How do you want to finish 2013?

 How is 2013 going for you? Are you happy with your progress or do you need to put the foot down and make sure you finish this year the way you want to finish it? Did you start the new year out with great intentions of achieving your dreams and goals.  Lose weight, eat healthy, start exercising, get a new


  Hey Everybody!! Hope you have had a great week!! Cant believe how fast time is going. We are nearly into August and our slimmers are achieving soooooo much each and every week! Here is this weeks update from our Secret Slimmers group –   “Hi ladies it’s my first weigh in today and I’m so pleased I have lost

Exercising while on The New You Plan

    Can you exercise on The New You Plan? YES YOU CAN!!   Alot of us here in The New You HQ are getting out and about for Summer and taking up activities and we thought it would be really lovely to have a blog on this topic. I hope you are all having a FANTASTIC Summer 🙂 To


  *Results may vary. This is not a guarantee Hey Everybody! Hope you are all enjoying the gorgeous sunshine!  Our Secret Slimmers certainly are!! Another FANTASTIC week for our Slimmers. This week we completed our 21 day Summer Challenge and in 21 days our Slimmers lost a WHOPPING 690lbs!!!!  That is an incredible result. To check out the challenge board

5 Tips for Summer Dieting!!*

  *Results may vary. This is not a guarantee 5 Tips for Summer dieting   Hey EVERYONE, from all of us here at The New You Plan we hope you are having an amazing summer. The Sunshine has put all of us in such a good mood and got us all into gear. We hope to do the same for

The Ins and Outs of New You!!!

Are you confused a little on what products you should take?, when you should take the products? or simply you want to know the Ins and Outs of New You?! Today is your Day!!!! Todays blog is a start to finish guide on how The New You works. First and foremost we are going to cover what the products are


    Another fantastic week in our lovely group. There is such an amazing vibe in the group and our slimmers are doing a fantastic job over on our 21 Day Summer Challenge!! The challenge started on 21st June and so far we have lost 422lbs!! Woohoo! Check out our challenge here –   Here is this weeks Secret

Thank the Scales Thursday- Weigh in Wows!!!*

*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee You guys are SMASHING the 21 Day Summer Blast off Challenge!!! Weighins are AMAZING!!! WOOHOO!!!     I hope you are all enjoying the start of the Summer, hopefully the Sun is out where you are 🙂 The Summer Blast off Challenge has started with a BANG! I love that you all

Teams Tip Tuesday – New You made easy!!

  Are you confused on how many and what products you should be taking?? HELP IS HERE!!!!!!       Hey EVERYONE, We hope you are all KILLING the 21 Day Summer Blast off Challenge!! Lisa updated the leaderboard on Sunday evening. We now have 178 entrants into the Challenge and already our total weightloss is 21.5 stone. WOOHOO!!! WELL

Check out our NEW products!!!

New Products now in stock… Woohoo!!!   We have a real treat for you all. This week we have two brand new products, Chicken noodle Curry and a Muesli bar! They are so YUMMY this diet is just getting easier and easier 🙂 REMEMBER we have a FREE SHIPPING PROMOTION….. This ends Sunday 30th June at Midnight – DON’T MISS

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