£2000 worth of prizes up for grabs in our May Weight Loss Challenge

THE LEADER-BOARD IS BACK!!!!! WAYHEY!!!   ITS MAGNIFICENT MAY AND OUR WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE IS UNDER WAY!!!!!   WHOOP WHOOP!!!!   This May we are giving away £2000 worth of prizes, This will motivate and help you to achieve your goals, so you can LOOK AND FEEL GREAT this summer!! Stop putting off your dreams and feeling frustrated, take the amazing opportunity of this

Motivation Monday with The New You Plan

Blog Written by Tasha Hynes         Creating YOUR New You is a continuous journey, there really is no beginning or end.  When you reach your target weight, your new you journey does not end, it just enters a different phase, where you are more focused on healthy eating and maintaining your weight and hopefully focusing on getting fitter and

Focus Friday with The New You Plan

Blog Written by Tasha Hynes It is very important not to underestimate the change that you can create in a few short weeks by being 100% dedicated to yourself and your Transformation. For Focus Friday we want to help you Survive the weekend! These next 6 weeks can be YOUR time all you have to do is take it a day

[Post Your Weigh in] March Weight Loss Challenge

  Blog Written by Tasha Hynes       This Month we want to help you get your Mojo BACK!!! Last Month we were focusing on You learning how to love yourself!!   February was an AMAZING Month for weight loss all round There was a total of 76Stone  Lost in the month of February between 103 people, so many people Smashed

WOW Wednesday With The New You Plan

  Blog Written by Tasha Hynes Bring to life the success that has already started to shine through. We don’t mind if you make them funny or keep it serious, but do share the things that have happened this week that have made you go WOW.   So today I want you to share your WOW moments, that you have

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