needed to change my life or i’d get huge!!
Here i am 3 weeks later with no intention of stopping anytime soon(only for Refeed) im thinking beyond the time fram planned..possibly next summer!!
This plan is so easy to stick to once you get trough first few days!!
Im already halfway trough my goal in 3 wks!!
I cant wait to try that size 10 dress for christmas!!
I know now that i’l fit in to perfectly by the festive season:)
Here’s a little motivation for all the newbies out there. 10 weeks ago today I started this plan. I was ready to get rid of my wobbly bits forever and I can tell you all that not only did I do it…..I smashed it……..and I’ve never been more happier, confident and energetic in my life. I’ve lost just under 3 stone and I have a very healthy and normal BMI now. I’ve loved this plan and the secret slimmers group and all the support from everyone in the office. Couldn’t have done it without you all. I am refeeding now….for a week, then I will be back on it 100% so I will be in tip top condition for Christmas. Whenever I get a weak moment, I grab some water or a coffee and I read all the fantastic comments on the ss page or I take myself for a walk. Keeping busy is the key. It worked for me.
Party season…………I’m coming to get you
i started in october with the goal of losing 7 stone i thought it was an impossible dream,but here i am almost 6 stone lighter and loving it.my journey had lots of highs i made new friends in ss and the new you team are fab sso you never feel alone there is always someone to share the experience with.i never expected to reach my current weight but now that i have im going to carry on to a new goal of ten stone and with all the fab food on offer i have no doubt that i will get there a bit later then i originally thought but i moved the goalposts a little im allowed as this is my journey and i will travel it however i can to get to my final destination and on the new you plan that is a given i will get there..
Motivation Monday for me is wanting to stay in the size 12 skinny jeans I have just bought !!!!! Never in my wildest dreams last year did I ever think I would fit into a size 12 !!! I was a size 22/24 last summer, and felt fat and miserable ! I am looking forward to rocking a cute little dress on Christmas Day at home instead of a baggy top and leggings !!! My motivation is to stay slim and be healthy 🙂
lost 3 pounds last week very happy as was on re feed most of the time,,, upped my exercise classes so weight loss my slow but very happy with inch loss and 27 pounds in 10 weeks is fabulous plus 2 dress sizes smaller,will carry on slowly reducing xxx very happy with all that is happening
I don’t want to set myself a rigid goal because I’m such a black & white thinker that I will feel like the ultimate failure if I don’t reach that exact number and it will send me off the rails. What I have decided though is that I want to have lost at least 2.5 stone by the time Christmas is here (off to the USA on a business trip in October then lots of big celebrations in November so have to account for that). I’m doing so well just now, the force is strong in this one, I’m taking each day as it comes and feeling on top of the world for being back on plan … NY Rocks!!! xxx
When I saw this morning that it was 15 weeks until Christmas party season a wave of panic swept over me. I looked at the scales and saw 13 stone 8lbs – at a mere 5ft 3 I knew this wasn’t good but hearing that it was only 15 weeks till Christmas party season made me take a step back. I looked in the mirror and told myself, this is it. Time to make the change and let my fabulous out. I am sick of having to wear black hide all dresses for the Christmas party season to hide all the lumps and bumps that I dread people noticing. So, I went out and bought a fabulous size 10 dress, the sort of dress that I could’t even dream of wearing right now! I have hung it on the front of my wardrobe with my goal weight attached to the hanger so that every morning I am reminded of what I am working towards. I am hoping to lose 4 lbs a week – meaning that 4 stone should be gone by the Christmas party season! The count down is on to the new me and I know with the support of the secret slimmers group and New You that I can do this. I have never been more determined in my life!!!! Time to commit, make the change and be the me I want everyone to see!
My motivation is a reunion of all my old friends from 25 years ago, in November.seeing pictures of them, they all look great, where as I look like a big red tomato. Lol. I’ve lost just over a stone in a month and I’m still sticking it out . Very happy.
I want to lose a total of 55lb my goal is 17lb my first month and between2-4 lb every week after that I want to be a size 8 for the new year as this one has been really crappy and I want to feel like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly <3 xxx
I representing the over 50’s ….!!!! and I am going to be a fabulous size 18 on the bottom and size 16 on the top by the Party Season. Roll on a total a 5 stone loss in less than 6 months … all you newbies New You works and you will see the pounds dropping off. Don’t wait, start today and forget about blipping.
Christmas depresses me to commercialised and the point lost,,,,However i would like to lose another stone as want to see my friends in cabaret in a club in Istanbul for the new year,,,,