How Much Water to Add to New You Plan TFR Diet Shakes?
“How much water should I add to the New You Plan TFR Diet Shakes?”
I get asked this question every day, as new customers join the new you plan, they want to know how much water to add to the new you plan TFR Diet Shakes.
The answer is…..
You can add as much as you like to the new you plan TFR Diet Shakes! 🙂
The guidelines recommend 170-200ml, but if you want to add more water then feel free to do so, as it will not impact your weight loss results.
I personally like to have between 300-400ml, and I know some customers who have 500ml+ of water.
Start of with about 200ml, and experiment to see what you prefer.
Adding some ice cubes is also very popular, I like to add a few and then whisk it up in the electric blender.
I personally find the shakes are nicer when the water is colder, so if you can make you shakes with cooled water, or add some ice, to make them colder.
There are also some customers who like their shake warm, and heat it in the microwave for a short blast. (I even had one customer who liked to heat the Banana Shake!)
Another tasty tip is to add a spoonful of coffee granules to your shake before you mix it, the chocolate shake and vanilla shake are the ones that I add a spoonful of coffee to.
Simply get your favourite coffee, add a spoonful of coffee granules to the TFR diet shake powder, add your water, and some ice, and blend. Â (Delish!)
The Vanilla TFR Diet Shake with Coffee added is like an iced latte (I am sure you could also heat this, but I have never tried it as I like my shakes cold!)
The Chocolate TFR Diet Shake with Coffee is like an iced mocha latte!
Adding the coffee is also a great way to get a wee extra caffeine boost at the start of the day!
So when it comes to new you plan TFR diet shakes, the world is your oyster! You really can make the shakes up with as much water as like, with ice or without ice, with room temperature water, or cooled water, with coffee or without coffee, or you can even heat the TFR diet shake.
Another great tip is always use a nice glass! It is a nice feeling to drink out of a nice glass, so get a really nice glass and enjoy your New You Plan TFR Diet Shakes, and also all the water you need to drink (you should be aiming for 3-5 litres on top of the water you put in your shake).

New You Plan has 4 flavours of TFR Shakes…
- Sensational Strawberry TFR Diet Shake
- Creamy Chocolate TFR Diet Shake
- Very Nice Vanilla TFR Diet Shake
- Beautiful Banana TFR Diet Shake
You can order the New You Plan TFR Diet Shakes from our website, and for the best value buy one of our Special Offer Bundles where you can save anything from 3% to 17% and sometimes even more – check out our New You Plan Special Offers Page to see if we have any offers on, but the Special Offer Bundles are ALWAYS available, to give you great value EVERY TIME you shop with New You Plan.
You can watch videos of the new you diet mixing instructions for TFR Shakes, Soups, Porridge and Hot Meals. Â