Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 31*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 31
Thanks for joining me,
I have just took a look at all my measurements after four weeks and thought I would share them with you all.
I started the plan on January the 6th so these are my measurements after 4 weeks 🙂
Remember that’s its really important to check your measurements when the scales don’t seem to be moving for you it will be your body shape changing and toning up. I felt this most mid week three… My body shape is just so different now and it feels good. So do not worry if the scales aren’t telling you what you want to hear I bet the tape measure will have a different story 😉
I started my New You Journey weighing 11 stone 10 pounds and now 4 weeks later I am 10 stone 8 pounds. I am feeling extremely fresh, motivated and determined to reach my goal. This time 4 weeks ago I had never stepped foot in a gym and now I am exercising 4 times a week and even considering moving that up to 5. I am full of energy and determination, not only do I want to shift my excess weight, I now have dreams and goals that were non exsistant 4 weeks ago. I would love to bring exercise into my daily routine for the rest of my life, I want to join marathons and charity events. I want to start making a difference and make something more special of my life.
I can truly say I am so proud of myself for my achievements so far, not only with my weight and measurements on the downfall. Overall I am a happier more confident person and I am excited to see the New Me when I eventually reach my goal…. BRING IT ON!!! 🙂
Well done Ellie!!!!!! :)7.2 inches in total!!!!! 😀 Hope my math is correct lol 😉 Fab inchloss hun, really proud of you!!!! xxxxxxx
Thanks Lisa 🙂
well done ellie thats great must check mine again x
Let me know when ya check them 🙂 Thank You 🙂 xx
Oh Ellie. I just welled up reading this post. Well done on the inches lost but what you have gained in terms of your aspirations of your life is just so touching to me.
I love you Ellie xxxx
Love you too 🙂 Couldn’t be done without great role models <3 xx
Well done Ellie we are all so proud of you, these are some great results! You are going to achieve even more wonderful things – I know it 🙂
Thank youuuu x
Well done Ellie x
Thank you Brenda 🙂 xox