Day 3 – Thought for Thursday
Day 3 of the New You Plan Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge.
Diet Tip – Day 3 ‘ Thought for Thursday’ How to Win the Battle of the Mind
When you are on a VLCD Very Low Calorie Total Food Replacement diet your mindset is crucial, as it really is such a head diet, we need to be in “the zone”. Getting in the diet zone is hard, and staying there is hard too! In this article we will look at the battle of our minds and how we can get ourselves into the diet zone and succeed on our VLCD.
Our mind is a powerful thing. We are in constant battle with our mind at times. Sometimes our own mind can be our worst enemy. It can say the meanest things to us, and it can try to trip us up when we are at our most vulnerable. We probably wouldn’t want a friend like our own mind when you think about it.
For people who struggle with their weight, the battle of the mind, and the wolves inside can focus on our weakness – Which is FOOD.
Many of us WANT to go on a VLCD – we WANT to break the bad habits and addictions to the food that is both our COMFORT and our ENEMY.
We set the date and get committed to start, and then Day 1 arrives, and by tea time the bad wolf comes in, and the battle of the mind commences.
The bad wolf tells us, it is ok, we can start again tomorrow.
We either stay strong or give up.
If we give up the bad wolf wins and then we feel so bad and we want to start again tomorrow..
[highlight]Join The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge and start listening to the good wolf who wants us to be slim and healthy and happy and we feel all set to give it another go. This tme we are going to do it!!! :)[/highlight]
The next day the same thing happens again…..
The battle of the mind, and the two wolves inside will always continue if we keep feeding both wolves.
The only way the “bad wolf” will stop trying to throw you off course is if you stop feeding it.
You need to realise that the bad wolf is alive and well inside you, and that if you want to stop hearing his voice then you need to stop feeding him.
What is your bad wolf saying to you?
“A little won’t hurt”
“You will always be overweight, what is the point in trying”
“You love unhealthy foods, you can never give them up.”
“You can eat this tonight, and start afresh tomorrow.”
“What is the point in losing weight you still won’t look good, after having all those children your body is a mess anyway”
“This is too hard for you, you are not strong enough”
What is your good wolf saying to you?
“You are unhappy like this, please love yourself enough to take control and get healthy”
“You can do this, just take it dayy at a time, you will get there”
“You are amazing, and when you get to your goal you will be able to wear those jeans, stay focused”
“You are doing great, another day done, your transformation is well underway!”
“You are being so healthy and making positive decisions, I am so proud of you”
“You are being so strong, you are going to inspire so many people to get healthy too!”
During the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge when you hear your bad wolf speak to you, realise that you cannot feed him, you have to stay strong, listen to your good wolf. Listen to the voice inside you and keep thinking how AMAZING you are going to look and more importantly FEEL this summer when you make it your best Summer yet!!!
Always know that you deserve much more, that you deserve to be healthy and happy, you deserve to look in the mirror and think you look gorgeous! You deserve to go into any clothes shop summer shopping and pick any outfit because you know it will look fab on you! You deserve to have fun with the lights ON and the Sun Shining 😉 .
This Summer Holiday Comfirmation Challenge #SHTC will really help you along your journey whether your nearly at the end, your mid way through or your just starting your journey. I have found that anyone who can stick to their VLCD total food replacement diet plan 100% really do have a great success. You really could be feeling FAB this Summer. Your Confidence could be greater than ever before.
It takes for that bad wolf to be quiet, WE COULD and WE WILL make this happen over the next few weeks. The bad wolf inside you will never really die, but the less you feed him the less energy and control he will have over you.
Today give yourself the gift make sure your or Signed up for the Summer Holiday Tranformation Challenge #SHTC. You will look and feel better, you will feel in control, you will feel empowered and your summer clothes will be looser on you and you will feel great!
Stop feeding that bad wolf inside you, instead nourish yourself, love yourself, make the right choices, stay strong and focused, and believe in your heart and your soul that you deserve this. YOU CAN DO IT! ARE YOU IN????????
Don’t forget that new you plan customers also have the love, encouragement and inspiration from our secret facebook group called secret slimmers! Everyone is BUZZING for the challenge and we want you to be too.. So if you havn’t already SIGN UP and get your ‘IM IN’ poster WOOHOOO we can do this…
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]What our YOUR INSECURITIES that your bad wolf plays on? And what are you going to feed your good wolf with to make sure he wins. Leave your comment below and we will pick the best to go into the next prize draw for a mini iPad.[/box]
Heck, my bad wolf was bad. Every time I smelt food he’d bite me to go over, he likes to act up when I’m out with friends or even just at home alone. At home alone was the worst times but then I went on SS club on my phone nd it has helped me. I go on it constantly nd it’s worked as I’m on day 10 tommorrow and i have been 100%. I keep myself as busy as possible and he doesn’t come back 🙂 happy days and he won’t be back 🙂
100% all the way….. well done 🙂 woohoo you can do this xxx
My bad wolf keeps telling me that I won’t succeed this time either and won’t ever be able to give up the fattening, junk food which I love, so just accept that I will have to yo-yo diet for the rest of my life.
My good wolf is now being fed diet food which actually is very tasty and filling but still helping me to lose weight so I don’t have to entertain the bad wolf anymore. When I get a sugar craving now, I reach for my soya nuts or wafer bars! Whoo-hoooo!!
The nuts and wafers are yummy definitely a good choice 🙂 bring on more of the good wolf <3 xxx
Before i stared NY, my bad wold would tell me every night “you have had a long day, you deserve that unhealthy, fatty food. You know it will make you happy. Your Jeans still fit so you cant be putting on weight so it cant be hurting”.
Now my good wolf will be saying “You dont really need that unhealthy, fatty food even if it does taste nice. You will only enjoy it for minutes and then thats it! Your health is worth risking for those few minutes of pleasure! Healthy food tastes just as nice and will made you feel a lot better!”
I will definitely be listening to the good wolf from now on!
Today has been great. Had lots of brilliant compliments regarding my before a so far pictures. Really really helps you on the journey!!
Loving New You and the adventure that I am on!
Keep the compliments coming woohoo 🙂 great news and well done xxx
Well, my first week is over and it’s been hard buy I’m 7 lbs down so it’s so worth it.
The bad wolf has been growling all week and has said things like “What’s the point, you’re getting too old now for your size to matter” and also, “Even if you lose it now, you’re just going to put it back on again”. Oh and the ever wonderful “You’re ugly anyway so getting thin won’t change that”.
I’ve been big my whole adult life, I gave birth when I was 17 and I’ve never gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my son is 18 now, so I just have to do this for myself.
So I’m feeding my good wolf with messages about improving my health to start with. Also, I’ve been looking online at the outfit I’m going to treat myself with when I reach my goal weight and this week as I did so well with a half a stone, I’m going to get myself a lovely red lipstick tomorrow. Each week, I’ll treat myself with something small like a manicure and start to take the “treat” focus off food for the first time in my life!!!
I can do this! I’m good wolf, hear me roar!!!!!
ROAR ….. WOOHOOO you CAN and you WILL do this xxxxx
Hey New You, having just completed my very first day of the plan, I’m sooooooooooo excited! have had a choc shake for breakfast, Mexican chilli for lunch, a yummy vanilla with ice shake for tea and plan on having a yummy choc bar this evening when the kiddies are in bed!!!
I’m feeling full up, content, excited and cannot wait for the pounds to start melting off and let me be the person I should be! With such yummy treats I have no doubt that with the help of New You, I will find the New Me 😀
Excited for you woohooo 🙂 Sooo Happy for ya xxx
The Pounds will melt and you will feel FAB 🙂 WOOHOO excited for a New You xxx
Dear New You,
Hi – I am Melissa’s Bad Wolf, and my name is Howie, or HOW for short. I am writing to complain about the New You Plan, because after she started the plan, Melissa has stopped feeding me!
I used to take great delight in popping into her mind when she least expected it, and would growl tiny things into her fat little ears to get what I wanted.
I’m called HOWie because I used to make her question her motives and goals, so that her determination would dissolve, with simple – yet crippling – little doubts:
– HOW are you ever going to say no to junk food? You have always been fat, and you always will!
– HOW are you going to feel when you can’t spend every night in the pub, drinking calorific booze and stuffing your face with takeaway to ease your emotions?
– HOW are you going to cope without your crutch of overeating? You will fail at this, as you have failed at every diet – might as well give in now!
– HOW is this ever going to make a difference? You have far too much weight to lose, fatty, so why even begin to try? You will be miserable dieting forever, and people will think you are ridiculous for even trying!
Now, New You, I have some serious complaints to make about this plan!
Thanks to you not only has Melissa stopped feeding me when I try to pop into her head, but now she is feeding ANOTHER WOLF. This guy is a real goodie-two-shoes, and has been helping her lose weight and feel good!
Can you believe the nerve of this wolf?
I think she calls him William or WILL for short (a poncy name if I ever heard one!) because of what he has been telling her to get her to feed him:
– You WILL do this – give yourself credit and stop belittling who you are – you have accomplished so many things in your life, and you can achieve this goal too!
– Where there’s a WILL there’s a way – eyes on the prize! Get out those gorgeous skinny clothes and let’s hang ’em up to keep us going 🙂
– What WILL make you happier? A piece of that “yummy” food, or the feeling of slipping on that beautiful dress and knowing people aren’t looking at you to judge you, but rather to admire how pretty you are?
– You can and WILL get another day under your belt, let’s have some water and paint our nails!
I am afraid I am going to have to take serious action, New You Plan. This situation has escalated out of control – old fatty pants has already lost about 3 stone and is 50% of the way to her target!!
This cannot go on. I’M STARVING – AND SHE ISN’T!
Yours Sincerely,
Melissa’s Bad Wolf
Heehehe… Awww I loveeeeee this post…. 🙂 just read it and your bad wolf (and good wolf) names are class..!!!! Howie seems so angry… Im glad u have Will to pull you through it 🙂 🙂 🙂 just brilliant xxxxx
Aww Patricia – that really made me smile, thank you!!!
I really imagine Howie with a cigar in his mouth, reeking, hunched over a typewriter coughing and spluttering with a big ol’ scowl.. LOL! 😀
But I must say that Damien is a MUCH more terrifying name than Howie… pure evil! 😉
Yeah I’ve always named my bad self Damien… “It wasn’t me, Damien did it”!!! Haha… I actually read your post to my sister and we couldn’t stop laughing and we loved how creative it was… any chance you would put this on the SS facebook page? xxx <3
Haha that really is brilliant!
That is too sweet Patricia, I wouldn’t mind putting it up at all, but yours is better!
Damnit I will be thinking about Damien now … no sleep for me tonight 😉
CHASE that BAD WOLF away for Goooood 🙂 xx
My bad wolf grunts ‘it’s too hard..you’re too weak! Give up and eat! I will be feeding Good Wolf with love..with strength..with confidence. I’m building a ‘ cage of consciousness’ to lock up the Bad Wolf for good!
Awwwww “Cage of Consciousness” 😀 xxx make sure you throw away that key 😉
IT IS NEVER tooo Hard and you are STRONG … 🙂 keep it going and Good Luck xx
Bad wolf try’s to tell me I won’t do it ….but my good wolf is winning the battle this time woop woop ……
The bad wolf is finally fading away yeepee…:) thanks new you ….. I know I can do it now xxxx
My bad wolf has been around for a very long time, he says things like “it’s not the food your eating it’s the medication your on” or “sure you only eat from about 3pm till the evening” “you won’t last on the diet so why are you bothering” “you will only put it all back on”
But my lovely good wolf is my friend she says things like “look at the inches you are losing” “This time next year you will look gorgeous for your daughter’s confirmation” “your family are so proud of you” “you have lost 19lbs already so it is definitely working for you” and most importantly “Have faith in yourself, everyone that loves you has faith in you”
I love my good wolf, my family and my NEW YOU SS FAMILY x x x x
Heehe.. I love how your bad wolf is a “He” and your good wolf is a “She”… so true 😛 19 pounds.. well done.. cant wait to have that much down 🙂 xx
My bad wolf never shuts up from the moment i open my eyes in the morning until i close them again at night with me falling alseep hoping he wont speak to me tomorrow and if he does that i will be strong enough to ignore him. He is in my ear always when im stressed telling me some chocolate will help calm me when im happy i deserve a treat when im out i cant enjoy it without food or drink. He know i hate myself and always think everyone is judging me. I need to feed my good wolf with happy thoughts. thoughts of how happy and healthy i will feel if i keep feeding the good wolf.
KEEP the good wolf fed … you will hate yourself no longer … Good Luck xx
I have named my bad wolf Damien. (when I was younger I watched the Omen and never forget how scared I was) . The reason I named him was because I wanted to make the bad wolf more real to me… (as he tortures me everyday) 🙁 Damien :p plays on my EVERY emotion…. When im sad, angry, happy, lonely.. You name it!! Damien loves it when I fail… What I love about New You is that it takes the thinking about food away. I have my set meals and that’s it. Sooo to conquer this I named my good wolf Gabreille (like the archangel) and I love him… He empowers me… in every aspect of my life…. I will tell my good wolf (Gabby) that I love him and want him to be happyyy… And to not listen to Damien.. !! Im only at the start of my transformation but I know for a fact I will not give up… Xx <3
NEVER give up you can do it 🙂 xxx
My bad wolf knows that my weakness is food, any type of food, sweet, savoury, hard, soft, kids leftovers, fine dining… like I said all types of food…. he also knows that i’m far too big a fan of wine….. pinot is my down fall… but for the next 7 weeks I will be drowning my BAD WOLF with water… he won’t stand a chance… I will succeed, I will be slim, I will be able to run around after the kiddies, I will look slim in that bikini on holiday on 29th june in Portugal…. I will succeed and drown that bad wolf for good………..
woohooo you can do it 🙂 excited for you xxx
My bad wolf tells me that I’ve been overweight for most of my life and this is who I am so I should just accept it. The big girl who is always laughing and smiling. That’s just who I am and will always be. So there is no point sticking to the plan because I will never be slim and attractive. Also I’ve fibro so I can just use it as an excuse not to care about myself anymore. That even thought it’s a manageable illness my life is over as I can’t do the things I want when I want. So what’s the point in caring about my weight.
Then my good wolf rises up and I feed him with the knowledge that I might be the girl who is smiling and laughing on the outside but on the inside I am not comfortable in my own skin. I make excuse after excuse to avoid social situations because I don’t feel I look good and I see people staring at me. But now I deserve this weight loss more than anything because I have to deal with an illness and my body deserves to be looked after properly. It’s the only one I’ve got and my losing weight could be the difference in me managing my illness successfully or turning into that woman that needs crane lifted to get out the house. I know which one I want to be and will be. My wedding dress is due to arrive in June which is three sizes too small. I feed my good wolf with images of me looking amazing in my wedding dress and being happy and confident in the pictures with my gorgeous husband. Also, my husband to be deserves a happy, healthier wife who wants to live life to the full will him not just exist. <3
AWWWWH LOVE THIS … I am excited for you all … Bring on more of the GOOD WOLF … Good Luck xxxx
My bad wolf starts by saying ‘go on, one won’t hurt you’ then gives me a dig in the ribs and says ‘well you’ve messed up today so you may as well eat that cream cake’ and finishes by saying ‘well you’ve gone off track and its Thursday so you may as well wait til Monday to start again’….. Now that NY has empowered me and given me the tools to make my good wolf louder than my bad wolf, he now says ‘are you really hungry or are you going to eat that because you’re bored?’ or ‘check the calories and fat before you eat that’ and my favourite ‘remember little pickers wear bigger knickers’. And today at the cinema I was queuing for my black coffee in Costa and had to stand next to the display of cupcakes and other sweet treats and I saw my weakness – a raspberry ripple muffin. My bad wolf used to say ‘go on, you’ve earned it, you deserve treat’ and then my good wolf said ‘it’s 492 calories and that’s your days calories’. And you know what? I wasn’t even tempted. Thank you New You!
THANK YOU ….. you deserve it all xxxx
Well my bad wolf belongs to a pack of bad wolves. They can appear first thing in the morning and prowl around in my head all day. They instill a fear in me…fear of failing…..fear of always feeling worthless….fear of even succeeding. But since starting Newyou I am working at culling this pack of wolves. Day by day minute by minute I stare them down and I feel that I myself am transforming into a not to be messed with good SHEWOLF 🙂 I feed this shewolf body with new you products but just as important I feed this shewolf mind with love,positivity,strength,power,laughter and the knowledge that I am worth fighting for!! This shewolf is leader of the pack!
My bad wolf is a fat, evil character, He seeks me out when I’m alone and forces me to eat anything and everything, forces me to the shop’s and makes me buy all the things that I know I shouldn’t have…stuff that has to be eaten straight away and other things that I can hide in the back of the cupboard for secret binges! He’s a bad, nasty wolf who is always drooling for more!……My good wolf is sleek, lean and fast with a very wise head. He asks me why Bad wolf is fattening me up? He also tells me that it’s because I’ll make easy prey for bad wolf and it’ll put me in an early grave! Good wolf wants me to be free to be able to run and play with him and to be fit and healthy for myself any future Grandchildren. Good wolf is standing proud right now guarding me from Bad wolf. Bad wolf is further away now in the distance I can barely see him. Good wolf is with me always. My New You SS friends are my Good Wolf 🙂
‘Go on you know you want it’ ‘ mmm how good does that look u know your going to eat it’ ‘ awh sur you only had a little slice have another one, it won’t make much difference’ ‘ sur you have been like this most of your life y stop now’ ‘ the dress isn’t that nice’ the bad wolf has been telling me this since I was 14 and I have carried on listening to him simetimes the good wolf would appear and just as I felt I was getting somewhere my insecurities along with the evil bad wolf would come back with avengence and would knock me down and stamp all over me.. But on paddys day this year while our watching the parade something in head just clicked I knew I had 2 important weddings to attend and I didn’t want to feel as shitty at them as I did right there and then watching everyone in there green and wearing big smiles and I was hiding under a black pants and cardigan… So I went out and got drunk and I told the bad wolf tat this was the last time he was going to have any influence in my life 2 days later I ordered my new you products and I feel for the first time in my life the good wolf and I r finally walking the same path wearing big smiles while looking in shop windows knowing il be wearing that dress very soon:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
My bad wolf is very loud and screaming in my ear, he is a destructive force to be reckoned with, my good wolf is here too, he is whispering in my ear and some how I can hear him above the noise and screaming of my bad wolf. So I concentrate on that whisper, on that soothing melody, I will get there eventually, some day soon, each day gets me closer. X x
Every day will be a step closer…. YOU CAN DO THIS XXX
My bad wolf tells me to ‘start tomorrow’ and then my good wolf tells me that ‘tomorrow never comes’ it’s a hard fought battle but the good wolf is winning this week!! 🙂
Hi ya Started on tues on the NEW YOU on scales this evening down 6lbs, HAPPY DAYS my bad wolf plays mind games,it says i need a treat,take a break and start tom, just one wont kill ya.
My good wolf says please please please stay going, one day at a time,have a drink, think how good you’ll feel in size 10, think of the pictures with your kids you’ll back on and you wont be size um-pa lump a.
products taste nice except for soup haven’t that worked out yet.
Wow – brilliant loss! Well done 😀
Try adding some pepper to the soups – worked wonders for mine 😉
Last comment is from shauna not Shaun’s 🙂
Dam my bad wolf controls so much of me at times food is not a pleasure anymore it is just there for eating he plays mind games with me plays social games with me plays games full stop constantly with me!
My good wolf well I can’t look I’m the mirror and he says you are beautiful and you will fight through this and at the end you will be a new you for yourself for your little boy for your husband and friends you will feel great, active, sexy, human again. Keep going as you are worth it and once you achieve the new you the life that you really dream off will begin 😀
my bad wolf has been with me all my life. I was lucky to stay a lovely slim size 10-12 until about 4 years ago when I started to eat more and more junk and gradually put on 2 stone! my bad wolf convinced me that I was in fact still ok and that sizes in the shops had gotten smaller! it wasn’t until a pic taken from my hubbys 30th where I was hiding at the back of the group pic, but you could not hide my bloated moon face, that I finally accepted I want happy and I needed to get back to a healthy weight. no more avoiding mirrors, photos and nights out with my friends!
my good wolf tells me how well im doing as the lbs melt away each week, how gorgeous im going to look when ive reached my target, how im going to get back my confidence look in mirrors and be happy with me and be the first one to suggest nights out with the girls. my good wolf reassures me that my children especially my daughters will learn to eat healthy!
instead of watching me wolfing down everything (pardon the pun) and anything to make me feel happier.
sorry hit enter before I finished
LOVE THIS it is sooooo true xxxx
I have lost 3 stone on this programme but my bad wolf is still alive and well. He is a cunning wolf and he creeps up on me unaware, always ready to pounce if I am feeling vulnerable at any time. I am beginning to fully understand that the bad wolf will always be there BUT with the help of New You, Secret Slimmers and the Maintenance support group I am going to be ready for that bad wolf! I will hear him sneaking up and I will look him in the eye and walk right past him to my friend the good wolf who is always just a step away, ready to offer support and encourage me when I listen to him. First step is to put the picture of the wolves up on the kitchen cupboard so that I can recognise them on approach 🙂
Bad Wolf will always be there but WE CAN and WE WILL beat him xxx
My bad wolf is normally dormant at the start of the diet as he’s been we’ll and truly put in his place… However when I’m a few weed into my diet and my good wolf is getting more confident and feeling good, that’s when he strikes!!!
This is when is says things like –
– oh to on, you won’t put any wait on
– you need that little treat to keep you going
– a little wont hurt (this is the worse one)
That’s when I usually faulter…
My good wolf is normally on form though and she soon tells him to back off whith comments like –
– swivel, she’s looking good
– look how we’ll you clothes are fitting you
– don’t you just feel fitter
There will be ups and downs with everything but wanting this as much as I do my good wolf and I WILL overcome it x
At the moment my big bad wolf includes my work mates. I know that they say how well Im looking but then comes the bit that I have enough weight lost and its time to stop. The wolf inside me causes me to be a little lazy at times. “Don’t go for a run this evening its to cold, wet…..”
I must admit that sometimes that bad auld wolf wins.
My good wolf takes pride in the way Im looking at the moment. Im still work in progress. My good wolf understands that it took time to put all the weight on and its not going to wake up one morning to find that the weight magically disappeared. My good wolf is enjoying the plan, feeling healthy and most of all seeing my teenage daughters begin to look after themselves, eat a healthy diet and exercise before they get to the state that their mother was in.
looking into the future is best… WE CAN DO IT and pass the positivity along with us xx
My bad wolf would .” Ouch just a little wont hurt”…but then a little leads to alot..
My good wolf says ” look at the weight u lost, u can resist temption abd keep that feel good factor”
My big bad wolf is ME as I am the only one who is stopping me from succeeding. I haven’t quite got over the pesamist in me thinking that I’ll start tomorrow. Terry isn’t home so he wont know what I have eaten, but it doesn’t matter because I am the only one who is suffering here no one else. Everyone at work and my hubby are saying how well I am looking and this gives me the thought that ” Och I’ll just have one”
THE BAD WOLF WINS MORE THAN THE GOOD WOLF but I am trying to change.
My good wolf is really happy with how I am looking. I know I have a long way to go. I want to be a great mum for my wee man and I need to lose this weight to allow me to be able to play in the park with him and this generally keeps me going.
My bad wolf say : give it up fattie no matter how hard you try you’ll always look like this because you love food and need it to comfort you. Have that takeaway you can always start tomorrow. Go on that little piece won’t hurt, sur you can go to Bed with the light off and as for new you there your enemy they want to take away the happiness you have from eating all that yummy food!!!!!
Well bad wolf I’m fed up hearing you in my ear every second so move over or out and let good wolf speak. Please good wolf if your there talk to me ?
Well about time good wolf shouts I’ve been here all along only you weren’t listening. I’ve been trying to tell you what i can see in you,a strong,positive,confident and healthy person who doesn’t need that extra food for comfort,so turn on that light and show your strength you’ve started your journey and you know that tomorrow never comes, so let the real you out for the world to see. You deserve to dance, laugh and be happy and always remember NEWYOU is your friend in this journey not your enemy. Now lets do this.
Thank you good wolf for at last I’m listening as down 51/5 lb first weigh in, Yesssssssssssssssss !!!!!! We can do this.
My bad wolf plays on my low self esteem, that’s how he gets to me most. My bad wolf knows its a vicious circle and this is its most favourite and easiest torment, as my low self esteem pushes me to believe that I’m not worthy of feeling and looking great and getting positive compliments from others, but its the bad wolf that just has to hint at my low self esteem and I do all the work for him. Bad wolf loves this game a little too much. Bad wolf knows that low self esteem is the route of all my weight and self dislike issues.
Bad wolf has had plenty of time to live a very lively life inside of me and its time for bad wolf to take a long hard rest, as bad wolf has been at the forefront for much of my life already, but bad wolf is actually ready to give good wolf his time to have a say in my life.
Good wolf just needs to reiterate all the wonderful things I have already done in life. To remind me how much I am valued by others, have successes at work and other things I do. Good wolf will be strong and courageous, happy and proud of me! Good wolf will remind me that life is short and I must grab it with both hands, reminding me of all the great things and people I have in my life. Help me see how lucky I am every single day.
Good wolf CAN win! Good wolf WILL win! X
He waits till I’m tired hungry and vulnerable then pounces! Since starting Nee You my skills have developed and I only feed the good supportive and protective wolf, I always try to avoid these 4 things and H.A.L.T.
Being on the New You plan diminishes these, I have no hunger, I no longer feel angery with myself for not adhering to a plan, I no longer get lonely with all the great New supportive friend on the secret slimmers, I feel less tired and amazingly more energised, so the only starvation that’s going on is that BAD wolf, die die die, haha a bit OTT
yeoooo …. love this xx
Hi guys,
My bad wolf has always been with me, ever since I was a little child as I had then already learnt to get pleasure from food and use food as an emotional crutch. I have had a difficult childhood, have been abused and used food to quiet down my emotions and voices inside my head. My bad wolf is always here and keeps telling me that just one won’t hurt, I can start again tomorrow, you will never do it, always be fat and useless, even if manage to lose weight the body will look awful and you won’t be able to keep it off and will put all the weight back on. My good wolf is usually quiet and I have to fight to bring him out, he seems a little shy. But once he’s out he’s very powerful, he tells me that I can do it, lose all the weight and keep it off, be healthy and happy. I am now feeding him good, positive thought and affirmations, using some of the EFT techniques, hypnotherapy and tapping to get rid of my cravings and enjoy the process of NY and my transformation. Will be taking my photo tomorrow and will post it on SS. My good wolf needs to win this time and hopefully if I don’t feed my bad wolf my insecurities and keep thinking in positive ways, I will do this and nothing or no one will stand in my way. Have a great day. xxx 🙂
Love the positivity … woohoo xx
My bad wolf told me not to worry you can eat anything you like and every time i went home i would have got loads of sweets,bums,choclate,chips,ice-cream and i along would eat them all my self and ever hide them to keep my food away from my family,wait til they went to bed or they went out for me to start eating MY FOOD
My Good wolf keep on saying to me you can do this and you will do this just keep taken this plan 3 or 4 per day and if that bad wolf shows his head on any day just take another soup,bar,shake,meal and keep on going and we will do this together so good bye bad wolf and hello good wolf keep stong i will be with you all the way every day 🙂
BRING ON more of the Good Wolf xxxx
My bad wolf is big and brown
He’s always trying to drag me down
With a huff and a puff he blows and blows
And into my head my diet he throws
My good wolf is loving and kind
Puts you can do this thoughts into my mind
With New Yous help the bad fella is gone
My weight is decreasing and I’m feeling strong
So with these wolves it’s mind over matter
Don’t let the bad fella make us fatter
With the ss group we can’t go wrong
Bad wolf to the slaughter “lets be strong”
Awesome poem :))
Thanks vicky 😉 x
Love this 🙂 xxx
In answer to your question: I really love that blog because I can relate to it so much, however I dont like to say its the good wolf and the bad wolf….I use the Greedy me and the Good me because this way I don’t feel like I am passing the blame to anyone or anything else for the way I am.
I am currently battling with my issues with food and more so my issues with myself and there is no one else to blame but me, I have allowed myself to get this way and the way I see it, I can only change the things that I am in control of so aslong as I am responsible then I can make the changes needed to allow myself the life which I deserve.
I have spent years listening to the Greedy me tell myself that “I’m not good enough” “Just be grateful that your alive, some people are not so lucky” “You only live once so eat what you want” “If nobody see’s you eating it then it doesn’t count” “I will start tomorrow”….along with every other excuse under the sun!!
However I am now learning to believe the Good me, the me that says “You deserve this so much” “You are beautiful” “You can achieve anything if you want it bad enough” “You are a strong and powerful woman”…..I am beginning to love myself again and erase the greedy me! 🙂
I am going through so many changes that I can hardly keep up….Most of all I am slowly but surely starting to see the butterfly emerge! Thanks New You 😀 😀 xxxx
woohooo looking forward to the beautiful butterfly 🙂 xxxx
I had resided myself to a life of being over weight and convinced myself I was happy. I have a man friends family who love me for me no matter what size i am and in the end that’s all that mattered… Right?? Wrong!!! I wasn’t happy I wasn’t ready to give up to let the bad thoughts and unhealthy lifestyle win to pick away at the last of my self respect so I’ve let the good thoughts guide me on this journey to discover who I am I still have friends and family and a fantasic man who love me now I am starting to love me too xx
my bad wolf is forever talking to me in my head telling me that, for my whole life due to my health i have always been on a diet and im not actually healthy…. just saying just have wat you want you will feel so much happier….. and that ill need the energy with the children and you cant do that on a vlcd tfr diet
however the good wolf in me tells me ‘but you only feel guilty after eating junk, or what you want’
i end up blipping and feel so guilty, whilst i ve not much left to loose, i always am trying to better myself…. i have no self confidence and i always feel like people look at me thinking ‘i knew shed never keep it off’ well im guna show them…. my life, my happiness. doing this for me no one else. they can all eat around me, i aint gona stop them, but wen february 2014 comes, i will be struting my stuff around florida in a skimpy bikini… bring it on baby… i am the good wolf today xxx
Love the blog! If like me, everyone here has a major battle going on in the inside that no one sees! Therefore its very easy to feed the bad one with out any one knowing!
My own personal insecurities are the fact that I feel I need food to comfort me, to be my friend , to pick me up when I am feeling blue, to treat myself when I feel excited and to calm me down when I feel stressed.
Not any more!
my bad wolf is always nipping at my feelings trying to tempt me back to my old haunts, but this week my good wolf is winning by always popping in to tell me to drink loads of water and drown that bad wolf? and that’s what i intend to do:-)
My bad wolf reminds me of my ex husband, he taunts and teases me and calls me horrible names but now I have my good wolf who reminds me of my new partner and he is full of praise, support n love!
I don’t need to focus on what bad wolf says or does as I have all the good things and loves ones around me to focus on! Even though I’ve only lost 24 lbs so far and I’m on day 29 I’m loving the way I feel and move!
Ok, I use shoe laces to hold up my jeans as I’m not anywhere near my target and I refused to buy new clothes just yet, but I’m HAPPY!
I’m loving my experience on New You and I can’t wait to show of the New Me x
This is a hard one for me as in Bad Wolf has been very prevalent the last 3 days & trying to fight him was very hard but I did it & didn’t realise how strong my Good Wolf was & that’s typical me I don’t give myself enough credit for the good things I do!! The biggest fight with my Bad Wolf is that I feel ill always be ‘Fat’ so what’s the point I might aswell eat what I want but then I think of my 3 beautiful children & the example I need to set for them & realise how much my weight affects my personality & mood cos my daughter said to me last week ” mom you are super duper happy now & I live it” must say I shed a tear. So my Good Wolf is going to win this battle of the bulge once & for all :))))) xxx
Bad Wolf: A little bit wont hurt. How will now only me and you. You can start again tomorrow. You ll never get to your goal you have to much to lose why bother.
Good Wolf: You can do this, this is the easy diet you have done and you look great you have lost 23lbs already have so much energy dont break it and trow it all away. Start walking you ll feel better.
You have 3 Beautiful children that need you dont be killing yourself get health and be able to do more things with them. you can do it
yesterday i had a battle with the bad wolf who told me to go ahead and just take a little of that food….no one will notice, go on….put it in your mouth.
The good wolf howled out..
This Annette is not the way,
Eat that, and you are going to stay…
In baggy tops and tracky bottom
Remember how it makes you feel so rotten.
Each time you feel you want to blip
Believe in yourself, that you can skip
Now shout out loud as you throw that food in the bin…
Bad wolf…not today….not by the hairs on my chinny, chin, chin!!
My bad wolf tells me I was never ment to be slim, I’ve always been fat since I was a child and that’s just me. She also says I’ll put all the weight back on so keep your fat clothes. Also that even if I lose weight I’ll still be ugly. My good wolf says, you can do it. It’s not about looks, it’s about health, youve got away with being fat for now but soon it will catch up with you and your health will suffer, set a good example for your children, dump the fat clothes you will never need them again, keep going, you can do it. Let the bad wolf be nothing but an annoying buzzing in your ear that goes away when you shake your head!
My insecurities are people! It might sound weird, but I try too hard to please people… In return I get let down, hurt and depressed… In order for me to succeed I’ve learnt to walk away from those who don’t like me for who I am … The most important people in my life know how sensitive I am and would never hurt me the way others have done all my life…. My bad wolf is being slaughtered butchered and grilled on the BBQ! (Not literally) 🙂
Hello all, my bad wolf gets feed when I get annoyed that my husband hasn’t even mentioned that I’ve lost weight, I’ve lost just over two stone now and he hasn’t mentioned it once, but don’t worry I am getting lots of compliments from everyone else around me.
My good wolf is getting fed the mushroom soup and the wafer bars and I am determined that I am not mentioning my weight loss to him until he does first, how much do you think I’ll have to lose before me says anything, I’ve got another 5ish stone to go, I’m reckoning another 2, what do you all think?? But don’t worry this is not going to put me off at all, if anything it is making me more determined to do it. Stay focused everyone and keep 100% focused
Marie xXx
My bad wolf is always telling me that no one else feels good about you so why should you. Your family don’t want you so why should you bother. Just go ahead and eat what difference does it make. Who cares!
Well guess what bad wolf I care and so do my 2 daughters and my wonderful hubby. I am worth it. Life has been hard and certain people may choose not to be in it but that is there loss and am going to have a fantastic future. I am going to feel good about me and I am going to be someone my daughters look up to.