New You Poetry Competition Winning Poems

To mark World Poetry Day, we recently launched a competition in Secret Slimmers to get our customers to share a poem which sums up their New You Plan experience. Over the last few weeks we have been BLOWN AWAY by the amazing poems we have received from our customers.
This weight loss journey has big highs, lows and some funny bits too, we all have a story about why we gained weight, and seeing all these elements come through in the poems was very heart warming.
While we loved every single entry, there was one poem in particular, which perfectly summed up the emotions of this journey. A BIG congratulations to Rose Marmion who won £100 New You Plan points for her heartfelt offering…

Rose Marmion – Winning New You Poem 2019
“I grew up a skinny kid, who would laugh and run and play.
But when I was 11, something changed one fateful day.
My body shape was changing and some curves they did appear.
A passing hurtful comment, then fell upon my ear.
“That’s a big bum for a little girl!”, a random stranger said;
and from that moment onwards, his words stayed in my head.
“I must be fat”, I told myself..”cos that grown up told me so!”
And from then on I “watched my weight”…even though my weight was low.
The years flew by and on the way, I met a lovely man..
My soul mate and my bestest friend…we still walk hand in hand.
We had 4 lovely children…though one’s in heaven now.
The other 3 have challenges , but they make me proud..and how!
And through it all I then began to “fix” myself with food
A temporary band aid, to try and change my mood.
It didn’t work of course, in fact it only made things worse.
Food was no pleasure in my life, in fact it was a curse.
I even found I’d binge and purge, such was my messed up head.
To me it verified the words that random man once said!
For now I WAS a “fattie” with no control at all
I’d diet and diet and diet again
And every time I’d fall.
Until the day I said “Enough! This really has to stop! “
But would I start another diet and be a great fat flop?!
And then I read about New You and knew it was for me.
I wanted to be the woman that I deserve to be.
It isn’t always easy and some days can be tough,
But there’s help from others in my boat…
when the daily storms get rough.
So thank you New You for your help;
for coming to my aid.
For showing me a future bright and not leaving me enslaved.
Food is such a blessing, if we choose to end the war..
of self-hate and negativity…food shouldn’t be a chore!
New You shows a better way to get yourself on track;
improving health and focusing on claiming your LIFE back!
So start today! Why wouldn’t you? What do you have to lose?
Stay where you are and stay the same?
It’s up to you to choose.
But in New You , I’ll tell you now, you’ll find a family..
of people who know just what it’s like to have lived unhappily.
And they will walk along with you and gently take your hand
And together you’ll achieve your goals and life will just grand!
Each week in Secret Slimmers, we have amazing competitions and challenges to keep our customers motivated and inspired on their journey to a New You.
If you are already a customer, head over to Secret Slimmers here to take part in our latest competition for your chance to WIN amazing prizes.