Hello 2020 and the Next Decade.
The first day of a New Year and a New Decade has arrived!
For many years I have set in my living room bringing in the New Year by watching the fireworks in London on my TV. For years I have said I would love to see it for real!
I am delighted to report that last night I ticked it off my bucket list with my kids.

We really do need to watch it again on the TV because we couldn’t really hear the music ha ha 🙂
It was lovely to be there! And a memorable way to start of a new decade watching the fireworks in real life!
How do you feel looking back and looking forward 10 years?
The start of a new year is always a time of reflection. Looking back over the last 12 months, and a time of looking forward to the next 12 months.
The start of a new decade, means you have a lot more to reflect on. Looking back over 10 years brings a lot of sadness and joy, doesn’t it?
I have scrolled by many posts on social media comparing the end of 2009 with the end 2019. It seems like everyone is reflecting on what 10 years can bring.
I felt that looking forward 10 years filled me with both excitement and fear. This is because there is so much unknown.
To help take away the feeling of fear, I found two posts that really helped me to focus on what I need to do.
Live Your Best Decade by Doing The Work
Two of of my favourites social media posts that I have seen on this topic are from Mel Robbins & Sam Smith. I have embedded them below here for you to look at.
In Mel’s she describes how 10 years ago she was depressed & stressed, but she did the work and now she is living her best life!
In Sam’s he reflects on how life can be cruel and make us lose our spark, but if we keep on doing the work, we can find ourselves again!
I resonate with both of these.
The key message from both is that IF WE DO THE WORK, we can make the next 10 years amazing. Our life really is in our hands, it is up to us!
Success & happiness doesn’t “just happen” it is a result of doing the work.
10 years is a long time, but it can also feel like it goes by so fast.
What are your fears for the next 10 years?
I urge you to write them all out. I did this yesterday. When I could see them written out, they lost their power over me and I could see what work I needed to do to overcome them.
What are you afraid of?
Ill health? Get to work on your health.
Not being loved? Get to work on loving yourself.
Not being happy? Get to work on your inner thoughts & go to therapy.
Being broke? Get to work on learning skills and creating value.
10 years of doing the work consistently means you can be living the life of your dreams.
10 years is just 120 months.
There are many people with big dreams, who are not living their best life because they feel their weight is holding them back. If this is you then I would love to do the work for the next few months and kick start this new decade with a focused NEW YOU.
With a few short months of focus with The New You Plan you can really make a big change to your health, vitality and confidence.
Just 3 months of focus on your health and confidence will give you are great start to this new decade. And you will then have 117 months to live your best life, doing the work, and feeling like your best self!
If you would like to join myself and thousands of others on making 2020 the start of a healthy new decade;check out our special offers for the New Year, New You Meal Bundles here.
Julz x

PS. I have challenged myself to blog every single day of 2020. I am sitting in my hotel room now with my girls, after a day visiting Sea Life in London! It is going to be a challenge to do this every day for a year. Click here to read my first post and find out why I am doing this.