Inspire yourself and fuel your ambition while starting a VLCD diet!!!
Inspire yourself
Starting a VLCD diet with The New You Plan!
On The New You Plan the results are so fast it will leave you amazed. The reason I open the blog with such a statement is because in the first couple of weeks on the plan, the changes are that dramatic that if you embrace them they will do a lot more than just reduce the number you see on the scales.
For me weight loss was always one failed attempt after another and only now do I realise that this set the tone for every other challenge I set myself, or indeed every challenge I turned down. Why is this? I guess looking back on it failure was bad enough but somehow my build and appearance has always added insult to injury when it comes to failures especially at a social level that quite frankly may have had nothing to do with my build. I accept that being overweight can make simpler things more difficult however it cannot be the sole cause of a poor result in an exam or be the reason a friendship becomes estranged. These are problems that afflict even the aesthetically gifted.
Although this is apparent now, – my negative outlook before never seemed anything out of the normal for ‘someone like me’ in fact the term ‘someone like me’ seemed like an appropriate excuse for all manner of failures. Then as with all the constants in my life something happened to shatter this… it was called The New You Plan.
A week and a half into the plan and I had dropped a stone, yes it had its challenges but I had done it!! At this point I found myself strangely disappointed. It was in a sense the happiest type of disappointment anyone could ever hope for, something I am sure has not often been said before. The reason being I had finally lost weight which was something I had told myself I was past the point of ever achieving, which in turn meant that I may have been wrong about so many other things that I had given up on or not even bothered to try.
The disappointment now was that this was time I can never get back, the joyful side was the spark of inspiration and ambition that came from my dreams being rejuvenated from the sense of knowing that not everything is set in stone.My small world suddenly got a whole lot bigger in terms of ambition. It is fairly comical how having a pair of old jeans fall off can make you feel like a million dollars even though I am fairly certain having the ‘builders bum’ is far more socially undesirable than the ‘beer belly’
What this has proved to me is that you should accept a challenge even if it seems desperately out of reach as any form of success will set you up for the next victory. Even if you don’t quite hit your mark at least you will be closer to it than you were before you tried, I for one think there is no better victory than the one that no one else needs to understand but still leaves with that warm glow on your soul that allows you to catch yourself smiling at a time you may have least expected it.
There was a comment recently in Secret Slimmers that did just this for me. The author had the following to say:
So….17 days in,blipped slightly yesterday as it was my birthday and to make sure I earned my blip I clambered up Binnian Mountain last night and camped out to see a meteor shower….so worth it to wake up to breathtaking views and me back on track on plan ….so even if you blip you don’t have to give up folks xx just get back on the saddle
It is mind blowing how a person can be so positive, reading this gives me the feeling there is little or nothing in this life that this person could not tackle. Finding inspiration in life is key and a quote from C. S. Lewis puts this so well, ‘Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.’
I hope to hear what inspires you
Thanks for reading
Are you ready to fuel your ambition?? Why not start today?
What about fueling your ambition even more by joining our Challenges??
August is our Slimming Crush – clear that Belly Jelly challenge, we also have starting at the same time our Christmas weight loss challenge. We hope that both off these will provide the blast off you need to keep you motivated and on track and we hope to see all of you in both the challenges The change starts here and we urge you to take a look forward and say hello to the NEW YOU!!! To find out more or to sign up for our Challenges click here NOW!!!