![[Customer Interview] Kevin loses 41lbs* with The New You Plan! [Customer Interview] Kevin loses 41lbs* with The New You Plan!](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/kevin2.jpg)
[Customer Interview] Kevin loses 41lbs* with The New You Plan!
*Weight loss results may vary and are different for each individual.
Hey Guys 😀 😀
I am known on Facebook as Paul Blart, but my real name is Kevin. I was hacked on FB and wanted to change my account and the film Mall Cop was on TV, so I stole the lead characters name on an impulse. It seemed kind of right as I used to be a “Mall Cop” too ! I was born in Taunton, Somerset and have moved away a few times, but always came back.
I am now a single parent to a 9 year old lad. Keeping up with him keeps me occupied ! Up until November last year I also looked after my aging father and took early retirement to do so better. Unfortunately he passed away, leaving me with a little more “me” time. Since then I have been non-stop working on little renovation projects …. the “me” time will come. I promise!
Tell us about your weight and lifestyle before you started the plan
What was your starting weight?
I started at 15 st 6lbs ( and increasing)
What was your dress size?
My trouser (jeans) waist size was 42″ (although I could squeeze into 40″ if I didn’t need to breathe).
Have you tried other diets?
Over the years I have tried quite a few — the usual club / group based diets and older VLCDs, as well as a go at and conventional food diet. They were all unsustainable.
Why do you feel you put your weight on and what have you struggled with before starting the plan that stopped you from losing weight?
I eat out of boredom, more than anything — evenings being my downfall, as well as a love of ice cream and an insatiable sweet tooth ! Habit and sugar cravings always saboutaged attempts to stop eating.
How did you feel before you started the plan?
I have M.E, so always tired — and often feeling bloated. I was ashamed of my shape, unable to buy clothes I liked, going instead for tent like over-alls. Hated being in pictures with a vengeance!
Tell us about when you started the plan
What moment or event started your weight loss journey?
Dad passing away, I think. I had been single for 3 years and often thought about rebuilding myself — but life kept getting in the way ( and I found excuse after excuse ). Then dad passed and it made me think of my own mortality, I guess. I just decided that I would rebuild both my life and myself.
How did you hear about us?
From a friend on Facebook who has done fabulously well on New You – Jerri.
What made you decide to join The New You Plan?
Jerri’s results really and the fact that the food looked tasty and might satisfy my sweet tooth.
What plan have you been following through The New You Plan, Fast Focus, Fresh Focus or Family Focus?
I have been doing Fast Focus – in short “phases”
Why did you choose the plan option ie Fast focus?
I went for Fast Focus because, for me at least, “all or nothing” works best and I really neded to break unhealthy food related habits and associations. No real food at all was, basically, the easiet option. It also ensured that I still got my daily requirement of minerals and vitamins.
How long have you been on the plan?
So far I have done two 3 week phases, with a short break in between, and I am now on the 5th week of my 3rd phase.
How much weight have you lost- please provide in Stone and Pounds
Up to my last weigh in – 4 days ago – I had lost 1 lb short of 3 stone …. so 2 st 13 lbs*.
How many jean sizes have you lost?
I have gone from the old 42″ waist down to 34″ waist (which fit really comfortably with no squeeze !)
Tell us about what you enjoyed while doing the plan
How has the support of the New You team helped you?
The motivation provided is second to none and the community and family feel of the whole group (New You Team and slimmers on Facebook) really keeps me buoyed up.
Tell us what meals you enjoyed and why?
My favourite savoury dish is a combination of omelette and chilli — very tasty and quite filling. But the all time favourite has to be the new chocolate brownie, which I make with a combination of a very thick NY shake “custard” — that really hits the spot !
What was your daily menu- please provide breakfast lunch dinner tea and favourite snack?
Before the plan I was never an early eater, never had breakfast at all.
So I have a PFB when I get up ( I guess that is my breakfast)
For lunch I have a protein bar ( I keep them all in their own drawer, so just “lucky dip” ).
For dinner I combine a couple of meals; omelette and chilli, or brownie and shake custard.
This leaves me a hot chocolate shake of an evening, sometimes with an apple and cinnamon biscuit snack.
Would you recommend customers to join secret slimmers?
Definitely ! The help, encouragement and support is priceless! Seeing others do well is a great boost as well as seeing others falter in the same way you do and helping them overcome the obstacle, which helps you overcome yours too.
Tell us about how you feel now?
How do you feel now after losing your weight?
I feel much more confident and happier to go get those eye catching tee shirts. I also feel, physically and emotionally, better … happier and more healthy.
What weight are you now?
At last weigh in ( 4 days ago) I was 12 stone 7 lbs
My Measurements are:
Start: Waist 42″ Chest 45″
Now: Waist 34″ Chest 42″
What dress size are you now?
34″ waist in jeans — I am afraid I still don’t look good in a dress lol!
Have you reached your goal?
Not yet — but soon. I am aiming for 11 stone — I actually want to be 11 st 7 lbs. I know on re-feed I will put back a few pounds of glycogen, so have allowed for that in my target weight. So a stone and a half to go.
How has your weight loss impacted positively on your ever day life?
More confident, happier with myself — and I got to buy the Superman tee-shirt I have wanted for the past 10 years (but wouldn’t wear because a pot bellied superman looks ridiculous!).
What was the nicest compliment you received since reaching your weight loss goal or current weight loss?
Just any remark about the fact that I have lost weight does for me !
Do you feel your mind-set has changed with following the plan for example do you feel you have a better understanding of food and this will help you not to go back to old habits?
I have realised that I used to think I was hungry when I wasn’t. The TFR has also got my stomach used to smaller portion sizes. I have also become more aware of the effect food has on my mind and body ( carb rushes, sugar swings and the resulting cravings).
Tell us more
Do you have any favourite sayings, quotes, or anything that inspires you?
My inspiration comes from the successes of my fellow secret slimmers — especially the few males (no offence, but I can identify with them better — I can visualize a drop in waist size, but have no concept of a dress size !)
If you were to give advice to anyone considering starting a weight loss journey, what would you say?
Pick a day and COMMIT 100% — even if you have to beat yourself up, get it done — get through those first couple of days and it suddenly becomes easy!
What tips would you offer someone who is thinking about starting their weight loss journey but has not yet made the decision to join the new you plan?
I would say go for it! New You isn’t like other plans, which tend to be all about the product. NY offers support and community and is more about the person — family!
Thanks 😀
If you’re just starting out on your journey, or coming back to the plan then we would recommend our 60 TFR bundle. This bundle will last you for 14 days. You’ll be able to enjoy 4 meals per day and 2-3 snacks per week.
What’s even BETTER is that with The New You Plan we’re more than just a diet company. We are a total lifestyle change: meals, mindset, motivation and maintenance. With unrivaled customer service, a 100% money back guarantee and unlimited online support you’ll be able to get in the zone and smash your goals in 14 days.
Benefits of this incredible bundle:
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