HELLO JULY!! We are soooo going to SMASH this month and our weight loss goals! Whether its your first week or you are well into your journey lets make this month really count!Today we want you to share the tips you would give to people in their first week to help them drink their water allowance each day and let us know if you have seen relation between drinking water and your weight loss results!
FIRSTLY WE HAVE TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNER OF OUR JUNE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE AND THE LUCKY OWNER OF OUR MINI IPAD PRIZE… WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW! If you have taken part in our tasks through out June the winner COULD BE YOU!!!!PS keep an eye out for today’s task!
WOOHOO!! WELL DONE TO OUR LOVELY WINNER!! We are still on a mission to help 1000 people drop 2 sizes for the end of July! Everyday we give you a daily task and mini prize, this keeps you focused on making the changes that will help you when you get to your slim healthy target weight.
NEXT TUESDAY WE WILL BE PUTTING THE NAMES OF THE TOP COMMENTS INTO A SPECIAL DRAW FOR this shake and water flavouring bundle complete with a chillfactor ice cream and slush maker!! So the more you comment throughout this week, the more chances you have of getting your name in that draw!! This bundle could be yours next Tuesday!
TODAY’S TASK : We want you to share the tips you would give to people in their first week to help them drink their water allowance each day and let us know if you seen a relation between drinking water and your weight loss results!!
The person who gives the best tips today will win 3 waer flavourings and everyone who comments will have a chance of winning next weeks PRIZE DRAW PRIZE!
Make sure you leave your tips and help other new people today! DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR OUR SUMMER MAKEOVER MISSION FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £1000 AT THE END OF THE SUMMER!! So many people are posting their I AM IN photos in our secret slimmers Facebook group, the buzz and excitement is so motivating!! If you want this summer to be the summer you finally lose the weight, then you have to join us!
My tip is get a filtered water bottle, Brita or bobble or similar. Take
It everywhere with you, and it’s much easier to drink at room temperature. Take
Half a litre before and after every shake too. Go for a walk
Or exercise in some way to increase your thirst!
my tips for getting the water in are i fill two 2 litre bottles rveryone morning and whenever i go in the kitchen i drink a glass,i also carry a litre bottle in the car and it goes everywhere with me,when these are empty i simple fill and go, i also have a large glass beside me cooking for family,and if i am out having a coffee with friends il also have a large glass i lose every week so the water def plays a huge part in the plan mmake sure you sip throughout the day dont have the water in large volumes x
I always have a litre bottle with me which I sip from all day and refill as soon as it gets empty. This way it helps me to keep count of my water consumption (unless I forget how many times I’ve refilled it lol)
When I get home at night I get my self a nicely shaped pint glass (like the fancy lager glasses) and half fill it with ice and then sip my way through a 2 ltr bottle of sparkling mineral water.
Before you know it you’ve done a minimum of 4 ltrs of water if not more, and that is not including my 3 mugs of black coffee taken in the morning!
Also to vary try the water flavourings, they are delish!
This diet can make you quite thirsty which helps.
my tips for your water intake in the first weeks are ;
don’t expect to drink 4 litres in one day if you haven’t previously drunk enough water !
build up your water intake over the first 7 – 10 days
use the new you water flavourings – taste delicious and really help , i make up a 2 litre bottle , make it strong and then half it in a glass -topping up with fizzy water .
sip,sip, sip throughout the day and log each full glass.
remember that tea , coffee and NY broth count towards intake as long as tea/coffee taken black .
my weight loss and general feeling of wellbeing are definitely in sync with my water intake and i feel bloated and sluggish if i dont have enough water .- not bad for someone who only ever drank coffee before plan .! xx
I never use water flavourings. I just add loads and loads of pepper which makes me drink all my water throughout the day lol. Tricking yourself in a way. The more water I drink the more I seem to lose so it’s soooo worth it. Good luck 🙂
Aww well done to he lovely winner!!!! Where can I read her “Thought for Thursday” comment? 🙂
I think the main tip for drinking extra water is just imagine it as a fat burning drink.. it literally is like melting away the fat and in a week that I have had more water I definetly see a difference on the scales x
I drink a 500ml bottle before I have my shake or anything else. That way you have a good starting point! I then sip another bottle to be done by 12…and then another every 2 hours. That way you kick state your system first thing and then can sip sip sip for the rest of the day!
My tip is not to have your products to early or close together. Having coffee,tea etc in morning and lots of water helps spread out your products through the day,so you have something in the evening, when blips are hard to resist.
My top tips for water is that I get 4 litres water ready in the morning I mix it up between fizzy water and water flavourings and if I am going out I take it with me and sip away. I also take black tea and coffee this helps fill me up and ups my fluid intake. I make my shakes up with 300 – 400mls of water to help my water intake. I also try to aim for 2 litres to me drunk in the morning before my first shake and I try to have a glass of water before and after my shakes help make me feel fuller 🙂
My tip is 1) make sure you have your water with you at all times.. It’s amazing how much you get through. 2) another tip is I freeze a couple
Of 1 litre bottles with later flavourings over night.. I take them out in the morning them once they start to defrost drink the unfrozen bit.. It actually seems like a treat..
I keep a large btl of water in the fridge at home so drink from this when I am at home filling pint glasses of water to have with my dinner and during the evening – I keep a btl in the car for driving to work and refill before heading home – at work always have a 1L btl beside me and use the water flavouring in the afternoon when I need the 3pm treat. I do think drinking water makes to lose faster and with the warm weather better to drink water than anything else. When you get into Ketosis u really need water to help with the bad breath.
Tip stock up on loo roll as you will be making lots of visits 🙂 bathroom breaks get a wee bit less once your bladder gets used to all the water consumption ha.
My skin is looking very refreshed. so Drink Drink Drink your water you wont regret it 🙂
My tip is to get a litre water bottle and keep filling that with either plain water or sparking water with the water flavourings that you can get from New Look. The Mango & Passion fruit one is really nice. That way once you have had 3-4 bottles you know you have enough each day. It really does work drinking more water, as I have upped my water intake this month and have lost more weight than I usually do. Keep the water bottle with you all the time and keep sipping 🙂 🙂
Also very well done to Carys (my daughter) for winning the iPad 🙂 🙂 xxx
I’m just joining and been thinking about how to increase my water intake so I’m thinking fizzy water and water flavour and I have got 4 x 750ml water bottles = 3L to start with and will fill them in the morning and drink one in the morning one early afternoon one early evening and one after the kids are in bed when i relax for the evening because looking at a 2L bottle makes me feel defeated before I have even started. I know it is all psychological. Little an often is my motto with my water and before U know it you’ve drunk it all. Well this is my plan anyway.
Hi, in my tips of drinking water are I drink 1.5l water just in the morning before I send my daughter to the school. Everyday when I go out I finish 1.5 l water .in the afternoon antill i go to bed I drink another bottle 1.5 l water water is the main key for weight loss.it is not good idea to drink the water to quickly, the best thing is to drink all day long.thanks and good luck to everyone.
Tips, tips, tips!
1. If you are struggling go back to the beginning, read everything again, check out the blogs, look at the before and afters – this will help you to remember why you started in the first place and will back the motivation that you might have lost.
2. Stay busy – a lot of our time was spent eating, chewing, cooking, picking, binging – we need to replace this with something rewarding, something that will help to change your habits, make sure it’s something you enjoy.
3. If you blip don’t give up! Don’t tell yourself that the day is a write off after eating one thing, get back on the wagon as soon as you can, it will minimise damage and will give you a boost that you can actually get back to TFR so quickly.
Ok ignore me, I didn’t read what sort of tips to put down! I need to go to bed before I do something stupid 🙂
I have 500ml bottles which I keep filled and chilled in the fridge. I also take one to bed with me each evening and most mornings when I awaken it is EMPTY lol….I also have a 500ml mug which I use for my broth and my mint tea. It doesn’t take long for me to consume the 4 litres. It definetly affects your weight if you DON’T drink the water….I just call it my SKINNY JUICE lol..Just ALWAYS have your sports bottle of water beside you and sip sip sip….your skin will be glowing and your eyes will be sparkling. Good Luck.
If I had thought about drinking ltrs and ltrs of water everyday I don’t think I could have ever faced it! I really have struggled at times to drink enough water and at first missed fizzy drinks terribly. Fizzy water has been a saviour, and if you shop in some of the ‘cheaper’ shops it’s really not too dear.
What has really worked for me is setting times to drink through the day. I am sometimes so busy I could go for hours and drink nothing. Instead now I always drink 1/2 ltr first thing, and them make sure I have 1/2 ltr at the same time that I have a product. With the odd black coffee added in it means I have a minimum of 2.5 ltrs a day, often more.
Benefits are massive – less headaches, less sluggish, better skin and lovely weight loss! It’s hard to break the habits of a lifetime, but so worth the effort!
Firstly, I would like to start by saying, I was a D.coke addict but never had an issue with water, I like a good glass of water.
My first tip to first weekers is:
Invest in an ice-cube tray, water is Soooo much better with ICE!
Secondly, I would but the 2l bottles of water from your local (CHEAP) supermarket, afterall, water is water. You may not drink from this but it is very handy to gauge how much you have consumed.
Thirdly, never be without it in your hand/on your desk/in your sight.
Finally, this is an important one, it may not be for everyone but I always find that the hardest time of day for my is the evenings in front of the tele, so I have taken to going to the put…PINT OF WATER WITH ICE AND NO LEMON, PRETTY PLEASE. I was never a big drinker so I never found it difficult to go to the pub and not drink but this is brill. Socialising, talking to new people and NO CRAVINGS because I’m entertained, not idle. Before you shake your head, try it once, you’ll be surprised!!!
My tips for getting m
I’ve come to appreciate my water intake the longer I’ve been working the plan. I use water flavourings, and the savoury broth, they really help when the going gets a bit tough.
I make lollies with the water flavourings in the hot weather, and I love to drink my water from a pretty glass or beaker.
Carrying water bottles with you really helps, I keep my cup of green tea, topped up until the water in the kettle goes to cool to enjoy, and when I feel hungry, I drink a glass of water first, as I know in the past I often confused thirst for hunger!!
My skin, weight and health have all really seen the benefit of drinking more water. It’s a really fab side effect of this diet plan. Xx
I got 4 x 1 litre bottles and fill them in the morning, somehow they are less intimidating than 2 litre bottles. I carry one with me most of the time. Usually, sparkling water with flavouring. Another way is to make the shakes with a tray of ice and a large coffee which makes it up to a pint. In the evening or when I’m doing paper work, I make myself a tea whether I want it or not, it is an easy way to up the beverage intake! If I’m out for coffee I always ask for a large jug of water with no ice or lemon, somehow it is easier to drink the water when you are sitting chatting with friends!
I ALWAYS keep a two litre bottle of water with me at all times. I fill three each morning and know to have the first two by lunch and the second two by end of work day then I relax on the third knowing I’ve got my 4litres done and whatever I can manage from
The last two litres is a bonus. REALLY helps keep hunger(well thoughts of hunger) at bay. Oh and I use a straw as much as possible though if ya drop it you could have a few floating in your bottle for a bit – kids in school thought I ‘minded’ my straws in my bottles haha
I think my tip would definitely be to buy 3 2litre bottles of water (still or sparkling) and keep them in your fridge so you will always have ice cold water ready to go. Has helped me a lot because I find the colder the water is the easier it is to drink.
Before I started this plan I would easily drink 2litres of soft drink a night if not more. But now I find my skin is better and I’m not bloated anymore since I have switched to water. The first day or two were hard, not having a Pepsi max while watchin corrie but I got through it and am definitely feeling and seeing the difference . Loving the NY plan xxx
I find starting the day with 2 pint glasses of water is a great way to kick start my body ! I have a large glass before and after each shake or product, and especially would recommend the sparkling water made up with some New You water flavouring. I keep a big bottle with me at all times, and just keep sipping all day long.
Remember , tea and coffee count as fluid intake, although I have gone to decaf now !
If I have the chilli meal, I add extra chilli !!!!!!! Helps to put the fire out by drinking MorE water !
I always see a much better result at the axles when I’ve had at least 4 to 5 litres a day .
I first bought enough little bottles then kept them around the place so could SIP then I refill them each day it works out well as there is 2 next to my bed a couple in the kitchen a couple in the living roo. And a couple at work so it never looks a lot but as each bottle empties it goes around
Water, water all around and not a drop to drink? Well, sort of. Firstly let me say I don’t like water as a drink. No, that’s not right. I hate drinking water!! Plain water that is. And cold? Yeugh! If you’re like me, and the closest you usually get to a glass of water is using it as a measure for the latte machine or even simply struggling with the concept of the volume if not the principal, then it can seem borderline impossible to face up to 4 ltr a day. So – what to do? Well, firstly unless you’re already used to drinking a lot of anything, take it slowly – build up the volume gradually over a period of a few days to give your body time to adjust to the new liquid routine. And until your body adjusts expect to be popping to the loo a lot. I mean a lot!! Your body won’t be used to actually putting all that lovely water to good use, so much of it will pass through to begin with – no bad thing, it’s taking nasties out with it! 🙂 That will ease, honestly! See if you can start the day with a nice big glass or mug of water – 500ml dealt with before you’ve even fully woken up! Flavour it – make use of the flavourings, and experiment by mixing and matching different ones to make your own unique favourite. Some combinations are amazingly addictive!! Hot or Cold? Either! I feel the cold most of the time, so cold drinks are basically not happening! No problem – I just microwave my mug for a minute or so and now I have a lovely warming cuppa instead of a chilly chore ahead 🙂 Little and often – don’t stick a 2L bottle in front of yourself and attempt to get it down in XX amount of time. Spread the load across the whole day, develop your own routine that fits in with your schedule. If it doesn’t fit, it won’t stick. Savoury broth – amazing! Not only adds to your water count but comes disguised as a satisfying soupey drink. Only 1 or 2 a day though!! If you can tolerate cold foods then how about turning some of your water into a slushie and having a sweet treat? And is all this kerfuffle worth it? Absolutely! I have definitely noticed a distinct difference in the weeks I’ve been tardy with the water intake and when I’ve been 100% on it – the pounds shift faster no doubt. The mantra saying nails it “The more you drink, the more you shrink!”
I have 5 1 litre bottles in my fridge soon as I come down in the morning the first bottle comes out I sip away through out the day and refill my bottles at night before I go to bed my toddler is now drinking over a litre of water a day just by watching me 🙂
My tip is to get four one litre bottles, somehow they are less intimidating than the 2litre bottles! I have a mix of sparkling water, and mix in the water flavourings. And i fill them every morning. When I make the shakes, I mix whizz them in a blender with a tray of ice and a large coffee, it makes a pint, sometimes a little more but filling and a great way to boost your liquid intake. Whenever I sit down I make sure I have a beverage and when I leave the house, I stick one of the bottles in my bag. If I go for coffee, I always order a large jug of water without ice or lemon, somehow, sitting chatting, I don’t seem to notice how much I can drink!
Oops, thought this didn’t load last night hence the second posting!
Filter bottle is a must so that you can keep topped up where ever you are. Also track the water you consume, set yourself targets. E.g I will finish this bottle by… The more water you consume the better so over plan.
Whenever you get a tummy rumbling or a hunger pain or craving, reach for the water bottle.
My tip is two 2 litres prepped every eve for next morn …and gonna seem random but really really helps keep brushing your teeth and follow with glass of water when ur hungry …takes edge off first few days helps breath and ups water 🙂 🙂
First week. Keep busy. NEVER leave the house without emergency products. Try water flavouring warm. Use a bottle and a water intake app to monitor your intake. I drink anywhere between 4 and 6 litres a day and how found this staves off hunger and increases fat loss.
Little and often… 2ltrs in fridge, a 500ml bottle to take out and a bag full of crushed ice in the freezer 🙂
I think the best is to fill 4 litres each morning and how day goes u can see hoe much u have left to drink. Ialways drink a bit more before meals so i feel fuller. Also 2 big mugs of coffee addin alot to my daily intake. Also drinking more keeps u away from constipation.
My tip is to add extra water to your shakes as well as your usual drinking water. Also use mint tea and black coffee to top up if you are not a water fan.
My tip is to fill a large 2lire bottle in the fridge and keep refilling into 500ml bottles, I mark it off at each 500ml n strike through 2 so I know I have had 1litre, I also use a straw as it seems I drink it quicker with out realising and need to refill, I also leave a water jug n glass by my bed and the girls at work fill bottles ready for me at work to so there is no exscuse 🙂
I use a star chart and mark off each time I have a 250ml glass at the end of the day I reward my self a sticker seeing and visualising how much i have drank really helps. I use the flavourings and drink sparkling water in a wine glass in the evening, makes me think I am having something different,
Water certainly helps with weight loss, yes it makes you feel fuller but it quenches your thirst, helps with the breath when in ketosis! And more importantly you start to feel great, skin nicer hair shinier x
My tip. To drink more water is to make sure u always carry water,, water flavourings with you and top up with black tea ,broth or black coffee. If I am out with friends who are drinking I always order a pint of soda water with ice and no lemon, it’s usually free and tastes good with or without flavourings. I usually find I’ve had 3+pints by time I go home. When I started 4 weeks ago I struggled to drink 2.5 litres and now with variety I easily drink 4 to 5 litres a day.