Week 10 & 11 Weigh In: Down 5.5 pounds!*
*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee.
Hi everyone!
Well I have a bit of an update for you as I didn’t blog about my weight loss journey last week, so this week I am reporting week 10 and week 11 weigh ins.
Last week for a few days I just didn’t feel that great, partly due to feeling a bit bloated, and then I got a black eye (by accident!!!) and felt a bit under the weather so last week I lost 1.5 pounds. After a few days I started to pick up and got my passion back for getting to my goal, and I am delighted that this week I lost 4 pounds. Yay go me!!!
That brings me to a total loss of 40.5 pounds in 11 weeks – which is 1.5 pounds off the 3 stone mark. I know I will have 3 stone off me for next week which is just a great feeling. 🙂
Next week will be my 12 week weigh in, and then I will be taking a 2 week break from total food replacement, I will be adding in 1-2 healthy meals each day, these meals will be low carb, low calorie and low fat, and I will be eating absolutely no sugar or processed foods, just lots of veg and lean protein. Then I will be back on TFR until June, when I go on holiday! 🙂
I have completed my 6 week yoga/pilates course, which has greatly helped my mobility and general flexibility and core strength (I suffered a lot from SPD in pregnancy and spent almost all of 2011 bedridden / house bound), and I am really looking forward to focusing more on my health and fitness now, I feel more able to do that with the extra weight off, and the improvement from the yoga/Pilates sessions. I want to get stronger and fitter over the next couple of months. I also think this will help with my weight losses, so hopefully I will see my weekly average weight loss improve as I start burning more calories every day, just by moving and being more mobile!
The challenge for me now is balancing my time to allow myself to be able to have time to work, spend time with my daughter & husband and exercise every day. I know that it only takes 30 mins, but sometimes it is tiredness or some other excuse that I come up with that stops me from finding those 30 minutes. So I am making a public committment by writing here that I will be wanting to exercise every day, even if that is just 5-10 mins of yoga / pilates and a 20 minute walk. I know I need to focus on building in this habit, to help my body get stronger, and to help me have the healthy habits I need to maintain my weight loss when I get to my goal.
I feel like I am entering a new phase of my weight loss journey, the first 3 stone where hard, and it did feel overwhelming at times. But now that I am in the 12 stone bracket, I feel more confident and excited about my weight loss. The heaviest I was before I was pregnancy was in the 11stone bracket, so I am feeling closer to familiar territory!! The funny thing is when I was 11stone, I was mortified about my weight, and felt awful, now it feels exciting to think I will be that weight….. weird. lol. But when I seen this image on facebook this week I just had to laugh, as it is SO TRUE for me right now! ha ha. 🙂
Yesterday was my first Mother’s Day, and I have to say that wearing size 16 jeans, and a nice new top, I did feel really good. I know I am still big, but it really feels so close now, and I am looking forward to size 14, size 12, and then finally size 10! When you say it really fast it feels like it will be no time at all!
I am also really hopeful (maybe too hopeful) that Isabella will have her splints off her in the first week of April, which will be amazing, and even help me with getting out more for walks with her, as she cant be in her pram much with the splints on. So with Spring in the air, I really feel like we are entering a new phase as a family and all getting over our challenges, and perfect timing as well, coming into Spring is such a great time of year!
Jim Rohn says that God is a genius for putting Spring after Winter, and that our life is just like seasons, but after every dark cold winter in life, always comes Spring, and that is what I feel like with us. That after a hard pregnancy, and with my mobility and weight, and Isabella’s splints, that all these challenges we had to deal with are all coming to end and spring is here in every sense of the word. 🙂
Anyway, I know the score, the best thing to do is just focus on today, and make it good, and enjoy the process.
I’m off for a black coffee and some water! 🙂 x