New You Plan Blog
Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 84

Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 84

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I have been on plan for 12 weeks ….. VANISHED 37LBs the time has just flew in and I feel absolutely FANTASTIC!!! icon smile Ellie’s VLCD Blog – 6 Week Review

Looking back to 12 weeks ago I can honestly say I am now a completely different person…. Not only 37lbs lighter…. I feel so good and  I am now going to the gym 4-5 times a week, 12 weeks ago the gym wouldn’t have crossed my mind. Now I feel guilty for having 1-2 days break a week… getting slightly addicted… but I love it. My body is taking shape now and I am toning up which is an extra bonus. My skin is nice and clear and overall I am waking up with a smile and enjoying my life and my New You Journey. I am super happy with my 2lb weight loss and I can see my ultimate goal and such an achievable reach now. EXCITED 🙂

The 12 weeks I have been on my New You Journey the time has just flew in. I look back to the 6th of January and wonder where all of that time went. I am a completely different and healthier person and I am thinking how did that all happen? It was such a good decision to start the plan. I started off with a BMI of 29.9 and my weigh in today my BMI is now down to 23.7… I am way into the healthier scale now.

So today starts my 2 week refeed which is recommended to any one doing a Total Food Replacement plan. I am so nervous to get back into eating but excited to work hard and maintain the best I can. The gym will still be seeing me 3-4 times per week and I will hopefully have a blog up later in the week letting you all know how my first few days on refeed have been. Remember I will still be weighing in with you all on a Tuesday and I am so excited to continue sharing my journey.

Thank you all again for supporting me throughout my journey and I am so excited to have you along with me, it just makes it all that bit easier…. So bring on the rest of the journey and I am so excited for the days/weeks ahead!

Remember everyone I have my  Wednesday Webinar tomorrow evening at 20:30 …. fancy some mid week motivation?? Click on the link below and get registered… I would love to see you there!!!

Click here to register for my Wednesday Webinar on ‘Don’t Stress for Super Success’



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