![[Video] Team Tips Tuesday at The New You Plan – Week 6 Be Your Own Inspiration! [Video] Team Tips Tuesday at The New You Plan – Week 6 Be Your Own Inspiration!](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/10-12.jpg)
[Video] Team Tips Tuesday at The New You Plan – Week 6 Be Your Own Inspiration!
Team Tips Tuesday at The New You Plan
Be Your Own Inspiration!
What today is all about:
Welcome to Team Tips Tuesday here at The New You Plan – this is our final installment of this for the year and this is the reason for my choice of topic. The topic is ‘Be Your Own Inspiration’.
There are two main reasons why I have picked this, the first being that this is going to be my last chance to communicate with you until the New Year. Being self driven needs to be an element that is considered at this point, you are the person that is going to always be there when you need a boost. Start building a relationship with yourself that says you are the best person to stir up a wind behind your sails.
The second reason is for so many of the people on this blog WOW Wednesday has shown that at this stage in the plan you are going to be your own best source of inspiration. Nurture this, build on it and fan the flames every day!
The Leaderboard:
As Ellie mentions in today’s video we updated the leaderboard last night and we had such an amazing push on this we have jumped right up to 93 Stones and we would love to see this number top 100 by the end of the week so please please do make sure that you get your results in as every last pound will count. As an extra incentive Julie Ann has asked me to add each persons name one extra time to the iPad Air draw at the end of the week for every person who has their results up for 6 of the 6 weeks!!!!! 🙂
The Task:
The task for today quite simply is I want you to tell me how you have become your own best source of inspiration!
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Comment below and be in with a chance of winning the iPad Air [/box]
See you tomorrow 🙂
Kind regards
Ever since I started this journey I have read the blogs, seen how others have lost weight / fell off the wagon and reached their goal. The main thing I have learned is that no-one except me can really inspire me!!! Friends and family mean well but they mean well by saying sure one meal / snack / drink won’t do you any harm.
Every time I say no to the above and have my shake or water I feel mentally stronger to say no the next time and the time after that and to finally complete this journey that has had many first steps!!!
Epic Esther – you have taken the true spirit of this on board!
The way i feel as i am losing the weight is my inspiration 🙂 🙂 Nothing or No one can EVER make me feel that way xxxxx
You have most certainly nailed this Caroline and we have all loved watching you do it!
Finding The New You plan has been life changing for me, to be honest I did not believe I would do it because I always felt that I needed more support! I always blamed someone else for failing.. Now 12 weeks later I am almost at goal with nearly 2 stone lost. I now know that no one can do this but myself, I no longer can blame anyone for sabotaging my efforts I know I can do this myself, I am strong enough to say no. Denial is far better than guilt! Slipping into my size 12 clothes is the best feeling in the world. Not having to hide behind oversized clothes and avoiding any camera is great. Less weight = better health and more confidence……
You are a true source of inspiration of Liz McGrath 🙂 You have done so well here – making us all very proud!
looking in the mirror, hearing the nice comments from others, hearing my family say how proud they are of me, these are all inspirations for me to complete my journey, I am almost there, and I am determined that once I am at goal, I will stay at goal.
Merry Christmas and happy new Year to you all at the New You Plan, thank you for everything in 2013 and looking forward to meeting you all in 2014.
Love Shell x x x x
You have achieved so much Shell – Congratulations on a job well done 🙂 Your photos blew us all away!
I think I’ve realised that this is a JOURNEY for me and even when I stumble I don’t give up brush myself off and continue on. I’m also realising that doing this journey is also Inspiring my children to never give up focus work hard and you can achieve anything, which makes me realise I need to look in the mirror more and see that all the inspiration I need is right in the mirror looking back at me.
WOW Devinia – this is really really powerful 🙂 You have come on in leaps and bounds in your journey with us and I am so very grateful for the support you have shown throughout the Challenge.
My inspiration is that I’m now a size 8 ( never ever been this size before) and ya know what it wasn’t hard, it was easy with the secret slimmers Facebook page to boost ur morale when needed and knowing that aren’t alone, the food is delicious so doesn’t feel like a diet especially when u have bars n snacks!!! So all in all, when you think about it… The New You Plan, ur my inspiration for making it soooo easy to do with support, tasty food and great customer service xx thank you xx
A warming comment Kathleen – you have blitzed the challenge and I am sure you are in a state of complete self perpetuating inspiration 🙂 Keep it up!
I am doing this journey mainly for myself and each mini goal I reach is inspiring me. Getting into 2 new stone brackets, trying on my old clothes from 2 years ago that are fitting me again and having more energy to get things done keeps me on track and I have just over a stone to go now. The inspiration is so great I may even try to lose a few more pounds after I have reached my goal!! 🙂 x
Fantastic Claire, you are a warm bubbly person and I have really enjoyed reading all your comments on the blog. Being able to see this happen for you has really inspired us too 🙂
This journey is for me, with for beautiful children and a husband I am busy! This diet has proved to me that I can do anything with the right tools. It really has given me a fresh perspective on life and I am looking at new ways to improve the things I love around me 🙂 It has given me back my self esteem x
Woohoo Jo – this is something that if you nurture it and keep building on it will continue to serve you in all aspects of your life for as long as you let it!
This journey is for me, with for beautiful children and a husband I am busy! This diet has proved to me that I can do anything with the right tools. It really has given me a fresh perspective on life and I am looking at new ways to improve the things I love around me 🙂 It has given me back my self esteem x
Basically in a nutshell I’ve seen how far I’ve come, how much I’ve achieved over the past few months with losing almost 7stone and I will now never underestimate myself again. I can now finally see what I am capable of when I truly put my mind to it and I have inspired myself to tackle anything which comes across my path which before I would have had my doubts x
Super Lorna and you have achieved so many amazing things this year!! You came, you saw you conquered 🙂
my inspiration has been all the nice comments i get from everyone and when i look in the mirror i like what i see now x
The person in the mirror Pauline is the one who has achieved all this!!! 🙂 Keep going and thank you for all the support!
I have always been self driven, but this plan has reignited the need to be it, so glad I made the decision to start the plan and look forward to the second part of my journey in 2014 !
2014 is going to be an EPIC year for you then Tara 🙂 Well done and good luck!
My inspiration over the 5 and a half weeks has been the support of a very good friend and also all of the posts on the blogs and on FB. They show me that results can be achieved and that blips are normal and not to panic.
For me personally the inspiration to continue is that I’ve made it this far and only had a couple of blips and the weight is slowly coming off. I haven’t had big weight losses at all and haven’t yet lost a dress size, but I can see that I will eventually get there.
I know that next Christmas I will look and feel much better than I do right now.
Keep at this Alison – you are on your way to being your own motivator and you have seen the possibilities 🙂
Unlike most of you guys, i have been trying to put on some weight as i have had a very tough year and have lost a lot of weight through stress and not eating right. I started this plan and reading these posts are my inspiration. They keep me focused and give me the drive to take care of myself for my own health and to be fit and healthy for my 3 beautiful children because without my wellbeing, they would suffer. Its a very personal struggle to lose weight or indeed gain some weight and both are equally hard in my opinion. Mental strength is they key and also a very good friend who doesn’t judge me n say ” oh your skinny, you have no problems ” like so many have said to me. I think all of ye are amazing wonderful people who have the most wonderful and touching stories. I take my hat off to everyone on this blog for being so open and honest! Onwards and upwards! Xx
Wow Susan – I am so so proud that my blog has attracted you and I am overwhelmed by your story and I do completely agree that in every case where change is imperative the pressure is half the battle. I am sure you will get yo your targets. Unfortunately I would not be qualified to offer you any real help regarding weight gain, but I hope to see you here again for the support! 🙂
I don’t recognize who I am now from what I was before …. Set aside the weight loss I’m so much better now than I have ever been in my whole life! I deal with life and it’s hiccups in such a positive way now and that’s down to how NY changed me as a person!
Not only have I lost 6.5 stone but I’ve lost all the extra baggage of emotional crap too!
Now I’m stronger confident and fun!!!
I am so pleased I found NY as I’m a healthier mother, partner, daughter, Aunty and I’m enjoying life to the max!!
If I can be inspirational to myself and prove I can do anything then that’s a great role model for my children x
Thanks NY x
Ps great video Grant & Ellie
Upbeat as always Kate – words of a champion 🙂 Well done again on such an amazing transformation 🙂 Julie Ann gave me a picture from the photo shoot to use in the emails – you guys all looked so amazing!
My inspiration is reading everyone’s posts And seeing everyones photos. I cant wait till I can put mine up and hhopefullyot will inspire someone. I dont write alot up because everyone always covers the stuff id be thinking. Im off the plan now till after xmass and all ready I cant wait to start back on the plan as much as iv missed the food while I was on the plan now im off it and actually ate I cant wait to go back to the plan again for my 12 weeks straight no breaks.
I am looking to seeing you in the New Year Amanda – I am going to be here to make sure that you rock your way through all 12 weeks and smash this! 🙂
I came mine when I tested certain family members. For example Shell we get a take away tonight as I’m fed up. They reply ok then. This was always my down fall. For me not to go ahead and keep to the plan is amazing and that’s when I knew I can do this xx
Go for the win Wendy 🙂 you have nailed this every step of the way and all you need to inspire yourself at this point is a simple glance in the mirror to remind you who controls your life!
I am my own best friend and my own worst enemy but through my new you journey I have learnt to be in the centre of the two, when I started in April I was 100% focused on the plan because I had a few occasions I wanted to feel good going to once I had gone I kinda gave up up and sabotaged myself and left myself at my lowest but I quickly picked myself up and realised how good I felt being healthy and in control and found my confidence I needed so badly. This time around I was 100% for 25 days and then I had bad luck and lost my card so couldn’t order I actually cried so much my eyes were sore because I was so upset that my goal hadn’t been reached I then knew how important new you is to me I went mad on food the first two days but I have myself the kick up the bum I needed I’m now doing so well that I’ve managed to lose instead of gain and ordering again Thursday so il have enough to get me through to Xmas and I’ve already prepared myself for 2014.. I have finally found a piece of the new me and know where il find the others xx happy Xmas to you all and il like to say a huge thank you because this year will b extra special and il finally have pictures taken Xmas morning with my little man xxx
This is True drive and determination Shauna, life certainly did not deal you a good hand here but this is what it is all about. Gaining control in times where it is hardest to be in control is when you find out who you are really capable of being! If your goal is not motivating you then chances are it is not the right one. I Think you just found the right goal! 🙂
I am truely inspired by what I have achieved….I would NEVER have believed that I would have lost 5 1/2 st. The plan is such a simple one to follow 4 product…4 litres…and let nothing else pass your lips…= SUCESS. The support from other ss’ers, some who have become good friends, the NY team….your all amazing, got me on the right track…I say GOT me on the right track, and then I realised…it was ME who was succeeding, yes you all helped….but the buck stopped with me. So for the first time….I was investing in ME…and putting ME first, for those family and friends who know me, this is a first….and although it might sound selfish….I am liking that I am losing the weight, I am enjoying the compliments and looking better. I am NEVER going back there and am defo going to achieve good losses in the New Year…..this is just the beginning…..have a GREAT CHRISTMAS….hope you guys get a great bonus….cos you sure deserve it…..your amazing…xxx 😀 😀
P.s….did I mention ME…LOL. xx
This was such a feel good comment Anne it has me all wrapped up in a bubble of positive thoughts. As I have said over the past couple of weeks, investing the time in yourself as a person, in your own happiness has a very awesome byproduct of creating a person that others can rely on! I for one have grown to love the feedback and input you apply so liberally and positively to my blogs! Good luck Anne I am so looking forward to building this up even further next year.
When I started the plan 6 months ago I made a pact with myself that I would remain focused till I reached my NY goal . I made it this week and am feeling over the moon . I feel like I have my life back ! 🙂
I have been inspired by lots of inspirational people on NY daily and I have been happy that my reaching goal has inspired others too , anything is possible with determination & support along the way xxx
I will always remember my journey with New You x
I’ve found by actualy putting myself first for once, I end up having more time to get everything done. Previously I never made any time for myself, and spent all my time rushung round in circles and achieving nothing, because I was too busy sorting everybody elses problems out and I was the one that was stressed and it was my health that suffered when I hardly slept and was permanently tired!
Now I sleep properly, have loads of energy and although I still have quite along way before I reach my goal weight, with each week that passes I feel so much better than the last. So why would I ever go back to my old life style.
Nothing feels better than clothes that were tight, literally falling off of you 🙂 Looking in the mirror in the morning and noticing all the lumps and bumps disappearing 🙂
Before starting NY I wasn’t really living life. I was giving everything to my beautiful little girl but not investing in me and it is now that I realise how destructive this was.
I had a few false starts with the NY Plan, mainly because I let my sabotage gremlin beat me, but now I am in control!! Each week of the Christmas Challenge has made me stronger and enabled me to start regaining control and doing things for me.
I am happier and healthier and so much more confident even my 6 year old has noticed which means alot 🙂
Secret Slimmers has been amazing and so inspiring, I am loving being a part of it 🙂 2014 is going to be my year and i will reach my goal because I deserve it. Thanks Grant and Ellie for all you do and all you are. xxx
I have become my own driving force, my commitment every week to be 100% every week keeps me motivated and the inspiration I get from the as people is amazing .I have forgotten what failing is because I just DON’T 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 BIG THANX to everyone xxxxxxx
My story to date is quite like the rest,
I needed some help from simply the best!
The fat that i carried needed to go,
How would it happen???I just didnt know…
So…when i heard of New You,i was put to the test,
plenty of days i needed to rest..
but the support that i got from the team and u guys,
I could become skinny,i soon realised!!
So,on this note i just want to say..
thank you to all who’ve helped along the way.
My inspiration is u all..and that is no lie.
Espec for the days i thought i would die,lol!
So,as inspiration goes iwas lucky to have,
Ellie and Grant and the rest of the staff!!
I am still on my journey and i will get there i know,
Happy Christmas to all and lets pray for some snow.xx LOL
I started my new you journey 6 weeks ago , after October bank holiday weekend… if someone had told me then that I would be almost 2 stone lighter by Christmas …….. I would have said Ya right! But today I weighed in at 25lbs lighter than on Oct 28th ! Just 3 lbs off that target on 2 stone , with 2 weeks to go. I am totally amazed , at the weight loss and at myself for actually sticking with this … so not me…well it wasn’t the old me ! This is the best thing I have done for years and heres to plenty more lbs down in 2014 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My inspiration is my before picture up on my wardrobe- I know it’s possible never to go back there now I have found new you. When I am tempted to blip I say to myself its that sort of bad habit that got me fat in the first place, and in saying that each time it gets reinforced. Thanks n y for giving me the insight to be a stronger person 🙂
When i started out on this journey i honestly didnt believe in myself, i never thought id still be here 5 stone later!! I did fall off the wagon, BUT each time i did it was a learning curve for me. I learned that this journey is just that! A journey! Its not a race and by taking one day at a time i can do ANYTHING i set my mind to. Ive shown myself just how strong i can be and that even though ill have bad days (we all do) its how i deal with the bad days that matters. i will only fail if i stop trying. This plan has helped me to love myself again, something i havent done in years! 🙂
I am my own inspiration as everyday I take the time to dress myself up and look good. I think that if I look good I will feel good and then I wont blip!!!
I take pictures in the mirror to see how I am changing and it spurs me on!!
My mum and 30 year old cousin are now in remission from cancer this year – Im doing this to not only look good but to also be healthier and happier to hopefully live a long life! (26 now)
When my 2 year old son says “mummy niceee” I know my weight loss is working which inspires me that little bit more!