VLCD and your mindset the winning combination!
VLCD and your mindset the winning combination!
Make the most of that which you control and which is completely free. This quite simply is you and when I say this I mean your spirit and mind. I once read that the wrong attitude can make the simplest tasks impossible… but the right attitude makes anything possible.
The simplicity of this is what makes it so wonderful. One thing I find myself doing when I am heading back towards rock bottom is taking a moment to realise what state I am in.
From here it is a simple case of reasoning with myself to turn it around. For each of us this trick may be different, I personally find that if my mood has dropped because of the actions of others my better judgment makes me realise that immersing myself in this state in fact creates further problems and in reality has no impact on the person that made me this way. It is usually at this point that I kick myself and realise the best way to deal with anything is draw a line under it, learn from it and move on.
Below is a post from one of our own customers who manages to personify this ethos in her day to day living:
Nicola Daly
Hey everyone just thought I’d pop back on and try and give some people a boost. I’ve noticed a little trend appearing of people blipping because they are emotional eaters. I think everyone in some way is but some people more than others. I was a massive emotional eater for certain reasons. It’s been mainly in the last 2 years, before that i had a handle on my weight. But The past 2 years i’ve had the weight of the world and worry on my shoulders. Which led me to stuff my face in all the bad ways. I had it in my head food would make it all better, IT DOESN’T! I hit a wall 12 weeks ago, my clothes where too tight. I didn’t want to go up a size so i had a choice. Kick myself up the bum and get my head straight and start new you or dwell on everything wrong in the world and eat myself to death. I chose the good path. I ordered my bundle not knowing how i’d get through it. But i sat myself down one night and thought about why i was emotionally eating (its mostly other people that had me doing it) and i thought hang on! I’m eating like this because someone put me so low i hated myself and i was basically doing to myself what they did to me. it switched my mind to the right way to think about food. and i said a big F you in my head to that certain person and decided to turn myself into what i wanted and give them a big middle finger. Girls/Boys whenever you get down and want a blip or feel so fed up you wanna give up. Tell yourself what you want out of this, its easily done in the end. I did it, was hard some days but its all worth it. I was inching into a 16 i’m now an 8-10 and delighted with myself. I’m currently refeeding the right way and i’m continuing to lose a little. So ladies/gents please please please don’t let anyone put you down or make you want to quit. They want to see you fail. So give them the middle finger and show them how sexy and fit you can get xxxxx You all deserve it!
Reading a post like this really inspires me and makes me realise what is important and that waiting for tomorrow to make a change is impossible as we only have the ability to change what is currently happening around us.
We would really love to hear from you and find out what it is that you use to distress on a daily basis and what keeps you pushing forward when things get tough.
As Always thanks for reading.
Kind regards
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