Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Week 20!*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Week 20!
Welcome Everyone,
Wow, Can you believe that 20 weeks ago I was just starting out on my New You Journey? I was a bag of nerves worrying about weighing in on camera every week and freaking out about how I was going to be able to stick to the plan. 20 weeks later and 3 stone lighter (with breaks in between) I am feeling fantastic and booming with confidence.
So I did do a weigh in today for the 2oth time WOOHOOOO 🙂 After my first week of maintaining I have also been able to maintain my weight and only put 1lb on! This is really good for my one week maintaining due to water stores and glycogen it is expected a few wee pounds to creep back on. I am super happy about this and I am raring to keep going and bring no bad habits back into my lifestyle. I am doing a little refeed at the moment to bring myself back into normal foods… I will have a shake late morning, a shake in the afternoon then once I come home from work I will sit with my family with a low calorie healthy meal… mainly chicken some spices and yummy veg. Then I will have a sneaky bar or wafer in the late evening. The one habit I am going to keep is the good water intake I am aiming to have 3 litres of water per day! This is really helping my skin stay clear and making me feel a lot fuller and focused.
As for the gym now my BMI is well into the healthy range I have had a word with my trainer who is writing me up a more intense program and challenging me in more ways… I know this is going to be tough but loosing the weight has also made me want to become a lot more fit, active and energetic so I am up for any challenge he throws my way. With the help of everyone at New You I am now filled with confidence that I CAN and I WILL achieve what I thought I couldn’t.
All I have left to do now is treat myself to some slim fitting clothes and start looking as good as I feel…. I might need a makeover to make this happen but I am most definitely up for that! A complete makeover could be on the cards…. really go into a NEW ME!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wanted to take the time and thank all of you guys for all the help and support, that’s what kept me going! I even went to a shopping centre a good few miles from my house and I was approached by some lovely people about how they watch my weigh in and how well I am looking … words of encouragement really help me to go on. I hope in some small way I am helping you all as well. Remember I am always here for a chat or a little motivational word in your ear if you need it 🙂
Well done Ellie!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 You are a superstar!!!! 🙂 Enjoy your much deserved shopping trip!!! You must have nothing fitting!!! Lol 🙂 xxxxxx
Way to go Ellie!!!! I know you will succeed at your next phase of your new you. You are an inspiration. Xxx well done
well done ellie you are doing great and looking fab as always have a great day x
Well done Ellie you’ve done amazing 🙂 x