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Kick Ass by Kicking your Self-doubt Out the Window! | VLCD

Kick Ass by Kicking your Self-doubt Out the Window! | VLCD

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Kick Ass by
Kicking your Self-doubt Out the Window!
The New You Plan | VLCD

Kick Ass by Kicking your self-doubt out the window! | VLCD mindset
Kick Ass by Kicking your self-doubt out the window! | VLCD mindset

Self-Doubt on a VLCD

One of the biggest reasons for me failing before I have even begun is self-doubt. I would love to describe this as a little voice in your head that says no when you try to move forward, but that would be a lie. This voice has one volume: deafeningly loud!

[quote style=”boxed”]Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.[/quote]  William Shakespeare

It shouts and screams at you for as long as you have a dream or ambition. It is relentless, as it is there 24 hours a day. So the question is how do you tackle such a powerful force? First and foremost remember where this power comes from in the first place – it is your own voice! This means you control this voice even if you are not willing to admit it yet!

How to Overcome Self-doubt on a VLCD

The best way to overcome your own self-doubt is to take away the power that it has in the first place.
Think about all the times you were sure you would fail in the past and didn’t because you either did not have time to focus on the prospect of failure or it simply was not an option. Remember what you did to get past it and seek to re-establish the conditions for success.

In high pressure situations, stress allows you to focus and your sheer engrossment in the moment allows you to completely ignore self-doubt. [quote style=”boxed”]Speed eliminates all doubt. Am I smart enough? Will people like me? Do I really look all right in this plastic jumpsuit? [/quote]
David Sedaris
For people who are very goal orientated this approach can work well as you can set small milestone goals that do two things.
First they keep the pressure on at all times which means you don’t have time to listen to the voice in the back of your mind. Secondly each mini achievement puts that voice right back where it meant to be – far out of your way!
How can you listen to negative thoughts when you are so clearly getting closer to your goals!?!

The second path you can follow is to make sure that success is your only option. If self-doubt wins then it means that your goal was not important enough. Prioritise your goals and emphasise the importance of success. Rather than telling yourself what you want to achieve tell yourself why you want to achieve it. Wanting to lose 5 stone is a nice clear goal yes but without a reason to get to that number it is only a number.

If you know it is for your wedding day to have the photos you want that are going to last a lifetime. To be able to feel good on the beach on your dream holiday, then you create the emotional attachment that is going to be a louder voice of reason than your own self-doubt.

Lastly one thing that I have heard over the years by many people that make a living through successfully motivating people, is about self-doubt. They say – there is no purpose to self-doubt. It is not a survival instinct that is going to save your life. Is not a way of thinking that will reap long term rewards. Therefore there is no point in listening to this voice as it will only hold you back.

[quote style=”boxed”]Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.[/quote]  Mark Twain

Thanks for reading, good luck – you can do it 😉

Kind regards


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