Julz 2020 Daily Blog


Motivation is something that you constantly need to keep stoked!
Having rituals everyday that help you to stay motivated on track with your goals will be the key to you achieving your weight loss this summer
- SPEAK WORDS OF AFFIRMATION TO YOURSELF EVERYDAY. Create a positive affirmation about who your NEW YOU is, and read it everyday. Say it out loud and feel empowered when you say it. This will make you feel empowered, inspired and motivated to take action in line with your new you everyday!
- GET CLEAR ON YOUR WHY AND READ YOUR REASONS EVERYDAY. If you keep asking yourself WHY you are doing this, you get deeper and more connected to what is in your heart & soul. Can you come up with 200 Benefits of getting to your healthy weight and 200 Consequences of staying unhealthy and not taking action? It might take you a week to think of 200 of each, but when you do you have a list you can look at everyday that will keep you motivated even on the worst days.
- CREATE A VISION BOARD THAT YOU CAN LOOK AT EVERYDAY. You can create a vision board for your bedroom wall or create one on your phone. I use a secret Instagram page for my vision board. The great thing about having it on your phone is you can look at it when you are in a waiting room or on your lunch at work. Seeing images that represent your why will really help to motivate you to stay on track everyday.
- EMOTION COMES FROM MOTION. Have you ever noticed that after too much Netflix or social media mindless scrolling you can feel a bit deflated? Your emotions normally are a reflection of what you are doing with your body. If you want to feel positive and motivated, get up and get moving!
- FOCUS ON YOUR NEXT MINI MILESTONE AND PLAN A REWARD. Focusing on a mini milestone gives you energy and focus. It is easier to stay motivated when you are focused on losing 5 pounds instead of 5 stone. Set your focus on smaller achievable milestones, and make sure you plan a nice reward that you can look forward to experiencing!
- FOCUS ON YOUR DAILY SELF CARE ROUTINES TO FEEL & LOOK THE BEST YOU CAN. Not everyone loses their self care routines when they gain weight, but a lot of people do, especially if weight gain happened in a challenging chapter of your life. Focusing on self care everyday is a big part of feeling good and motivated. Building these routines into your daily life means you are focusing on how you look and feel, it reaffirms to you that your health, wellbeing and appearance are important to you.
- SUPPORT YOURSELF WITH A NOURISHING MEALS & WATER ROUTINE. It is so much easier to stay motivated and stay on track when you are supporting your daily life with a routine. Plan out what time you will have your 4 packs everyday. Aim to drink 1 litre of water by 9am, 2 litres by noon, 3 litres by 3pm and 4 litres by 6pm. Set reminders on your phone until your routine becomes second nature. The more self disciplined you are the higher your self esteem becomes. When you feel confident with what you are doing, feeling motivated to continue comes naturally.
- GET ENOUGH SLEEP SO THAT YOU DO NOT FEEL TIRED OR BURNED OUT. If you are doing every thing right on plan, but lying in bed on your phone to midnight, then you are setting yourself up for a hard day that will mean your motivation will waiver. You need to be getting 7-9 hours sleep every night so you feel refreshed and energised. Don’t let using your phone in bed stop your from achieving your future new you!
- KEEP YOUR GOAL DATE IN THE FRONT OF YOUR MIND AT ALL TIMES. If you want to lose 5 stone in 5 months, then you want to keep affirming in your mind that by 30th June 2020, you will weigh 10stone, from your 15 stone starting point. Every month, week and day counts. Make today count! Stay motivated and stay on track, you will achieve your goal one day at a time!
- UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYDAY YOU WILL NOT FEEL MOTIVATED BUT DO IT ANYWAY. If you follow Mel Robbins on social media, she has a method called 54321 – go! When you feel like you do not want to do something you say out loud… 54321 and you just do it before your mind can kick in and come up with reasons why you shouldn’t! You will not be motivated everyday. Some days will be hard. But if you only do the plan on the days you find it easy then you will not achieve the results you really want. The results you really want are achieved on the days when you do not feel motivated but you do it anyway! 54321 GO!
Are you feeling motivated to achieve great things in 2020?
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We would love to help you on your new you journey, our emails and facebook group are full of daily motivation to help you stay on track with tips everyday 🙂