The World of Kitsch: Day Five on The New You Plan*
The World of Kitsch: Day Five
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
Find out how Claire’s discovering creative ways of using our New You Plan meals & snacks five days in!
Can’t believe I’ve made it this far! I’ve never stuck so completely & strictly to an eating plan, EVER. Not just weight loss eating, but also a few years ago I had high cholesterol and couldn’t stick to a diet for that either!
So why is this diet different?

Firstly I have to be accountable to you guys. There’s no point me doing a free week’s trial in return for blogging all about it, then not doing it properly. My readers want to see if it’s worth the price tag, and if I mess around on it, you aren’t getting the whole experience reported to you.
The other reasons are applicable to anyone doing the plan, the second being the money guilt trap. As you are paying £38.99 a week for your total inclusive food for those seven days, it’s silly to cheat one or two days and waste your money.
Lastly, this diet is different in that New You Plan’s input doesn’t stop with the delivery. There is free live chat with a customer service advisor during office hours. There is a plethora of tools for weight loss maximisation on their main website. But what really is helping keep me on plan is the Secret Slimmers Facebook Page that I keep mentioning. Women (mostly) who are going through the exact same plan as you, with advise, answers to questions and encouragement for you daily. It’s a very active page with fun events like Selfie Saturday and weigh ins weekly. Without the page I KNOW I would have blipped and scoffed something off plan by now.
So the meals are small, but balanced for nutrients daily. The meal replacement bars are quite big in comparison. Like fun size Mars Bar size. Being able to eat chocolate on a diet is fab though. The other two products, shakes and soups, are straightforward, easy to make and taste good. I decided quite early that I didn’t want any of my four products a day to be liquid, so I’m now turning shakes into bowls of mousse or frozen lollies, and this afternoon I attempted the soup mix crisps!

2) Add 30ml of water and mix into a baby food consistency
3) Spread the mixture out in crisp sized shapes and microwave for 90 seconds
4) Peel from the paper and eat! Mine were more like savoury bites so I’ll spread the mix thinner on my next attempt
I hope by the end of the full seven days I’ll have a result somewhere near the average weight loss as seen on The New You Plan blog. I have a fashion event to attend next Tuesday, so it would be lovely to have dropped under 9 stone by then.