The New You Plan | Easter Eggstras | VLCD

The New You Plan | VLCD Easter Eggstras Easter Eggstras Promotion [box type=”note” size=”large” style=”rounded”]WIN PRIZES WORTH UP TO £155.99/€201.23 IN EVERY EGGSTRA EGG[/box] [box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]PLUS RECEIVE A FREE CHOCOLATE GOODY BAG WORTH £5.75/€7.42![/box] Simply purchase one of our selected Eggstra Bundles before midnight on Easter Monday to win prizes that include shakes, soups, bars, shakers, journals,

Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 91 (REFEED)

  Ellie’s VLCD Blog – Day 91 (REFEED) Ellie’s week 13 weigh in week | 1 refeed | VLCD Hey Everyone, Thank you all for joining me at the end of my first week of refeed. It has been such a busy week for me however I am still smiling, feeling slim and loving life. As you can see I

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