![[Interview] Denise & Jonny lose just over 4.5 stone together* | VLCD [Interview] Denise & Jonny lose just over 4.5 stone together* | VLCD](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Screen-Shot-2014-03-13-at-12.17.09.png)
[Interview] Denise & Jonny lose just over 4.5 stone together* | VLCD
Denise & Jonny lose over 4.5 stone together
The New You Plan | VLCD
*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee.
Denise & Jonny were our first Random Act of Kindness Recipients:

We selected Denise and Jonny to receive our first ever Random Act of Kindness. We surprised them at their house one evening to tell them the good news! You can still watch the video [Here]
Denise & Jonny’s Achievements on The New You Plan | VLCD

Denise lost just over 2 stone in 2 months! She managed to get just over 5 lbs of this in her first week on the diet. Denise dropped from a size 14-16 on top & 12-14 on the bottom right down to 8-10 on top & bottom. Overall it only took Denise 2 months to achieve this amazing result. This has meant for Denise that her confidence has grown, she feels healthier, she can now buy clothing straight off the rail and she feels that as a couple they now enjoy their time together more.

Jonny has lost just over 2.5 stone on The New You Plan and he lost just over 10 lbs of this in his first week. Jonny went from a size 36 waist right down to a size 32 waist. He said that it only took him 6-7 weeks to achieve the overall 2.5 stone weight loss. Like Denise, Jonny has said that his weight loss has meant that he feels more confident and it has also meant he has found it easier to get fit.
Denise & Jonny’s reasons for starting the diet:

First and foremost for Denise it was for health reasons. Being short of breath when she felt she should not be was one such scenario. Also Denise felt that her stature made every lb show even more. Going out was something she no longer wanted to do and a spoiled holiday was one of the final tipping points for Denise. Jonny used to play international-level hockey for Wales and it was a desire to return to the sport that pushed him forward. He went from struggling to play through one match to feeling now that he could play two back-to-back!
Denise & Jonny’s advice to anyone starting out on the diet:

1) Give it your best and get stuck in, give it your all: you have nothing to lose but weight.
2) Put all temptation out of your way.
3) Keep yourself busy and enjoy your tea and coffee.
4) Take ‘before and after’ pictures – put them somewhere prominent.
5) Buy a goal dress for motivation.
6) Use the success of other New You Plan customers.

Jonny’s Advice: Use the Secret Slimmers page on Facebook, this is a good place to find people who are in the same place as you and have many useful tips.
Denise & Jonny’s Routine on TFR:

Denise’s Daily Routine on TFR:
To get to her water allowance Denise would leave water bottles out over night to reach room temperature as she cannot drink cold water. Denise also used the water flavourings to help give a bit of variety.
1) Denise’s first TFR product was usually a shake around 10 in the morning with a coffee.
[box type=”info” style=”rounded”](Tip: If they were going out for the day they would take a bar or extra water to make shakes while they were out)[/box]
2) They would tend to have either the above or a hot meal if they were home.
3) Again depending on the weather they would swap and change between a shake and meal in the late afternoon.
4) Denise has taken to having the porridge cookies in the evening
Jonny’s Daily routine on TFR:
1) As Jonny is so busy he has the shakes during the day. 10 am is Jonny’s first product.
2) Another shake again at 2pm on his second break.
3) Jonny would then to have his two hot meals in the evening.
[box type=”info” style=”rounded”]Tip: Like Denise, Jonny knows that it is really important to keep variety in your products. Also the savoury broth is really good to help curb any hunger pangs. [/box]
Denise & Jonny’s Favourite Products:
Jonny’s favourite products: The Vegetable Chili TFR VLCD Meal, The Country Cottage Pie TFR VLCD Meal.
Jonny likes the wafers but tries to hold these over for special occassions. Jonny’s favourite shake is the Banana.
Denise’s favourite products are:
The Vanilla and Hazelnut shakes – Denise loves to have these with a spoon of coffee. Denise also loves our hot chocolate with a spoon full of the orange water flavouring – tastes like Terry’s Chocolate Orange. Her favourite hot meal was the Pasta Carbonara which we hope to have a replacement for very soon. Denise also loves the Chicken Noodle Curry.
[box type=”info” style=”rounded”]Tip here: Denise says as they do this as a couple they can share snacks if they are having them at the same time to help keep up the variety even more. This was especially great when they went to the cinema [/box]
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Please leave a comment for Denise and Jonny below[/box]
Well done to Denise and Jonny on such amazing results and thank you both for showing us once again how amazing our customers really are. You two are going to go a long way together!
Kind regards,
Ahhh so nice 2 wake up & see this online this morning. . Sooo hate seeing pictures and hearing my voice its horrible lol.. never mind I hope you enjoyed it mayb picked up some tips..
Happy st paddy’s day all xxx
Aw Denise you have a lovely voice and both Jonny and yourself look amazing! Thank you both for such an amazing interview 🙂
Well done Denise & Jonny!!!! 🙂 You are huge inspiration and an amazing couple!!!!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us xxxxxxxxxxxxx
well done denise and jonny great interview,denise you have a lovely accent you two are a great inspitation to everyone loved sharing my journey with you both xx