Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Week 15!
Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Week 15!
WOOHOO Welcome to my FIFTEENTH weigh in,
Can you believe that I just completed my fifteenth week of my New You Journey? The time is flying and I am having fun. I feel like such a different person. When I look back all them weeks ago when I was feeling fed up, depressed, anxious, nervous and just about to start the journey to the New Me. Weeks on and I am nearly there. I am confident, smiling, happy, excited, energetic, loving life WOOHOO 🙂 I cannot put into words how great I am feeling inside and out and I have came so far and I am getting even more excited about reaching my ultimate goal. I am also super pleased at my loss this week and my BMI is well into the healthy range.
This weigh in was my first after 2 weeks on refeed, I am so delighted to have 4lbs off and breaking into the 8 stone barrier… Another few pounds and I will be at my goal weight… I cannot even put the excitement into words. I AM NEARLY THERE!!!!!
Hi Ellie , I can’t view the video,it’s not there?
That’s “Absolutely” great lol xxx You have done brilliantly Ellie, a definite inspiration to all us Secret Slimmers xxx You look really good as well 🙂
wow well done ellie your are doing fantastic you are in the 8ths oh my god how small are you have a great week and you look amazing xx
Ellie that’s fabulous , well done your in the 8’s WOW !!! xxx