Steps to Success on a VLCD Plan!!
Appreciate every win…
All to often we find ourselves fighting too hard to become the person we want to be in our own minds eye that we fail to see what we have already become in today’s reality. One of the things I love most about the New You Plan is how quickly the results show.
Steps to Success on a VLCD Plan!!
The big plus here is that in little as a week or two you can look back and see just how far you have come and it makes the road ahead so much brighter.I often have heard Julz say this is a life long journey and the more I immerse myself in this world the more I understand this. Just like a journey there are so many elements to consider in order to keep forging ahead. Such as the distance you want to travel or even the distance you need to go before you will be happy. Another aspect is to consider the points along the way at which you are going to rest and take it all in.
Furthermore as with all journeys you can expect delays, cancellations and the odd break down None of which matters if you have the support and mindset required to take each one in your stride and see it as an opportunity to learn and be happy.
Each time I write a blog I consider my own journey and use the inspiration of others success in our own Secret Slimmers society to help spark my imagination, today blog was sparked by the post below:
Husband is upstairs doing some useful DIY ..I am downstairs creating pictures with my shells …ah this is the life .. each shell represents one pound on the New You Plan . I made them into a smile because I feel Happy Have a Fantastic Friday Secret Slimmers
The customer has taken a break, not in the sense of coming off the diet but rather allowing herself to a take a moment mentally – allowing the focus to change for just long enough to appreciate all that she has already achieved. To me this would be akin to taking a moment to rest on a walk up a mountain and suddenly realising the view you have right before you. Once this happens and you have taken this moment and revitalised your mind the rest seems so much easier.
[box type=”download” style=”rounded”]I hope to hear from you in terms of the things that have happened to you this week that have helped you take a moment and appreciate just how far you have come.[/box]
As always thanks for reading.
Kind regards
I have nothing else to add to this topic other the need to further understand it. Two things I like about the post, one it is straight forward and two it does not attempt to promote anyone’s position particularly. I appreciate you sharing this with the rest of us Julz.