Thought for Thursday | “PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan” – Yoda | VLCD

“PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE My Young Padawan” – Yoda
You didn’t put weight on in a month, you are not going to lose it one month too, but you can lose up to 2 dress sizes a month, and step-by-step you will look and feel better, and enjoy this amazing transformational journey!
The question on the tip of everyone’s tongue when starting a VLCD diet is “how much weight will I lose in a week?” The simplest answer to this is that you will lose as much as is safely possible. There are two reasons I say this, the first is that these forms of diets are based on extensive research the takes into consideration all health implications dropping weight fast and keeping it off.
Therefore faith and a little patience is all you need to get the results you are looking for. I found the biggest part of bolstering your patience on our VLCD plan is to keep your bearings so that progress is defined and definite.
There are three main ways in which I would suggest that you do this. Firstly and most obviously record your weight, weekly not daily as your body will fluctuate over short periods of time and this may do more harm than good. Make sure you take proper note of your measurements – a journal is a great idea, you would not believe how easy it is to forget how far you have come.

Secondly, as you may have already seen here and you will more than likely have seen in my other blogs, the scales can’t always be trusted so take measurements.
Measurements should be taken from the following places, again make it weekly:
[box style=”rounded”]a) Your thigh – try to make sure you measure the same leg in the same place each week
b) Hips – measure your hips at the widest point each time to get the most accurate reading
c) Your stomach – always measure round your belly button to make sure again that you are reading from the same place each week.
d) Chest – with your arms raised, rap the tape measure around your chest placing it just above your nipple and then drop your arms to take the measurement.
e) Neck – this one is fairly simple in that you will naturally find the tape sits at the base of your neck.[/box]
Thirdly take a photo each week – try to wear tight clothing and take full body shots, this will do many things in terms of providing a visual diary. You will see the way your body changes in different ways, like losing weight round your face then your stomach and waist, then arms etc – if you keep looking at your face in the mirror the changes might not be as apparent. The other part of this is you will see the overall change that helps you keep confident and therein patient.
Another way I found to help stay settled and maintain my patience was by setting realistic mini goals that gave me a sense of achievement. For me many of these were not even weight related when I was on plan. A 100% day and my water allowance were two of the most common goals I used to keep me on track.
Patience does not have to be something that you are born with – it can be something you learn if you know that what you want is worth the time and the dedication.
Today’s Task:
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]What would your advice be to yourself to remain patient in achieving your goals?
Please leave your comment blow:[/box]
Thanks for reading 🙂
Kind regards
Take one day at a time as those days turn into weeks & into months so fast . Xxxx
Such a great way to look at it Barbara, little sorry I did not have those words in the blog!
This is a lifestyle change. Not a quick fix. I have to accept and embrace each stage of my journey. Learning different coping mechanisms other than food to achieve a more balanced healthy future that doesn’t revolve around food Xx
Sounds to me like you are on to a winner here Lou and the best part of it is that if you stick to the plan 100% this mindset will follow! Have a lovely evening 🙂
My advice to myself is to ignore the advice that says you can lose 2 dress sizes a month! And that not everyone loses a stone a month! These statements can be very very disheartening to anyone who does not lose at such a fast rate :(.
I’m on the slow track, two stone 12 lost which is fab but that has only equalled one dress size down so far.
But it does work so hold onto that hope and keep going.
Thanks for the support Alison and you are right everyone does lose the weight at different rates. I do truly believe that this is the quickest way to get the results safely and I am so happy that you have stuck with it 🙂 Well done so far!
My tip is don’t look ahead and say I have to do this for 12 weeks, take one week at a time and the more results you see the more you will want to stick with it.
Just Like Barbara I think you are on the right track here Lorraine. It is so important to get the right perspective when setting out to achieve any major goal 🙂
My advice to myself and to anybody else on this diet is that if you haven’t got patience then go find some somewhere. It’s not easy but then again we wouldn’t appreciate it if it was too easy, we would all yoyo up and down on a whim. As somebody said above this is a lifestyle change, we didn’t get this way in a week so don’t expect to change it all in a week.
Also have patience with yourself, like a children we are only learning, we wouldn’t expect a child to learn a completely new way of life in a short space of time so why expect yourself to do it without making some mistakes along the way.
I loved reading this Brid and a mindset such as this where you face any limitations you have and tackle them systematically is going to get you far! Thanks for the support 🙂
my advice to myself is to carry on doing what you are doing keep taking it one day at a time,keep filling in the journal and have fun along the way why make things hard for myself this is a new chapter in your life and it is setting you up for a happy slim future just run with it and have fun x p.s you make a great yoda grant x
Great way to think of it Pauline and you can thank Melissa for that image I was slightly mortified but feel better for you having said that 🙂
my advice to myself is : i am unique, an individual , a one off so dont compare myself to anyone else……and i will keep 100% to plan to achieve MY goals , only I put the weight on and only I can take it off .Use the support of NY and SS and i WILL succeed.xx
Wonderfully said Melody and you are right you will succeed 🙂
Long term weight loss starts in the head, so we need to adjust our mindset to THINK THIN.
We need to cut the mental fat and the waistline fat will follow.
This is so true Gary and there has been many occasions in an interview where the person has said that even once they have lost the weight they do not see themselves as thin! So it is great that you mentioned this. Thank you for the support.
That I CAN do this!! instead of thinking about it my whole life and doubting myself!
Short, sharp and concise – love it Carolyn 🙂 nothing is going to get in your way!
Remind myself that everyone losses weight at different rates and no matter how small the loss it’s still a loss
This is a good way to look at your journey Kim and you are right every little step forward puts you closer to your goal than you were before 🙂 Thanks for the support!
Take the plan one day at a time. Have faith that the pounds will be gone on weigh in day. I am breaking my journey into three week stages. This way I know that I can get through and this is a short enough time for me to be rewarded. I set mini goal for each three weeks with a reward other than my weight loss. My overall goal is to see a figure I have not seen in a long time and know that each week I am breaking records. Thanks jen