Why You Need To Stop Associating Your Worth With Your Weight

In a world where we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s successes (physical, professional and sentimental) on social media, it’s easy to feel like we’re falling short on something, like we’re not good enough. And when you associate your worth with your weight those feelings of low self-esteem are magnified even further. To get over this feeling, you might go to

Forgive Yourself for Breaking Your Diet*

When we “cheat” on our diet, it can be so easy to “beat” ourselves up and give ourselves a “stern talking too”…. but if you really want to move forward, you need to learn to forgive yourself for breaking your diet, and you need to learn to LOVE YOURSELF. I love this quote…  “And I said to my body. Softly.

Why Stress Is Ruining Your Weight Loss Goals

Hands up who eats when they are stressed? Cue a Mexican wave of hands. Stress it seems is the biggest, baddest saboteur when it comes to your weight loss goals. At New You HQ we recognise that there are many reasons why our customers have gained weight. Perhaps they are on medication which increases appetite, or they are going through

6 Ways to be Happier in 2017!

No matter what journey we are on in our lives Happiness is something we all want to achieve. The term happy is ‘to feel or show pleasure or contentment’, in a broad sense you think that would be quite easily achieved but everyone’s happiness is found in different ways. For some time with a loved one is all the happiness

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