12 Pillars to Creating a Long Lasting New You Plan
My New You Plan Journey in 2015 has been a transformation in every sense of the word! I have been working on losing weight, but I have also been working on creating a stronger new me, in every way so that I can MAINTAIN WITH EASE.
In today’s blog post I share with you the 12 PILLARS OF MY NEW YOU PLAN. This is how I am building myself up inside and out to get stronger, happier and healthier. I recognised that when I couldn’t do the plan 100% I felt overwhelmed and a failure, so I created this 12 step program that would help me to get to my target weight in a healthy, positive, empowering way, and in a way that would set me up for long lasting success.
When I started this year, I was not in a good place. Yes I was morbibly obese, and I really needed to lose weight. But I needed SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT.
I knew I had to get all the right foundations in place….
I needed to do so much more than “just lose weight”, I needed to have a strong positive mindset, consistent motivation, I needed to move more and get my body strong and healthy, I needed to make time for me and have a beauty makeover, I needed goals and a vision that excited me, and I needed to enjoy TODAY, and be the best I can be as I am now, and to give myself credit for who I was.
I do feel like a new me inside and out, I am so much stronger mentally, I am happier, and I am healthier in every way. I still have 1 stone and 11 pounds to get to my target weight, but I am feeling better every single week. This final stage is exciting, I still get hard days, but I can turn them around faster because I am focused on my 12 pillars that are creating a happy healthy life for me and the important people in my life. I share the 12 pillars of a long lasting new you plan in this blog post…

I feel at this stage of my new you plan weight loss journey things are more exciting, when I was 15 stone, 14 stone, 13 stone, 12 stone… 3 or 4 pounds weight loss did not make me feel much different, but now I feel so good when I lose a few pounds I can really feel the difference!
I started the new you plan in January with a broken ankle, I feel off the carousel at the Christmas Markets last December when I was with my 2 daughters, then 3 years old and 9 months old. This was a nightmare situation for me as I had a bad fall in my pregnancy and had broken my other ankle, and it was still causing me a lot of trouble! So now I was faced with 2 bad ankles! The thought of never wearing my louboutins again was very real and very scary! lol
I knew when this happened that I needed to be very strong and positive or I would end up getting seriously depressed. So I filled every day with gratitude, and counted even the smallest blessings with so much overwhelming appreciation. I got really strong and focused, and knew that 2015 was going to be a year of massive transformation for me on every level.
I am becoming so much more! This is a beautiful song… have a listen…

I started doing Yoga with my broken ankle in January. I was in a chair to begin with, and for a good few months was very limited with what I could do, but I am getting stronger now, and this photo was taken a few days ago. This pose is called the warrior pose, and it has helped me to build up my ankle strength and ligaments. I still have a lot to perfect in this pose, so I will share more photos with you over the coming weeks as I improve it!

Creating A New You, that is strong, healthy, happy and enjoys life to the max, is so much MORE than just doing a diet.
This year I have been focused on moving forward different areas of my life that make up a LONG LASTING NEW YOU PLAN….
I haven’t always been on 100% total food replacement this year, but I have ALWAYS been moving forward in my New You Plan Transformation…
I am working on creating a program on this, and if you are interested in this please leave a comment below to let me know!
MEALS – New You Plan Meals really help me to achieve motivating weight loss, all my weight loss this year has been when I have been 100% on total food replacement. When I am in ketosis and in the zone, I feel so empowered, and I have time to focus on the other pillars to build them into my life so that they become 2nd nature. I also use the New You Meals when I am not 100%, as just having a bar or a shake for breakfast, keeps me in the mindset of New You and being healthy.
MINDSET – I have been working a lot on my mindset so that I can feel happy, positive and confident that I can get to my target weight with ease, and maintain with ease. Also believing that my ankles will be strong again, and that I will be able to maintain and enjoy a healthy vibrant lifestyle.
MOTIVATION – I have been working on setting up routines in my life that help to keep me motivated. Motivation is something that you need to work on everyday, and you need to set up your environment and the people who you spend time with to create motivation. It also includes doing things you love and that make you feel happy.
MOVEMENT – Everyone knows that exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. I think the key is to find something you love. I have been working building my ankle strength and my overall fitness. I have been been doing yoga mostly and walking as these are what I enjoy and what makes me happy.
MAINTENANCE – When I haven’t been 100% on plan, I have been really focused on eating healthy so that I can maintain. I have also been learning a lot about healthy nutrition, and last week I attended a one day workshop on healthy eating and I have bought many books on healthy eating and nutrition. I am really confident and excited about maintaining.
MAKEOVER – I have personally found that when I gained weight it has been through physcial immobility and the pain that comes with that, I have just not focused on taking care of myself. My beauty routines went out the window. I have been working on a head to toe make over. From my hair, skin, eyes, teeth, style and more! I am so excited to get to my target weight and be able to buy lots of new clothes!
MISSION – I have been really getting clear on who I am in the roles in my life and who I want to be and taking action to be that person, from being a wife, mum, business woman, friend, daughter etc.
MEMORIES – Life is a collection of memories, good and bad. Do the things you LOVE, don’t let life just pass you by. Creating special memories, can come from something simple, like not being on your smart phone, and engaging with your partner or your child. I have been so aware of creating special memories for the important people in my life. From having family holidays, creating family journals, and to giving thousands of pounds away in random acts of kindness to our customers to brighten up their day and create a special moment for them <3
MAPPING – By mapping, I mean mapping out my future, being the author of my life story. I do this everyday, I plan my day. I also do it every Sunday, I plan my week. I also have monthly, quarterly and yearly and 5 year “maps”.
MEDITATION – Meditation has been an amazing habit to build into my life, if you don’t think meditation is for you, then you could pray, or go for a short walk on your own in nature, or simply have a cup of tea and sit in silence. I now have an almost daily meditation practice, I would meditate probably 5 times most weeks. I only meditate for around 5-20 minutes depending on the day. I used to be really crap as my mind is so active but recently I am getting much better at letting my mind be still!
MERIT – I have been giving myself Merit for who I am, don’t get me wrong I still beat myself up a lot for not being a good enough business woman, dieter, mum, wife and friend, I am always so aware of how much room I have for improvement, but I also have to take a deep breath and realise my good points and give myself merit for what I have achieved and have confidence that I can keep improving.
MANTRA – By Mantra, I mean what the common things we repeatedly say in our head about ourselves and what we think is possible for us. What we say in our minds creates our outter world. Often I just write pages of affirmations and mantras and re-read them.
My message for you today is that if you cannot be 100% on your weight loss journey for one reason or another, then stay focused on ALL of the above, and you will not go backwards, you will not feel like a failure, you will keep moving forward and you will get to your goal, but even better you WILL HAVE LONG LASTING SUCCESS.
I see so many customers have this problem that when they are not on plan they can let everything fall part because they feel like a failure. Make your NEW YOU PLAN more than just a DIET, make it a LIFESTYLE, make it all about YOU, CREATING YOUR NEW YOU INSIDE AND OUT.
Love this Julie Ann you are such a strong determined young lady and you inspire me everyday thank you for being you xx
Thank you SO MUCH Pauline 😀
Loved it,as if I want to read more !!am struggling these days but I can’t share it ,need to keep on reading your post Jullie Ann, I really need to do this ,you are such a determined lady and you are my inspiration x
Thank you Nanda, I struggle too sometimes, I just have to read positive things to turn it around too, I write in my journal alot and then I read my notes. Everything you need is inside you, you can do this!! You do not have much weight to lose! Between now and Christmas you can do this 🙂