Pain is Temporary so is Total Food Replacement
Total Food Replacement is a temporary thing to fix an overwhelming problem of being overweight or obese. If you struggle to lose weight with healthy eating, and total food replacement is a reliable and motivating strategy for you to lose weight, then you can have peace of mind that you will get to your goal.
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually is will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” ~ Lance Armstrong
Total Food Replacement is a temporary thing, it usually lasts a few weeks or a few short months, but it is worth it, as the results and transformation you can achieve are amazing, totally life changing, and open up so many new opportunities, and a new way of life and hope for so many people.
If you have been struggling to lose weight with healthy eating, and feel hopeless and frustrated with the lack of results and change in your body, then switching to a total food replacement diet plan can really help to kick start your weight loss.
Being slim, fit and healthy, takes effort, and effort = pain.
The harder you work, the more sacrifice you make, the more you push yourself then that makes the pain even more, but it also makes the results so much better, faster, quicker and more amazing.
If you quit your diet, if you quit trying to lose weight – where will that take you? Will you end up living the rest of your life feeling frustrated, unhealthy, uncomfortable, and depressed? Is this not pain on a negative level?
Put your pain to good use, make it mean something, make it drive you to be the best you can be, set yourself big goals every single week, and every single day. Every hour counts, when you are aiming to achieve the best body of your life. It is never too late for you to get healthier, fitter and more in shape than you have ever been before.
The only thing that is stopping you from achieving your weight loss and health goals is the story that you are telling yourself in your own head as to why you cannot do it. YOU CAN DO IT. It will take effort, it will take sacrifice and it will be painful. But what is the alternative?? And what will you achieve and create when all your hard work, effort and determination pays off?
3 months can change your life, 90 Days.
What are you going to do in the next 3 months to change your life? To improve your life? To increase your fitness? To achieve a healthier body weight?
Be prepared for pain, and take heart in the fact that it is only temporary, and in the end it will be replaced with joy, pride, happiness, health, strength, amazement and vitality.
If you quit – that lasts forever.