?? Ding Ding Ding!! We have a WINNER??   On the 11th of October 2015 we decided to bring in our biggest and easiest competition ever!!!!! The Christmas Story Board challenge!!! All you had to do was ? snap ? a pic and you were on your way, BOOOOYAAAAAAAA!!!!! The aim of this competition was to help keep people on track, inspire and motivate each

The NEW YOU Plan December Photo Challenge

    Everyone Loves a good Photo Challenge so we have now got our December Photo Challenge LIVE ….. WOOOOHOOOOOO    Its as easy as 1, 2, 3 all you have to do is complete each day with a photo and post it on Secret Slimmer’s this is your time to shine and improve on those photography skills 😛 🙂

Customer interview: Cristina loses a HUGE 55lbs* on The New You Plan

Cristina says ‘Just take it one day at a time’  Check out Cristina’s INCREDIBLE weight-loss transformation on The New You Plan – She looks and Feels absolutely AMAZING, Don’t you think?? *Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Cristina is proof that with a little determination and the perfect diet plan, the results are tremendous!. Cristina lost a massive 55lbs with

Customer interview: Caroline loses a AMAZING 41lbs* on The New You Plan

Caroline says ‘Go For It Now – Don’t Wait’  Check out Caroline’s INCREDIBLE weight-loss transformation on The New You Plan – She looks and Feels absolutely AMAZING, Don’t you think??  *Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Caroline is proof that with a little determination and the perfect diet plan, the results are tremendous! Caroline started the plan because she knew something had to

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