February Review & Mission March Is On!

At the end of January I set some goals for February and shared them on the blog. Now that it is the end of February I have to report that the month did not go as planned for me.
The month started off challenging, but thankfully I am feeling in a good place now both physically and emotionally.
The first 2 weeks, were basically wiped out with the flu in our house. Because of this I made the decision to not follow total food replacement at this time. Then in the 3rd week of February the kids were off school. We also had a birthday to celebrate so I felt it was best to restart after this time.
Due to the events of February, I have been following our New You Switch Plan this month, and maintained my weight, which to be honest with I am happy with but also I am a bit frustrated, as I really wish I was another stone down! But I have to accept that I did not achieve my goal and put my focus on doing my best in March.
My kids and I are well and healthy, and I am very grateful for that. We had the most amazing time for my daughters birthday, and now is the right time to refocus and get back on track.
I feel such a surge of motivation to get back to New You Total and make a big shift in my weight between now and Easter. In January 2020 I sat a goal to lose 3 stone before Easter in 2020.
I am currently 1 stone down, and there are 6 weeks to Easter. In the past I have succeeded at losing 2 stone in 7 weeks. I know it is possible to get very close to 3 stone off, so I want to give it my best shot.
I have read in our support group that a few others have had a challenging February. It is important to remember that success doesn’t always happen in a straight line, but we have to keep striving to get back on track and head in the direction of our dreams!
I hope you will be join me on a big MISSION MARCH, to make the most of every day and achieve as much as possible this March.
My Progress on my February Goals;
I shared 10 goals that I had for February and I achieved 5 of them. Which is OK, considering 2 weeks were wiped out with the flu.
- Lose 12 pounds – maintained my weight I am still exactly the same weight as I was on 31st January.
- Go on a personal development workshop – I attended this 3 day workshop in London, it was very good & I benefited from it.
- Go Climbing – Moving this to March!
- Start My Gym Routine – Moving this to March!
- Launch New You Switch – Moving this to March!
- Blog everyday for the February Love Challenge – Achieved this goal, did not miss a day!
- Teeth whitening – My teeth are lot whiter!
- Early Morning routine with my Magical Me Journal. – I did do this but not consistently.
- Have fun with my kids for half term – Had an amazing half term, we had a ball!
- Have regular team meetings and support my team with their goals. – We are making great progress as a team, there is so much we are working on, and a lot of changes are coming this Spring!
This month I am going to focus all my attention on 3 big goals.
My Big 3 Goals For March Are;
- Lose 1 stone; 2 stone total for 2020.
- Get consistent Exercise routine
- Be brave and make some videos!
On 27th December 2019, I decided I would blog every single day until 31st December 2020. In February I themed by blogs with the February love theme. I will be continuing my daily blogging in March, as well as being a lot more active in our secret slimmers community.
I hope you will come and join us.
Julz xox