Slimming Crush August Challenge
Woohoo – We have TWO NEW CHALLENGES!!!
August is our BLITZ that Jelly Belly challenge, we also have starting at the same time our Christmas weight loss challenge. We hope that both off these will provide the blast off you need to keep you motivated and on track and we hope to see all of you in both the challenges 🙂 Lets use the different end dates as mile stones to keep us fully focused and on track on our journey. We will outline the ideas behind the challenges below to show where we hope to be going over the next couple of months. The change starts here and we urge you to take a look forward and say hello to the NEW YOU 🙂
August Challenge – Are you ready to BLITZ that belly jelly in our Slimming Crush August Challenge???
August is fast approaching and we want you to make the most of it, so lets get a SPRING in our step and pick up the pace as a team NOTHING is out of our reach. In one month you could achieve so much all you have to do is see NOW as a time of CHANGE! This Challenge will help you do just that, we all know that we have just one month to BANISH as much BELLY JELLY as possible. We know quite a lot of you are addicted t candy crush like myself so we have made this challenge a little more fun 🙂 At The New You Plan we say you can loose 1-2 dress sizes a month think of the LBS and inches that you could loose…. LETS DO THIS AND SIGN UP TODAY!!!
Click here to join our Slimming crush BLITZ that Belly Jelly August Challenge today!!!!!
Christmas Challenge – we want to help you lose 3+ stone 🙂 !!!!!
We hope that you have already considered the August challenge and you will be able to use this as a spring board into this challenge. This is a commitment to yourself and may be one of the most important choices you may make. Give yourself one of the greatest gifts this Christmas, a healthier more confident self. By taking on this Challenge you are not just looking at making changes for tomorrow but rather for LIFE!!!
Click here to join our Sparkle and Shine Christmas Challenge today!!!!!
2013 was what many hoped to be a lucky year, we don’t think you should wait for luck to find you when it has been with you all along so lets do this and get the things we want!!!
Am so excited to take the jelly belly challenge and here is my target goal 2 stone :))
Exciting 🙂 be sure to register on the challenge pages 🙂 xxx
I want to lose 22 lbs
I would love to lose 2 st but 21lbs will do xxx
3 lbs off..x
Hiya, ive lost 7lbs now so i’m half way there 😀
I’ve lost 9lbs in total so far and need to lose 10 by Wednesday. I’d say that’s possible!! =D Will update on Wednesday!!