Just DO IT – stop thinking about it.

“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.” — Millard Fuller
It is so easy to overthink weight loss isn’t?
We want to lose weight. It is our biggest dream. We think about it all the time.
Every decision and life event is clouded by it.
We want to go shopping and buy nice clothes. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight first.
We want to start dating again and getting out and meeting new people. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight first.
We want to book that big family holiday of a lifetime to the beach. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight first.
We worry about the future and our health and know we need to make changes. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight.
We want to get that family portrait done to hang pride of place in the hallway. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight first.
We want to start a new business or apply for a new job. But we don’t because all we do is “think” about losing weight first.
Stop thinking. Start doing.
This week just decide that you are DOING IT. You are not going to THINK about it, you are just going to do it.
Make it your goal TO DO 7 DAYS 100% and see how acting different, makes you think different.
When you follow the plan and JUST DO IT – your thinking changes.
- That bloated feeling goes away. You feel slimmer for it.
- Your joints start to ache less. You feel good when you move!
- The carb face puff leaves your face. You like your reflection more.
- Your clothes feel looser. You feel more comfortable.
- Your hunger and cravings start to leave around day 5-7. You feel in control.
- The scales drop 7-10 pounds. You feel flipping fantastic.
As these physical changes come from taking action. You get these benefits and results as a consequence of following our simple new you formula;
4 meal packs and 4 litres of water a day
By actually DOING the plan and not THINKING about doing the plan you THINK DIFFERENTLY. You feel more empowered.
The best thing about taking action and just doing it, is that you build confidence and self esteem in yourself.
How many times have you THOUGHT about starting plan and said you are going to start plan and then never followed through? Or maybe you start it but give up on on day 3?
Every time you do this you are breaking your word to yourself. You stop trusting yourself. You stop believing in yourself.
This filters into everything in your life. It is like an awful virus that makes you think you cannot achieve your dreams and goals. But you can!!
You can achieve anything you want by taking action.
Action builds confidence. I lost my confidence in 2018 / 2019.
This year I am determined to get my confidence back. That is why I am taking action every single day on my 2 biggest goals for 2020.
- Create content daily and help more people than ever before
- Follow the plan and get to my healthy target weight
That is why I am blogging every single day in 2020, because I want to build my confidence back up in creating content, making videos & communicating my ideas.
Today when I felt like giving up on total food replacement, “I said NO, I am not giving up, I am going to JUST DO IT.” Because I know I just need to fight through the moments of weakness. They come as waves, you just have to ride them out, don’t let them drown you.
Stay committed to DOING PLAN 100% no matter how you feel.
Once you actually start DOING IT, and not thinking about it, you start to build confidence in yourself. You start to believe in yourself again.
“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.” — Millard Fuller
Stay focused.Stay on plan.
Stay 100%; Make not doing plan not an option.
Take action and follow the simple formula everyday 4 meal packs and 4 litres of water.
Soon the results and benefits will make you THINK DIFFERENT.
Soon you will feel empowered because you are DOING IT. Your confidence will build, your self esteem will grow and you will BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and in your dreams again.

Much Love,
Julz xox
PS. I am on day 5 of the plan and I am not going to lie I found it challenging for a few hours today I really had to dig deep.
It is a hard week for us all, getting back into routine after the christmas and new year holidays. I found that just bringing myself back to the way I want to feel at goal and connecting with why I am doing this really helped me to relax back into it.
At the end of the day, the plan is simple and the results are amazing. All I have to do is stick to it, relax, and let the results come.
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