Thought for Thursday – Let us Inspire You!!
Thought for Thursday – Let us Inspire You!!
Today’s blog and video is all about getting your mind space in the right place to make this journey as easy and as beneficial as possible.
I found this quote for you all that I think is just awesome in summing up what we hope to be working towards. This is:
[quote style=”boxed”]If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading – Lao Tzu[/quote]
I felt this fits in really well with anyone who is starting this journey as you have taken a long hard look at things and decided it is time for a change of direction.
What today’s task is all about:
I hope to hear from you about what you plan to do to change direction and get to the destination you want!!
For those of you who are looking to gain a little more inspiration we have our journal on offer at the moment to help you do just this!!!
Just click on the image to gain access to the Secret Santa page where you have the opportunity to get hold of this journal in an exclusive offer just for you 🙂
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]DON’T FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE LEADERBOARD TONIGHT -CLICK HERE TO DO IT![/box]
Thank you all so much for reading, I hope to hear below how you hope to change direction and change your destination!
My new direction will be to stop focusing so much on weighing daily as this does nothing for me except wind me up when I see no change in the scales . Also I shall be upping my exercise a bit more to help spur on my weight loss x I won’t become deflated so easily as I will get to goal as I’m so close and have come so far x I will not give up x
We all know you are going to get there Kate, can’t wait to see how you got on at the end of the month
My new direction is to stop thinking of food as a reward!! I need to focus on staying on plan and ridding myself of this unwanted weight! I will do it this time!!!
Awesome attitude Dee!!!
Mine is to re-train my brain while sticking to the new you plan and using my time on the plan to deal with old eating habits and the emotions behind them. This means that when im at goal and ready to refeed I will have better control over binges, emotional eating and portion control which will hopefully help me to maintain the fabulous NEW ME!!! XX
That is what we are here for Emma, make sure you let us know how you get on as we have so many cool free tools to help!
My new direction is to always put myself first, I want to undo the damage my conditioning has done and learn new positive habits,I am motivated and determined to reach my goal, doing what ever it takes to succeed !!!
This is definitely the talk and mindset that will get you there! Think you may have just found a new destination!
My new direction is all about …..ME. As selfish as it sounds I am going to learn not to look at other people and always think wow how did they lose weight and look so good and happy and WHY can’t i . Well from now on my direction is about me and MY goals looking good and being happy and not focus on other people and think I wish I could but more I can and I will xx
So true Rachael, you will do it 🙂
My new direction is also not to reward or comfort myself with food.
My destination is to get back to a me I recognise in the mirror.
Eloquently put Alison 🙂 good way to think about things!
My new direction is to say NO NO more often not only to bad food but also to people, i just cant say no but i have to start putting myself first. So this week I close the door to my past, open the door to my future, take a deep breath and step through to a new life xxxxx
Well put Barbara and this means you have to see it through will me having come this far!
My new direction is to get back to exercising when I get the go ahead. To eat mindfully and to watch portion size,and not fall back into old habits. xx
Love it Mags, thanks for the ongoing support too 🙂
Similar to Kate I need to stop scale hopping as its starting to feel like a daily ritual. So I intend to break the habit and go weigh every monday like I used to at the start.
As im so close to goal now, I intend to read up various articles online to help me control my habits once I finish the plan abd ensure I dont go back to old ways. I never want to get big again.
I can say you are on the right road with how far you have come already Lorna!
To change direction I want to completely change my mindset when it comes to food- I need to stop seeing it as a reward or a crutch when I am bored. I plan on finding new ways to reward myself, maybe a walk or ten minutes reading my book- and the same when I am bored- plus theres always cleaning to be done! This will be essential when I have breaks and when I get to goal. It can be done!
Woohoo Samantha, you can and will get there!
Since I started New You my direction has been to get my weight down to a healthy weight. I’ve stayed 100% throughout and never blipped. My destination is goal weight of course and the change I am making at the moment is to exercise more so that I can get there a little quicker. As soon as I get the weight down I have a new direction in mind and that’s a healthier lifestyle and my destination will be ongoing maintenance. Xx
I appreciate how well you have stuck with this Siobhan and it has been really amazing to see the changes in you. Well done 🙂
My new direction is changing my life style and eating habits. As a family we have promised we will climb the galtee mountains together and I refuse to be the person to hold everyone back. New me new life.
I am sure you are going to do well Grainne! send us photos from the top 🙂
My new direction is to start looking after me. I have neglected myself since having children. When I look after myself I will reap the rewards of actually having the energy to play and run around with my kids, it’s a win/win situation! Also, up my water intake, the more I drink the better 🙂
Definitely heading in the right direction Annette!
My new way of thinking is to not focus on the scales so much and count the weeks I can be blip free for,then the result is ultimately weight loss ,so a win win yippee 🙂 🙂 🙂
Such a good way of thinking about it Tracy – it is so true that if you keep doing the right things to to get the results you want then the results will happen!
My new direction will involve healthy choices, I’m at a weight I thought I’d never see although I’m aiming for the Milky Way by wanting to lose even more cos this diet is so good and I feel this is my time!! So I’m going that direction and maintenance is key!!! Don’t want To go up again so life changes and healty options is my direction xx wish me luck xx
It will always be your time Kathleen!!
I have already taken a turn that goes in the right direction and that is by comitting to The New You Plan :-)I tell myself every day that I am doing this plan for ME and what will I achieve if I go back to eating like I used to. I haven’t done anything for me since I had my little girl 6 years ago, so this is a big step!! I am taking up membership at a gym to get fit. I want to give myself the gift of good health and I want to love me. I also want my daughter to see that which is so important.
I know this is a life long comittment, but it is soo worth it. My new journey has begun and I will know longer do what I always did!!!
🙂 xxx
Good answer Aimee 🙂 I hope you have an amazing weekend!
My new direction is to start liking myself again by getting out of the house and doing something with my life, even if its just to visit my son’s down the road. Before new you I got up went to work, came home sat on the sofa till bed. Weekends got up sat on sofa till bed time as I didn’t want anyone to see me unless at it was at work. xx
Great to hear Wendy 🙂
My new direction as I move towards my goal weight is to change my mindset about how I view food, and educate myself about the healthy choices I need to make where food is concerned. Also I need to identify the triggers that made me binge and find positive ways of coping rather than using food as an emotional crutch.
My new direction is to believe in myself more. I need to believe that I CAN and WILL do this!! This applies to other areas in my life too. If you truly want something, you will get it!!!. 🙂
Super Sandra and this is beautifully true, our actions today do determine the people we become tomorrow!
My new direction to to eat healthy after my refeeding and focus on keeping the figure that makes me more confident and happier in myself. I’m already a mindful person in life so I’m going to be more mindful in what I eat! Here’s to the new me! Whoop whoop.
Keep it up Mary and this will happen for you!
my new direction is to realise that emotional eating does not do me any good in fact i feel worse afterwards . So whenever i get the urge down to the gym i go . I feel so much better.
Good change of direction Eileen and we can help you follow the NY compass 🙂
My new direction is to start going out at weekends and get out of my rut staying in every weekend using my son as an excuse that I cant go out when in fact It used to be my weight that stoped me. So new me new life. All thanks to new you!!!! Need to get my ass out clubbing after my christmas challenge finishes. Cant wait.
my new direction is being aware of how food can make such a huge difference to so many aspects of my life if i abuse it as i always have. if i use it to comfort myself i end up overweight/obese and therefore unhealthy and unhappy. however if i use it to fuel my body and give it the nutrients it needs and craves then i can be content, healthy and satisfied. all that sounds very clinical but i need to be of the mindset that i can eat treats in moderation but for the most part eat healthily and sensibly and my overall aim as i go along and work to my goal is to never look back 🙂
Great feedback here Shirley, you have really been killing the tasks this week 🙂
my new direction is to view food simply as food for energy, no more no less. And to really get in the habit of drinking at least 3 litres of water per day and seeing the health benefit of that in skin, hair etc
Simple and perfect Rebecca, have a great weekend!
I started my new direction in June when taking the big step of starting the plan. I will continue on this journey of self discovery….that food doesn’t solve my emotional issues and worries. That YES I AM IMPORTANT….and am slowly learning to see myself as WORTHY because for years didn’t, bottom of the heap….and EVERYONE and EVERTHING came first. To continue on this journey for as long as it takes to get as HEALTHY as I can. I would like to commit to more exercise but at the moment the vibrogym is my maximum stretch but do believe by the time I reach goal a lot of the medicines I am on for high BP Chloesterol and heart will be reduced….so think this journey is taking me in the RIGHT direction. Thank you NY and my SS Familia. xxxx
Woohoo Anne, you have been an inspiration for me the whole time 🙂
My new direction is to stop using food as a boredom buster, a reward, and a prop! New you has shown me how to be in control again , and I never want to go backwards.
Well put Jasmin, I would copy this on post it on notes around the house 🙂
My new direction is to focus on the my new you journey and put myself first ,let go of bad habit and bring new you plan in and bright and shine ,life is too short to hide and to feel miserable in ourself so its big time to put head on shoulder and give it a 100 percent:)
Well done Nanda 🙂 great thinking and thank you for being there with me this week!
My new direction is to make myself more aware of food… I want to enjoy food rather than filling up on rubbish – my body does not need food to overcome stress or boredom.
My emotions should not be judged by intake of junk food.
I want more awareness of ingriendients of food so I can educate my family too!
Well put GLM – practicing this type of thinking will get you to where you want to be!
My new Direction…Is The Present!!!! To live in the moment, And to stop wishing and Dreaming my life away to be like other people. I Am ME!! lol And I LOVE The New You Plan!! 🙂 🙂
Love it Caroline 🙂
My new direction is exercise. A few weeks after starting the New You plan I started trying different types of exercise to find one that suited me and my lifestyle. I now love kettlebell workouts and I do a kettlebell workout twice a week on a Monday and a Friday. It makes me feel great and I’m starting to notice how it is changing my body shape along with the New You plan. I’m even starting to feel bad if I miss a workout…weird 😉
Thanks Clare, kettlebell workouts are something I looked into and so many top fitness people have so much to say in terms of core strength building, do let me know how you get on!
My new direction is to become a healthier and fitter person.. I want to put on my wedding dress next August and not cringe at the pictures afterwards.. I want to change all of my bad comfort eating habits for good and be happier because I am a healthy size…
With the right motivator anything is possible Eva and you have the right motivator!
Exercise more & stop using excuses for blipping….I used to find any excuse to blip but now I find any excuse not to blip….I’m down 3lbs this week…
I like it Kim 🙂 I hope you make it happen!
My new direction will be to give some serious thought and consideration to why I DESERVE to be healthy, happy and confident. The direction I am going seems to be that I think everyone else deserves this but me. I need to change this direction or I will never change the result I get .
You have nailed it Anna, I hope this is the turning point for you 🙂
My New direction is to put me first and think positively about life, goals, dreams and not be so hard on myself. I will be the New me because of this New You journey i have taken. I will spend time on myself and just be me. Thank you to New You and SS for making me see the positive in every situation 🙂 x
I changed direction when I started my New You Journey , I went from rock bottom to feeling on top of the world ..
To reach my destination I will stay 100% committed to the plan ,I will exercise and look after myself better. I am feeling positive about my Future and love the New Me 🙂
My new direction is not to use food as a reward or comfort x
My new direction is to put time aside for me and not let my job consume me.
I must put aside time to plan to eat rather than just grabbing whatever rubbish that’s easy & fast.
My new direction is to focus, focus, focus on me and the NY plan. I have to enjoy it and the freedom it gives me and to realise that food doesn’t control me. I need to give 100% every day for me to reach my destination and to improve my health and self esteem.
My new direction is putting a stop to using food as a reward and comfort. This week I treated myself to some new eye shadow for getting through my first week. I’m taking time to look by best every day, I am getting a better buzz from that than treating myself to junk food to feel better. I’m exciting about the new transforming me! b x
My new direction is to move forwards always instead of backwards. To take one day at a time and enjoy the little victories. The destination – contentment! To be content in my own skin. I also got a great role in a musical which goes on in March and my goal is to not panic when it comes to costume fitting day. This has always been the most difficult day in the midst of doing what I love. This year I want to hear “We’ll have to take it in a bit” (instead of “let it out” / “add more material”) ha ha
my new direction is to gain more confidence in myself now the weight is dropping off! Not in a going out having great time kinda way.. More believing in myself. That i can do something once i put my mind to it.. Also to be fitter and healthier. A good role model to my two daughters!
My new direction is the right direction for me. After 7 weeks on plan and 2.5 stone lighter the old confident and happy me is starting to show her face again. I love how I feel, I love not be it controlled by food, I love knowing every week when I step on the scales it will be down & I love new you. Finally goig in the right direction
My new direction is to do this for me I need to go backwards before I can go forward to get to my goal and to start to enjoy life life again xx
My new direction is to not use food as a crutch and to create a new lifestyle which myself and my family will enjoy 🙂
Food is not a reward need to look at it as nutrition going to reward myself with clothes, perfume or make up instead x new you …. new me