WEIGH IN WOOHOO’S – What is your average weekly weight loss?!*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Our June weight loss challenge has been a great success so far… as a team we have lost an incredible 934 pounds! Last month in May we lost 59 stones and so far we have SMASHED 67 stone in June…. LET’S MAKE A FINAL PUSH FOR OUR LAST WEEK OF JUNE AND MAKE IT HUGE!!
Every month here at The New You Plan we organise a free weight loss challenge for all our customers to take part in. Research shows that if you are publicly accountable you will have much better chance of succeeding! As we are an online company, you don’t need to run to embarrassing weigh in meetings, you can simply log your weekly weight loss results on our challenge leaderboard and see your name in lights every week! KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED FOR OUR NEW REGISTRATION THREAD FOR OUR JULY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE!!! COMING SUPER SOON!!
We really want to make June a HUGE month and help as many people as we can reach their target this month. Make sure you get your weigh ins recorded and make A FINAL PUSH for JUNE!!
OK, according to my app on iPhone “Monitor Your Weight” since I started in January, and with 5 weeks off plan while I was recovering from a minor operation, my average weekly weight loss is 3.1 pounds a week. 🙂 🙂
BRILLIANT VAL…. you are smashing it 🙂 woohoooooo 🙂 🙂 xxxx
5.2lb is my average weekly weigh loss. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that a tfrp would be so enjoyable and simple to follow. The resulting weight loss is amazing SS is for sure the thing that sets this plan apart from others I’ve tried over the years, a wonderful inspirational bunch of people that spur me on each and every day, WHOOOOOOO I’m losing an average of 5.2lbs a week, double WHOOOOO WHOOOOO. So happy :-)))))))
That is such good results …. well done 🙂 🙂 🙂
According to my ‘monitor your weight’ app my average weekly loss is 3.40 lbs. To date I have lost 17 lbs 😀 and I am over the moon. Love love love this plan 🙂 only a couple more weeks and I will be refeeding.. scary thought but looking forward to the challenge (my new attitude towards food and healthy eating) have a lovely day, week, weightloss journey everyone 🙂 xxx
wow thats great!!! woohooo 🙂
My average is 5lbs 🙂 whooooop x love this plan 🙂
Week one day 7 8lb off
Well done xoxox
Great task – it’s something i’d never thought of !
so tomorrow is my weigh day but ……i’ve had a sneaky peak ( for the sake of todays task you understand lol) and over the 8 weeks ( may 1st ) my average weight loss is a staggering 7.5 lbs 🙂
i am shocked, thrilled , stunned and so , so thankful that NEW YOU and I found each other .
I have completely transformed the way I think of food , it is no longer comfort food , it is no longer a reward , it is no longer my focus .
I no longer think in terms of IF I lose the weight but WHEN .
have already started to think about my refeed break so that i am well prepared and in the right head space to maintain and even hopefully carry on losing .xx
i usually lose 2-4lbs per week. i can’t do full tfr because i’ve a bad kidney, so i’m following an amended plan under the guidance of a nutritionist and my gp. the goal is 2lbs per week. anything extra is just bonus. the great thing about ny is that i’m not only meeting my target but exceeding it most weeks.
Thats great Chris 🙂 woohoo xxx
My average is 3 pounds! This week I was 4 pound down on week 11 which is amazing!! 🙂 xx
WOW brilliant Carolyn 🙂
I am halfway through week 4 and my average weekly weight loss is 5.73lb!! LOVE NEW YOU!!!
Yayyyyyy brilliant 🙂 xxx
my average weekly weight loss is 2.9lbs overall a loss of 95lbs from well over 18 stone to 12 stone never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined being this weight again at 50 i thought this is it girl get used to it,but then a wee add popped op on facebook advertising the new you plan and i thought one last go at losing weight.and lo and behold here we are 51 and if not quite fabulous i look ok lol xx
My average is 2 kg a week….thats amazing..:)
AMAZING 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Average loss of 2 to 5 lbs per week , which is astonishing 🙂 New You rocks !!!!
Love it 🙂 Well done xx
2-3 lbs slow and steady way I like it lol
Love it 🙂 You are doing sooooo well 🙂 xx
It’s day 65 and I can hardly believe I’ve made it this far. I’ve never lasted this long at anything before. On other diets I’ve dropped a few pounds put up 1, lost half, back up 2. It’s never been consistent enough for me to really be inspired and motivated to continue. The New You plan had changed all that. My life has changed in a matter of weeks. I’ve spent all winter being depressed and hiding away from people. If practically become a hermit. I completely sacrificed my social life and even going grocery shopping I would walk my head held down in case I’d see someone I knew, the shame of what I’d become was too much and I couldn’t seem to find a way to stop. I’m so thrilled I gave new you a chance. The results have been amazing. 4.2lbs per week on average weightloss. Guaranteed results if you committ 100% which I have. I am almost at the 3 stone mark. I’ve gone from a person sitting on the sofa to tired to move, to a woman that is learning to run and most importantly to me I’ve found within me the strength to sign up for my masters this September. I couldn’t have contemplated it last year. It will be a financial struggle for me and my family but I will do it, and it’s given me a great goal. I vacant wait to get back into my old jeans and feel confident on my first day back.
WOW Sinead that is AMAZING 🙂 You are doing sooooo well …. Thank you for sharing xox
mine is 2lb a week but I am tortoise ! either way 2 off is better than on ! that’s the great thing about this diet its consistent losses unlike others where its 1lb off one week then 1lb on the next LOL !!
WOOHOO! Thats great! well done 🙂 Great positive thinking xox
According to my app I am losing an average weekly amount of 3.23lbs it’s fab..I have had a few blips but 30lbs gone so far 🙂
WOW thats a great average… well done xox
Well I have only been doing it 2 weeks so my weight loss for those 2 weeks was 9.5 and so 4.75 is my average so far but I expect it to drop to maybe 3.5lbs which would be amazing if it did 🙂
WOOHOO!!!Long may it continue xoxox
My average loss is around 1 to 1.5 but that’s because I’m taking the very slow and scenic route! This plan is amazing, the more you stick to it then the better the results … WOOP WOOP! xxx
Only weighed in for 2 weeks. Total of 1 stone and 0.6 lbs in 2 weeks. Who else can offer you that ? Not even praying 🙂
I average around 1 to 2 lbs loss. Though I dont succeed every week. I have gluten and lactose intolerances, so it all runs quiet slow. Thou this plan is whats working for me as no others didx And afterall the totoise did beat the hare. Two stone gone 🙂
Wednesday woooohoooo! Well my weekly is a mixed bunch on average I loose …..some cowardness, some fear, disbelief, powerlessness while throwing out about 3.1lbs 🙂
Loosing the weight is just one side I’m more interested in my gains!!!! Self confidance, empowerment, self belief, control and happiness, I’m happy anyway but now I’m happy with my weight! I feel lighter, bouncier and bubblier!!
Soooo woooohoooooooo!!!
My average on my journey is five pounds, although this week I lost three. Whether it’s one, two or five I am lighter each week which is because of the support of secret slimmers and the new you plan. It’s not small steps it’ feels like strides and it is getting me closer to my destination with the knowledge that each week I feel happier, lighter and most of all healthier
That is the main thing Belinda 🙂 loving your positive thoughts xo
First week back and lost 9lbs so no average just now but before my average was 3.5
My average weight loss used to be around 3lbs but now it’s gone down to 2lbs, I need to get back in the game and drink my water!
SIP SIP SIP!!! You can do this 🙂 xxx
My average is 3lbs a week. I love the simplicity this Diet provides. It’s so easy to Keep on going because the product are so delish!!
Awwwwwh I am soooo happy you enjoy 🙂 woohooo xxx
Woùuu 5 pound lighter this week the New You is amazing program , In two week I smashed 17 pound total, this is amazing rezolts…thanks New you and good luck to everyone with weight lost this week ..,
I am just finished my second week of NY and my average is 7.5 pounds. Of course that will reduce over the next few weeks but I will be aiming and meeting an average weekly weight loss of 5 pounds… 🙂 x
Hey guys,
As many of you know, I was having difficulty since Friday with an issue that kept me from shedding any lbs, so I was given some tips… followed those tips and was getting a bit concerned because this (after 36 hours) still wasn’t taking any effect. But low and behold, thankfully, it is all sorted now. Now, my usual weigh in day is Monday, I am on week 3,
Weigh-ins so far:
Wk 1 – 17lb
Wk 2 – 0lb (despite no blips)
Wk 3 – 7lb ( I know we are only half way through but I had to give a mid-week weigh due to last weeks results)
I was very upset after week two weigh in, but all thanks to the support on SS, I didn’t falter, I stayed 100% on track.
In my weigh-in this morning, I skipped out of my house to work at 7am…after not getting home from work until 1am last night feeling like I had won the Lotto!!! This is a definitely a WEIGH-In WOO HOO!!
I am sure that anyone who stick to this plan has a guarantee of this feeling!I think that the old Irish proverb sums this up and what I REALLY am beginning to believe and it is DEFINITELY keeping me on track…
Mar a chuireann duine an síol is ea a bhainfidh sé an fómhar.- What you plant in the spring you will reap in the Autumn. Looking forward to Autumn now!!
Apologies, I got so carried away with the WOO-HOO part, I forgot the average weight loss part… so on average (counting this recent weigh-in)
I have lost, on average 8lbs a week!! That is OVER half a stone EACH WEEK!!!!
Keep on track and you WILL DO THIS!!!! 🙂 🙂 WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I know now Ellie, without a doubt that I can, Im going to have to go and buy new jeans soon!!!! Feeling great, motivated and full of energy! Thank you all!!!
Hi – According to my monitor I am averaging 2.03kgs a week. Take care guys xx
Mine can really variey as I have a totm problem so mine’s every 2 weeks not 4 but I can go from 2 lb to 7lb depending on water ect
according to my weight monitor app, its is 2.7lb xx