Dropping dress sizes on New You Diet Plan*
*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee.
I have been enjoying dropping dress sizes on the new you diet plan, I have been buying some clothes from Next, mainly because they are great for delivery, and the clothes are nice without being too expensive. I am planning on giving them all away to a lucky reader once they are too big for me.
At the start of my diet I was wearing Tesco’s joggers or maternity clothes in size massive! Getting into a Size 18 in Next was actually a good feeling (never thought I would say anything like that in my lifetime, oh how pregnancy changed everything!) Dropping dress sizes is one of the things that makes everyone jump for joy!! BEST FEELING EVER!
Now size 18 is way too big for me, and the size 16 top that I bought is pretty big too, I am wearing size 16 trousers today! I am so close now to size 14 I can almost taste it. From from skinny, but I have to agree with Kate Moss… “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” – She got a lot of stick for saying that, but I am sure almost everyone agrees with it! Being overweight is definitely not a good feeling, being slim and healthy IS. (Im not promoting skinny skinny – just healthy slim skinny!)
I am very hopeful that I will be in size 14s trousers in the next couple of weeks. When I get to size 12 I think I might cry (happy tears of course!), and when I get to size 10… Well I will probably be floating around on cloud 9 for a week or two! 🙂
The thing that amazes me is that now size 10 doesn’t seem that far away, it used to feel like a million miles away. Now I know I should be there in time for Summer. *Fingers crossed*
No matter how much weight you have to lose, the sooner you get started the sooner you will start to see the changes, and every time you move down a dress size it just feels GREAT.
I think it is really important to remember that if you want to lose 5 stone – it won’t take you 5 months to get to your goal before you feel good, you will feel good along the way, there are sooo many milestones to celebrate, so many achievements for you to feel proud about, so many new habits to form, mindset shifts, and also so many new friends to meet if you sign up to Secret Slimmers.
I have been chatting with a few Secret Slimmers today, and I have to say that ALL of the ladies on the secret facebook group are A-MAZ-ING, truly inspirational and everyone is so encouraging and kind to everyone. I get so much strength, and inspiration from that group. I love it and everyone in it! If you are a new you customer then you are more than welcome to join Secret Slimmers, where you will be able to join me and other dieters.
I am planning to be on TFR until June (except for 2 week break when I get to 12 weeks) so if you want to join now is a great time, as I would love to share this amazing journey with you! Dropping clothes sizes, getting into the next stone bracket… it is all very exciting stuff you know!!
Always remember that the time is going to pass anyway, between now and the summer. You can waste that time, or invest it into yourself, your health, and your whole lifestyle.
On June 15th, I will be celebrating 2 years married to my amazing husband, on 15th June last year was our first wedding anniversary and I went into the labour ward, Isabella was born 2 days later on 17th June.
I have my vision in my head that I want to look good again for those 2 special dates. Having a vision, and a deadline date, is really important, as it helps me to remember WHY I am doing this, and I can’t give up or I will miss my goal. I will kick myself if I want to hide from the camera on Isabella’s first birthday… to me that is not the way I want to live, and no food is worth that feeling.