Where is the Comfort in Comfort eating??

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If you are like me you have spent years having an emotional attachment to food. When I was sad, stressed, happy, upset, celebrating, worried, anxious I ATE!!!1_105659659_11_636
Did eating help anything?

Did it comfort me?

Did it help me solve anything? Short answer NO!!


Did these habits create problems for me? YES!

It was a vicious circle…I was sad so I ate…and then I was sad because I was obese…so I ate!
So why do we do it to ourselves?? Why do we self-sabotage when we know the outcome?



Change how you think about food…food is there simply to fuel our bodies. We   don’t need to over indulge or gorge on carbs. Use different coping mechanisms to deal with your emotions. Make a list of things you could do instead of eating when you are emotional. You use food to keep your mind off things so maybe try

 –      Go for a walk. It’s been proven that getting out in the air and exercising is great for clearing your mind!

–      Visit a supportive friend for a chat

–      Go paint/colour a picture with your kids

–      Take kids to the park

–      Write in a diet journal (it’s great to vent through writing and also to keep track of your progress)

–      Go online window shopping, look at clothes you would love to be able to wear and visualize yourself in those clothes! The more you visualize something the more your subconscious works to put that plan into action


As I said I used to also use food for when I was happy, celebrating, treating myself etc. This is also a bad habit as it puts calorie laden food on a pedestal. We need to replace food treats with different types of treats. So for example if you reach your weekly target on TFR you could


–      Buy a new nail polishHow-to-make-a-natural-face-mask-video-tutorials-from-beauty-bloggers-600x387

–      Treat yourself to a new scarf/handbag

–      Go get a facial

–      Buy new bubble bath

It doesn’t need to be expensive but it’s a good habit to get into to teach yourself to replace those food treats!!


Lastly enjoy your weight loss journey! The plan works if you work it. Take control of your weight issues now and in a few short months you will be like a new person!!

Or continue on as you are going…how’s that been working for you?
Harsh but true!!

Make a pledge to start your journey. You owe it to yourself!

If I can do this SO CAN YOU!!
Love Lisa xxxx


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