“I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!” How does this quote make you feel about your weight loss journey?

Every Thursday this month we want your thoughts on a weight loss motivation quote.  Today’s quote is… “”I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!”” Don’t forget to UPDATE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS FOR OUR JUNE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE.  You can still register for this, simply CLICK HERE TO REGISER.  The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT. 🙂


Thanks for your interest in our FACEBOOK OFFER!  We are celebrating 75,000 facebook fans! Wooohoo! [button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com/bundle/75-Shakes-for-75-for-75-Hours-Only.htm” size=”xl”]CLICK HERE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER[/button] The New You Plan is the UK & Ireland’s fastest growing diet meal replacement company! We specialise in VLCD (Very Loof w Calorie Diet) TFR (Total Food Replacement). You can buy our delicious range of nutritionally complete

Jayne Smashed 3 stone in 24 weeks!*

 *Results may vary. This is not a guarantee. Jayne’s VLCD story: When and why I started: I started a very low calorie or VLCD on 1st of October 2013 I went on TFR or total meal replacement = 4 food packs a day. The final push that made me want to lose weight was my eldest son announcing he was

“Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going” – What are your thoughts on this?

Every Thursday this month we want your thoughts on a weight loss motivation quote.  Today’s quote is… “Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going” Don’t forget to UPDATE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS FOR OUR JUNE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE.  You can still register for this, simply CLICK HERE TO REGISER.  The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT.

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