Love Your Body | Summary Saturday week 1 | VLCD
Love Your Body
Summary Saturday week 1 | VLCD
Ellie’s VLCD blog: Week 4 and Ellie is still powering on!
This week Ellie has continued to smash this diet and life in general by staying on plan, attending the gym every day this week, providing an out of this world webinar and being a general ray of sunshine in the office. We are all so proud of her and this week you can really see the change in Ellie as she continues to rock this! [Click here] to jump to Ellie’s weekly blog.
This was my interview with a rather famous Secret Slimmer Anne who has blitzed a total of 6 stone since starting this plan. What I really loved most about this interview was that Anne really goes into great depth about her menu plan on our VLCD. As well as this Anne serves up a couple of fantastic personal tips to people who are both starting out on the plan as well as those who are staying on track. Listen to the interview [Here] and please leave Anne a comment!
This was Love Commandment 2: Be Happy with Who You Are. Melissa writes another compelling article that really makes you think about the most important person on this diet – YOU! This fairly simple logic is so aptly put here that it will change the way you think about something you probably already believe yourself to know. Make sure you catch this installment of this blog [Here]
Was the final day of our Love Your Body bundles which was a massive success. It was all hands on deck in the dispatch section of the office!
Wednesday was also Ellie’s webinar day – it was her best one yet and I just can’t wait for the next one. Make sure that you don’t miss out and register [Here]
This was the day of Love Commandment 3: Exercise More. The third installment of these commandments usher in a subject that I am very passionate about and Melissa so eloquently conveys the message to a successful exercise routine. The lovely thing about a VLCD / TFR diet is that you don’t actually need to exercise. However when you are in ketosis and getting the additonal surges of energy from being lighter on your feet – this is the best time to explore new things and possibly a bit of exercise. One of my favourite messages in this blog is about the soft approach that will see you succeed. Dont start of with a marathon especially if you don’t like running. Do something you like and do only that which is appropriate for your level of fitness – in simple terms enjoy it! [Click here] to see what inspired me!
Also on Thursday Melissa had our product photo shoot for the products, these updated photos will be hitting our website soon. She has done an amazing job and as a reward she got to tuck into loads of The New You Plan products as you see here, lucky lady!
FAQ Friday this week, Suzanne and Lorna answer the question, Is a Very Low Calorie ( VLCD ) Total Food Replacement Diet safe? The blog is quite literally dedicated to safety on a VLCD diet, it is important to be confident that you are doing the right thing when making such a monumental life change. [Click here] to find out more about safely on our diet.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Please comment below which was your favorite day and why[/box]
Thank for reading and I hope you have a great weekend
Kind regards
annes interview for me she is such a lovely lady and a real inspiration to myself to carry on because we know this plan works if you give it your all and anne is proof of what can be achieved if you are commited to changing your life xx