New You Plan Blog
Don’t Worry; Be Happy!

Don’t Worry; Be Happy!

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“I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened!” – Mark Twain

Please click to play the song while reading this blog post! he he 🙂

It can be very easy to get overwhelmed with the worries of life. Worry is a big reason that people are overweight by comfort eating over the stress of things that might never happen!! So we all need to learn how to chill out a bit more and be less stressed, and less worried about life and all the stuff that is happening!

I have had my fair share of worries in the last year…. but the last couple of months I have really just chilled out and got a new perspective on life and on my worries.  I feel like I have learned a lot about myself and about how to deal with stress and worries.

You know, I am fine today, I have had to deal with a lot of crap in my life and I am fine today!  As you are too! We have gotten through all the bad days, and we are still here! 🙂

So if we have got through everything else in the past, why should any of today’s small worries even cost us a second thought?!  They probably will never happen anyway, and if they do, well we will figure a way to sort it out just like we have been able to do with everything else in our life!

Bad times come and go.  Just like spring always follows winter…. any hard times will pass and brighter days will be ahead.

Life is rollercoaster; the story of everyone’s life has ups and down’s! So just enjoy the ride! See life for what it is… an amazing adventure!

So next time you feel worried, don’t open the fridge door… just open your mind and heart, and realise that there is no point in worrying!

Go for a nice walk, count your blessings and just appreciate how amazing it is that your life is pretty amazing and you have got through all your past worries just fine, and whatever life throws at you, you will get through it!

Remember, that most of the things we worry about never happen! So the next time you feel the emotion of worry come up in you, make the decision not to stay in that place and not to comfort eat, but realise that there is no point in worrying, and every reason to get out and live life feeling healthy, happy and proud!

Have a happy day!!

Love Julz xxx

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