Ali Campbell – Stress & Your Lifestyle
Ali Campbell Project New You
This week we are sharing more of #ProjectNewYou, our diet mindset course with Celebrity Life Coach, Ali Campbell. Here at The New You Plan we understand the journey of weight loss, we know exactly how it feels on that first day when you think that the end is barely in sight. You know exactly what you want to look like, what size or weight you want to be, or how you want to feel. But we are here today to help you focus on the journey, and remind you of the importance of celebrating all those little non-scale victories.
Are you feeling discouraged by your progress?
Worried your not achieving your targets when you want to?
Then you need to stop saying when!
Did you know that cortisol, our body’s stress hormone means that we cannot lose weight because it chemically forces our body to hold onto fat and at the same time makes us crave high energy foods? The game changer here is to reduce our stress levels, using 3 simple steps.
Tip No 1: Take the time to work out when something is real or when it is a story.
Tip No 2: Recognise what you can control and what you cannot control
Tip No 3: What can you drop right now?
#ProjectNewYou will allow you to breakdown the cycle of setting targets that will ultimately lead to us feeling like we will never achieve our goals.
It is time for you to take control and understand what is weighing you down – if something is weighing you down then you need to get rid of it, stress is not healthy for anyone, it can cause so many problems and for those of us who are looking to lose weight stress really doesn’t help us. So ditch the bad and get more of the good, then your life will turn around!!
Set small goals that are going to make you HAPPY – your happiness is important – and when you are happy you can achieve so much more 💜💜
Do you want to learn how to live a stress free life?
Download your free workbook today
Module 5 Ali Campbell
Start your Stress Free Summer Transformation Today!!
We have 2 AMAZING offers that will help you get summer ready!
Shop our 4 Week and 8 Week bundle and Get The Whole Ali Campbell – Project New You Module FREE as well as a New You drop a Jean Size Journal to record your weight loss achievements etc.
We have so many people joining us at the moment and everyone is after the same thing, that is the ability to change the habits that got us here in the first instance and that stop us from making the change we know we deserve. Ali Campbell the celebrity life coach has teamed up with New You to help you break the mental barriers that have been holding you back!
Not only that you will also get our 21 Day Drop a Jean Size Journal free with these bundles. The Journal is designed to give you a range of mindset tasks to get yourself really focused on being 100% for 21 Days so that you can see and feel the difference in your clothes.
Get ready to Save Save Save and change your Mindset for a Fabulous Healthy summer <3
Shop our 4 week bundle for £155.99/€201.23. 
Get free Gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Or Shop Our 8 week bundle for £299.99/€386.99
Get free gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Order your bundle today and work on your relationship with food to get your head in the right place to smash your goals and stay there!
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I can’t get. Into the link, is there a problem?
Hey hun 😀 Just click on the bit that says Module 5 😀 😀 xxx