Positive Affirmations
Why use Positive Affirmations?
The theory (I believe it is much more than just a theory) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.
Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

Here are some affirmations you could use to help you succeed in losing weight and feeling good about yourself-
I am a magnet for success
I am always amazed at how quickly and easily I lose weight
I have high self-esteem and lots of self confidence
I am a positive person
I am powerful and centred at all times
Losing weight is fun
I have perfect self-control in all situations
I deserve to be happy
I exercise because it feels good
I only have positive mental pictures
I do everything I need to achieve my healthy weight
I am a strong person
My body burns fat like a furnace
I respect my body and treat it with respect
Every day I am getting better and better
I deserve health, energy and calmness
I achieve my weight-loss goals
I drink lots of water
I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily
Recite your affirmations repeatedly!!!! Have your list written in a notebook and keep it beside your bed. Read them morning and night. Affirmations take time for your subconscious to accept so your list of positive affirmations needs to be revisited on a regular basis.
Give it a go and see how things start to change for you!
Love Lisa xxx
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